







汉语拼音:guàn yú









  1. It was too soon, her youth and prettiness had frightened him, he was too much used to living without women -- he did not know the reason.


  2. Americans do not like to talk from the two sides are too close, they are used to maintain a certain distance from the body.


  3. The result of this incident was that le gates too rode in a carriage, whereas previously they used to go on foot.


  4. The adjustments that tenants themselves are able to make can be controlled too, so that heating or air-conditioning is not used to excess.


  5. and since it was Christine's habit to bury the things that mattered most in the silence of her own being, she rarely mentioned her mother.


  6. For the pirates used to plunder one another, and indeed all coast populations, whether seafaring or not.


  7. The only surgeon was one who combined the occasional exercise of that noble art with the daily and habitual flourish of a razor.


  8. Mr Geissler, an old warhorse used to being listened to, lost patience with the endless wrangling and all he could see ahead was more war.


  9. When he was very ill, he used to pray alone in his room before burning candles, wound round his head was something like tape.


  1. 惯于说谎的人

    a habitual liar.

  2. 他惯于早起。

    He is an early riser.

  3. 他惯于伪造口实。

    He used to feign an excuse.

  4. 说实话或者惯于说实话。

    expressing or given to expressing the truth.

  5. 惯于依靠男人的妇女

    clinging vine

  6. 他惯于做蠢事。

    He has a knack of doing stupid things.

  7. 我不惯于自炊。

    I am unaccustomed to cooking for myself.

  8. 惯于傲慢的忽视别人。

    Given to haughty disregard of others.

  9. 不说实话或者惯于不说实话。

    not expressing or given to expressing the truth.

  10. 惯于侦看神色的警察

    policeman on the watch for suspicious signs

  11. 惯于在惊险的海上流浪,

    On desperate seas long wont to roam

  12. 他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。

    He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way.

  13. 惯于判处绞刑的法官

    a hanging judge.

  14. 以模仿为特点或者惯于模仿。

    marked by or given to imitation.

  15. 属于, 关于或惯于起义的。

    Of or relating to or given to insurrection.

  16. 他惯于对对手漫骂攻讦。

    He often wildly abuses his opponents and exposes their past misdeeds.

  17. 他惯于对对手漫骂攻讦。

    He often wildly abuses his opponents and exposes their past misdeeds.

  18. 他惯于做长篇大论的演说。

    He was wont to give lengthy speeches.

  19. 他惯于起得很早。

    He was wont to rise early.

  20. 他们惯于干这种工作。

    They are accustomed to this sort of work.

  21. 惯于直率, 急切的表达自己。

    given to expressing yourself freely or insistently.

  22. 这个男生惯于考试作弊。

    This boy makes a practice of cheating at examinations.

  23. 惯于在吃喝上十分放纵。

    given to gross intemperance in eating or drinking.

  24. 惯于搬弄是非和诽谤别人

    Deal in gossip and slander, ie make a habit of gossiping about and slandering people

  25. 他惯于吃粗劣的食物。

    He is accustomed to eating poor food

  26. 惯于喝酒或者以喝酒为特点。

    Given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol.

  27. 你爱你惯于扔出去,进攻。

    You wont throw your love away ooh.

  28. 她惯于激惹别人生气。

    She was adept at the fine art of irritating people.

  29. 这些人惯于艰苦的工作。

    These people are accustomed to hard work.

  30. 约翰惯于应付学生的问题。

    John used to cope with students'problems.


  1. 问:惯于拼音怎么拼?惯于的读音是什么?惯于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯于的读音是guànyú,惯于翻译成英文是 To be accustomed to.

  2. 问:惯于旅行林地者拼音怎么拼?惯于旅行林地者的读音是什么?惯于旅行林地者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯于旅行林地者的读音是,惯于旅行林地者翻译成英文是 bushwhacker