


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……





汉语拼音:zhōng xún







  1. 一个月的中间十天,即从十一日到二十日。

    《管子·宙合》:“岁有春秋冬夏,月有上下中旬。” 唐 王建 《宫前早春》诗:“内园分得温汤水,三月中旬已进瓜。” 丁玲 《母亲》三:“ 曼贞 赶回来的那天,已是腊月中旬了。”



  1. The sun continued to languish until mid-December, when the largest group of sunspots to emerge for several years appeared.


  2. Socially there appears to be bit of drama brewing, so be watchful - it may erupt in mid-September.


  3. The euro, which had rallied strongly from mid-January through the end of April has lost more than 5% this month against the dollar.


  4. Until mid-March, Ed Ou was on assignment for The Times in Benghazi, shooting primarily feature photographs in and around the eastern city.


  5. The thaw with the West lasted until Libyans rose up in mid-February against the persistence of a corrupt police state at home.


  6. She writes, "The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falling in mid-March. "


  7. The Senate is still ruminating on its own bill. It may take until the middle of next year for a final law to be passed.


  8. Given that the sharp regional slowdown did not start until mid-November, year-end results capture only a fraction of the impact.


  9. You've been concentrating quite a bit on your career from mid-March through April, so now you'll enjoy time to kick back and relax.


  1. 在七月中旬

    in the middle of July

  2. 在四月中旬

    in mid April.

  3. 在六月的中旬

    In the middle of June

  4. 将在本月中旬举行。

    It'll be hold in the middle of this month.

  5. 从六月中旬到八月中旬

    from mid June to mid August

  6. 我们学校9月中旬开学。

    Our school term starts in mid-September.

  7. 工厂关闭直至七月中旬。

    The factory is closed until mid July.

  8. 九月下旬到十月中旬。

    Between late September and mid October.

  9. 恐怕要在十月中旬。

    Im afraid it wont be until the middle of October.

  10. 我想要到十月中旬。

    By the middle of October, I think.

  11. 预定在十二月中旬抵达

    Due about the middle of December

  12. 我说过是到十月中旬。

    I said by the middle of October.

  13. 还有大批鲈鱼直到上午中旬。

    There are large numbers of Redfish until mid morning.

  14. 下月中旬,我一开车就紧张。

    I am taking the text mid next month. I get nervous whenever I drive though.

  15. 十月中旬交货, 那太晚了!

    Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us.

  16. 六月中旬连赢九次的记录

    about Vasquez's nineday winning streak of midJuly.

  17. 眼下正是5月中旬,晨光异常静谧。

    It was now the middle of May,and the morning was remarkably serene.

  18. 这个饭店要到七月中旬才营业。

    The hotel is closed until mid July.

  19. 这条湖通常在一月中旬冰封。

    The lake usually freezes over by mid January.

  20. 我知道。现在已经是十月中旬了。

    I know. It's the middle of October already.

  21. 运河清淤工程将于下月中旬完工。

    The clearing-silt project will be accomplished by the middle ten days of next month

  22. 他们把比赛分开,一直进行到10中旬。

    They spread out the urnament over till told mid October.

  23. 我得假期是从七月中旬至九月。

    My vacation runs from the middle of July to September.

  24. 我的假期是从七月中旬至九月。

    My vacation runs from the middle of July to September.

  25. 每年五月中旬,开始下半年的乾季。

    The Wildebeest Migration is a dramatic story.

  26. 比赛分开进行,一直进行到2月中旬。

    The tournament was spread over till mid February.

  27. 酷暑从六月迟开始持续到八月中旬。

    Canicule is from late June to middle August.

  28. 六月中旬, 我们这里有过一场大风雪。

    We had a snowstorm in the middle of June.

  29. 月中旬, 一场百年不遇的洪水席卷中欧

    Swollen Floods Swept Central Europe

  30. 到了10月中旬,迁徙行动的准备工作就绪。

    By midOctober Operation Migration was ready.


  1. 问:中旬拼音怎么拼?中旬的读音是什么?中旬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中旬的读音是zhōngxún,中旬翻译成英文是 the middle ten days of a month

  2. 问:中旬珍珠菜拼音怎么拼?中旬珍珠菜的读音是什么?中旬珍珠菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中旬珍珠菜的读音是zhōngxúnzhēnzhūcài,中旬珍珠菜翻译成英文是 Lysimachia chungdienensis




【拼音】zhōng xún


【英译】[The middle ten days of a month]