







汉语拼音:jiù shì







  1. 旧例;以前的典章制度。

    《汉书·礼乐志》:“大氐皆因 秦 旧事焉。” 宋 叶适 《中奉大夫薛公墓志铭》:“按旧事,率年及六十者行之,余亦预往。”

  2. 往事。

    唐 白居易 《得湖州崔十八使君书兼寄微之》诗:“故情欢喜开书后,旧事思量在眼前。” 宋 苏轼 《和子由蚕市》:“诗来使我感旧事,不悲去国悲流年。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·音律》:“因此剧之外,别无善本,欲睹 崔 张 旧事,舍此无由。”



  1. we are prepared to straighten out the matter in an amicable way by paying you a rebate of 5% so as to start with a clean slate.

  2. As he spoke, he seemed to be examining the other attentively, as though seeking to summon up his recollections .

  3. The only regret is that the book is all about the "old Beijing" , so some colloquial expressions in the story are beyond my apprehension.

  4. You guys are talking the same old nonsense, like we are looking for Fabio. We've got to think differently.

  5. Let me here recall and share with you the events of one weekend back in 1983.

  6. When Mr Obama does eventually come to visit the new Indonesia, some aspects will recall the old one he thought he had left behind.

  7. I persuaded Sculley that I was a big fan of Jobs, and had no interest in digging dirt. What I wanted to know was: How does he do it?

  8. The book old story of south of city was the model represent of the "graceful literature" in the middle 20th century of Taiwan.

  9. Mr Serpas probably remembers what happened the last time the federal government intervened.


  1. 旧事如新症

    jamais vu

  2. 旧事如新感

    jamais vu.

  3. 伤心旧事别重提

    When sorrow is asleep, wake it not

  4. 她不想旧事重提。

    She had no desire to rake over the past.

  5. 别总是旧事重提了。

    Dont always rake up the old stories.

  6. 你为什么又旧事重提?

    Why are you rehashing this?

  7. 陈年旧事了阿尔文

    That was a long time ago, Alvin.

  8. 我俩的旧事,怎么办?

    What about our history?

  9. 我俩的旧事,怎么办?

    What about our history?

  10. 新旧事物的代谢

    the supersession of the old by the new

  11. 这些都是陈年旧事了。

    This stuff is just so way in the past.

  12. 悲痛已止息, 旧事勿重提。

    When sorrow is asleep, wake it not.

  13. 没人愿意重提旧事。

    Nobody wanted to rake over his past history.

  14. 没人会拿旧事弄你。

    No one will hold your past mistakes against you.

  15. 有人不想我旧事重提。

    Somebody want's this thing buried.

  16. 让我们忘却旧事重新开始。

    Let's let bygones be bygones and begin again.

  17. 旧事已过, 一切都更新了。

    The old has gone, and the new has come!

  18. 谁也不能忘怀旧事。

    Neither side could shake off its memories.

  19. 我要拿旧事来烦你了。

    Here I am boring you with my reminiscences.

  20. 有许多旧事我忘记处理了。

    There was a lot of old business I forgot to wrap up.

  21. 有许多旧事我忘记处理了。

    There was a lot of old business I forgot to wrap up.

  22. 那些垂髫旧事, 真让人怀念。

    I greatly cherish the old stories of my childhood.

  23. 那些垂髫旧事,真让人怀念。

    I greatly cherish the old stories of my childhood.

  24. 谁告诉你这些陈年旧事的?

    Who's been filling your head with all these old stories?

  25. 现在,也没有旧事重提的必要。

    Now, there is no need to revisit the issues.

  26. 他继续讲着有关战争的旧事。

    He continued with reminiscences of the war.

  27. 新事物一定会取代旧事物。

    We should respect the old and take care ofyoung.

  28. 重提旧事对任何人都没什么好处。

    Raking up the past won't help anyone.

  29. 你怎么会提起这样的陈年旧事?

    Why would you dig up an ugly story like that?

  30. 我敢肯定她想对我隐瞒有些旧事。

    I feel sure there's something about her past that she's trying to hide from me.


  1. 问:旧事拼音怎么拼?旧事的读音是什么?旧事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧事的读音是jiùshì,旧事翻译成英文是 old matter or affair; past event

  2. 问:旧事幻现拼音怎么拼?旧事幻现的读音是什么?旧事幻现翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧事幻现的读音是jiù shì huàn xiàn,旧事幻现翻译成英文是 déjà vu

  3. 问:旧事如新症拼音怎么拼?旧事如新症的读音是什么?旧事如新症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧事如新症的读音是jiù shì rú xīn zhèng,旧事如新症翻译成英文是 jamais vu

  4. 问:旧事物重见力的拼音怎么拼?旧事物重见力的的读音是什么?旧事物重见力的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧事物重见力的的读音是jiù shì wù chóng jiàn lì de,旧事物重见力的翻译成英文是 eidetic



“旧事”是个多义词,它可以指旧事(汉语词语), 旧事(萧亚轩演唱歌曲), 旧事(卢年初编著图书)。