




看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……



汉语拼音:dí shì








  1. 仇视,当做敌人看待。

    老舍 《四世同堂》五十:“这黑白两门虽然互相敌视,可是也自然的互相尊敬,因为人总是一方面忌恨敌手,一方面又敬畏敌手的。” 巴金 《“友谊的海洋”》:“我认为不理解我,并不是对我的敌视。”



  1. Though neighbours disapproved of his vagaries, they did not treat him with hostility , as they might have done a stranger.


  2. Castro said there was a chance for negotiations now that the White House had toned down Bush-era hostility towards Havana.


  3. It was a harmless question, but he looked at me with hatred.


  4. North Korea said the South Korean government "is still adhere to the anti-DPRK hostile policy, " the situation, not summit.


  5. People have talked about the 'hostile' reception. But I'd say the fans just took the mickey out of me.


  6. While he said this there was in his eyes and his whole face more than coldness, positive hostility, which Pierre noticed at once.


  7. And the North Americans weren't just passively resistant to the charms of the game. For a time, they were downright hostile.


  8. His departure was a severe blow for Microsoft's Chinese operations, and brought out the depth of the animosity between the two companies.


  9. Mr Schultz remains hostile to unions, but has decided to maintain the firm's popular health benefits, while cutting his own pay.


  1. 敌视的态度

    a hostile attitude

  2. 互相敌视的国家

    Nations inimical to one another

  3. 当地人敌视外地人。

    The local people are hostile to outsiders.

  4. 她受到了许多敌视。

    She met with much hostility.

  5. 他对同事很敌视。

    He behaves antagonistically toward his colleagues.

  6. 他们两家互相敌视。

    There was bad blood between the two families.

  7. 她敌视地盯着我。

    She looked me sourly.

  8. 他招致他们长期的敌视。

    He had earned their lasting enmity.

  9. 她受到敌视, 批评, 善待等。

    She metwas met with much hostility, criticism, kindness, etc.

  10. 他们时常受到冷遇和敌视。

    At times, they have run into indifference or hostility.

  11. 奎因进入战斗, 有声誉的敌视。

    Quinn got into fights and had a reputation for being hostile.

  12. 他们的友谊受到怀疑和敌视。

    Their friendship is regarded with suspicion and hostility.

  13. 敌视, 沾满污垢和铁锈的脸

    Hostile faces smirched by the grime and rust

  14. 这两人之间没有公开的敌视。

    There was no overt hostility between the two men.

  15. 反商业的敌视商业的, 尤指大企业的

    Hostile to business, especially to big corporations.

  16. 对其他不同背景的人的敌视情绪

    feelings of hostility towards people from other backgrounds

  17. 我并不因他的所作所为而敌视他。

    I don't think badly of him for what he did.

  18. 批评者认为这是敌视天主教的表演。

    Critics argue this stunt is hostile to the Catholic Church.

  19. 两性之间的敌视从未如现在这般糟糕。

    The hostility between the sexes has never been worse.

  20. 你能感觉到他对那个建议的敌视。

    You could sense his hostility to the proposals.

  21. 敌视不难变为尊重, 热诚甚至是友好。

    Hostility could more readily be replaced by respect, cordiality, even friendship.

  22. 人们对这种事情有一种敌视的情绪

    There is a feeling of hostility toward that.

  23. 怒, 愤怒一种强烈的不快或敌视的感觉

    A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.

  24. 他还必须解除他敌视犹太人国家的流言。

    Mr Obama must dispatch the canard that he is hostile to the Jewish state.

  25. 人们不应该对任何改革都持敌视态度。

    People should not be hostile to any change.

  26. 脾气坏的具有难相处的,易怒或敌视的脾气的

    Having a disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition.

  27. 他们生硬敌视沾满污垢和铁锈的脸庞

    their tough, hostile faces, smirched by the grime and rust

  28. 鲨鱼地盘性极强,会敌视自己的同类。

    Sharks are extremely territorial and antagonistic towards their own kind.

  29. 他对所有的评论家都表现得极为敌视。

    He's extremely antagonistic towards all critics.

  30. 反知识的,反理性的反对或敌视知识分子及理性观点的

    Opposed or hostile to intellectuals or intellectual views.


  1. 问:敌视拼音怎么拼?敌视的读音是什么?敌视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敌视的读音是díshì,敌视翻译成英文是 be hostile towards

  2. 问:敌视…拼音怎么拼?敌视…的读音是什么?敌视…翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敌视…的读音是díshì…,敌视…翻译成英文是 be antagonistic to

  3. 问:敌视型管教拼音怎么拼?敌视型管教的读音是什么?敌视型管教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敌视型管教的读音是dí shì xíng guǎn jiào,敌视型管教翻译成英文是 hostile discipline



【解释】仇视,当做敌人看待。 老舍 《四世同堂》五十:“这黑白两门虽然互相敌视,可是也自然的互相尊敬,因为人总是一方面忌恨敌手,一方面又敬畏敌手的。” 巴金 《“友谊的海洋”》:“我认为不理解我,并不是对我的敌视。”