


1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……





汉语拼音:zhǒng cǎo







  1. 犹族类。

    清 黄宗羲 《子刘子行状》:“同邑商周祚谓先生曰:‘慎毋及时事,旦晚吏部矣。’先生不听。於是浙人僉曰:‘非吾家种草,可使之相厄之地乎?’”

  2. 用作动词


  3. 用作形容词




  1. Therefore, tree planting and grass growing in semi-arid area maybe reduce runoff, meanwhile, improve monthly runoff distribution in a year.


  2. After getting the certificate, I planted eucalyptus and also prepared part of it for grass for fattening small stocks and oxen.


  3. Cocksfoot is one of our deepest rooting grasses and, judged purely on a dry-matter basis, it is also one of our most productive species.


  4. Wild rice is actually a grass that is often cooked with brown rice to add a nutty taste and more texture.


  5. Water poultry industry should focus on cultivating grass to raise goose. Meanwhile, special poultry industry can be steadily enlarged.


  6. Andropogon Grass used for erosion control .


  7. Growing grass and trees on the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers to improve the local ecological environment.


  8. annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturalized as a weed in North America.


  9. High in photosynthetic efficiency, bio-production and economic benefit, grass growing can alleviate grain pressure.


  1. 他们在一块地里种草。

    They sowed a plot of land with grass.

  2. 四川种草养獭兔发展初报

    The primary report on raising rax by planting grass artfficially in Sichuan province

  3. 草业生态工程与种草养畜对策研究

    Study on the ecological project of grass industry and countermeasures for stock raising by planting fodder grass.

  4. 尾矿坝植被种草的实践和意义

    Practice and significance of planting grass on tailing dam

  5. 阳泉煤矸石山复垦种草的研究

    The research on reclamation of planting grass on the coal gobs in Yangquan

  6. 种草养牛是现代农业的必然选择。

    Grass growing and cattle raising is the inexorable choice for modern agriculture.

  7. 赴澳大利亚,新西兰学习种草养畜技术考察报告

    The Technical Report of Pasture Cattle Farming Learned fron Australia and New Zealand

  8. 盐胁迫对两种草的生理生化指标产生了影响。

    Salt stress influenced the physiological and biochemical parameters of two kinds of turf grass.

  9. 一些有机耕作者喜欢在农作物之间种草,以防止水土流失。

    Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil.

  10. 南方山丘水库种草养鱼防淤减积综合利用的研究

    A study on supplying fish feed and preventing silt sinking in reservoirs by planting grasses in southern China

  11. 此外,国家和地方政府对种草养畜均有扶持与鼓励政策。

    Otherwise, the country and local governments have helpful and encouraging policy for this industry.

  12. 这是种含羞草。

    This is one, Mimosa pudica.

  13. 开发河滩, 种树种草。

    Efforts have also been made to develop river banks and plant trees and grass.

  14. 开发河滩,种树种草。

    Efforts have also been made to develop river banks and plant trees and grass.

  15. 我向来不擅长种花莳草。

    I never have green fingers.

  16. 这是一种熏衣草香水。

    This is a kind of bagpipe.

  17. 落芒草属的任何一种草。

    any grass of the genus Oryzopsis.

  18. 看到种熏衣草的花田,我还是晕。

    I still faint when seeing the flower field planting Lavender.

  19. 看到种熏衣草得花田,我还是晕。

    I still faint when seeing the flower field planting Lavender.

  20. 竹子是生长在温暖气候中得一种大草。

    Bamboo is a giant grass that grows in warm climates.

  21. 我很震惊地发现一个种猪笼草变种物种。

    I was shocked to find a species of pitcher plant called Nepenthes mirabilis var.

  22. 主要街道两边都种上了草。

    The main streets were edged on both sides with grass.

  23. 上星期我们种了熏衣草,清理了小划艇。

    Last week we were planting lavender and cleaning the kayaks.

  24. 他们也购买和施用化学肥料,并且使用几种杀虫除草的方法。

    They are buying and applying fertilizer and they are engaging in some forms of pest control for weeds and insects.

  25. 水淹胁迫下10种草种耐水淹能力的研究

    Studies on the Tolerance of Waterlogging Stress with Ten Grass Species

  26. 水淹胁迫下10种草种耐水淹能力得研究

    Studies on the Tolerance of Waterlogging Stress with Ten Grass Species.

  27. 柳枝稷是一种生长快速的多年生本地草种。

    Switchgrass is a perennial native grass that grows quickly.

  28. 结节草一种茎上长有节瘤的结节草属蔓生植物。

    Any of several weedy plants of the genus Polygonum that have stems with nodes.

  29. 三种草坪草种相比,百老汇的耐盐性最差。

    Broadway was the weakest in salt resistance.

  30. 农田种草养畜

    Animal husbandry.



“种草” 由于某人介绍了某样东西如何好如何棒,让你对此怦然动心,她便是那“种草”人。越是论坛名人,越是被注以“精华”的帖子,“种草”的能力就越强。