


去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……





汉语拼音:wǎng shì








  1. 过去的事情。

    《荀子·成相》:“观往事,以自戒,治乱是非亦可识。”《史记·太史公自序》:“此人皆意有所鬱结,不得通其道也,故述往事,思来者。” 唐 刘长卿 《南楚怀古》诗:“往事那堪问,此心徒自劳。” 明 刘基 《满江红》词:“怀往事,空凄切。思不断,肠千结。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第一章:“去年夏天, 郭祥 遇到 朴贞淑 时,两人谈起往事。”



  1. The hustlers of the new world always found it a decadent trend, bound to lead to no good (in retrospect, they had a point).


  2. He did not indicate which stories were true, but said he regrets some episodes.


  3. "He was one of the best, of course, " Senderos happily reminisces.


  4. Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?


  5. The past was more like smoke and dream, had gone with the wind. Expect tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day!


  6. But, he never justified himself by a hint tending that way, or tried to bend the past out of its eternal shape.


  7. "I loved playing games with girls and was happy to be around boys, " he said.


  8. So you feel a sense of importance by bringing these past things up in your mind and perhaps by discussing or arguing with others about them.


  9. Request you to fly with me, to Wanggaochu away from this, to a point past paradise flow breathing!


  1. 回忆往事。

    the remembrance of things past.

  2. 往事不堪回首。

    It is too sad to recall the past.

  3. 往事如风。

    The past has vanished like wind.

  4. 陈年往事了

    They're ancient history.

  5. 往事的影子

    the phantom of things past.

  6. 悠远的往事

    events of the distant past.

  7. 往事不可追。

    Things past cannot be recalled.

  8. 美国往事, 导演

    Once Upon A Time In America

  9. 写作往事散记

    Random Notes on Writing in the Past.

  10. 墨西哥往事

    Once Upon A In Mexico.

  11. 往事还历历在目。

    The past is still too close to us.

  12. 醇过量的往事

    Past Events of Excessive Alcohol

  13. 我们了结了往事

    We have a clean slate.

  14. 往事历历在心头。

    Past events remain fresh in my memory.

  15. 追忆往事,历历在目。

    As I look back, scenes of the past leap before my eyes.

  16. 他正在重温往事。

    He was musing over memories of the past.

  17. 那都是往事了。

    That is all history now.

  18. 回忆学报若干往事

    Recalling The Passing Days Of The Journal

  19. 我们正在闲谈往事。

    We are chatting away about old times.

  20. 沉思往事立斜阳。

    Gazing at the setting sun, I recall the past in a brooding mind.

  21. 回忆起一件往事

    Fetch up a memory to mind

  22. 略带悲伤的往事

    memories tinged with sadness

  23. 回顾、缅怀、追悔往事。

    Look back on, remember, regret the past.

  24. 都是陈年往事了。

    This is ancient history.

  25. 都是陈年往事了。

    This is ancient history.

  26. 想起幸福的往事。

    Conjure up the happy past.

  27. 这音乐勾起往事。

    This music brings back memories.

  28. 他们谈起了往事。

    They talked about the old times.

  29. 唤起对往事的回忆

    to stir past memories

  30. 我不想重提往事。

    I wouldn't want to dredge up the past.


  1. 问:往事拼音怎么拼?往事的读音是什么?往事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往事的读音是wǎngshì,往事翻译成英文是 former happenings; past events

  2. 问:往事如风拼音怎么拼?往事如风的读音是什么?往事如风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往事如风的读音是wǎngshìrúfēng,往事如风翻译成英文是 the past has vanished like the wind.; what...

  3. 问:往事穷思症拼音怎么拼?往事穷思症的读音是什么?往事穷思症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往事穷思症的读音是,往事穷思症翻译成英文是 monoscenism



“往事”是个多义词,它可以指往事(孟庭苇演唱歌曲), 往事(冰心著图书), 往事(恒殊出版图书), 往事(汉语词语), 往事(北京时代弄潮文化发展有限公司出版图书)。