




1. 屏 [píng]2. 屏 [bǐng]屏 [píng]遮挡:~风。~障。~蔽。~藩(“屏风”和“藩篱”,喻卫国的重臣)。~翰(喻卫国的重臣)。字画的条幅,通常以四幅或八幅为一组:画~。四扇~。屏 [bǐng]除去,排除:~除。~弃。~……



汉语拼音:yíng píng







  1. There may not even be a bombing, just a close-up on Nashef's soft eyes, and a white screen. Not even a 'boom.


  2. Bacall, in her film debut, oozes the kind of sex appeal that most starlets can only dream of.


  3. e. g. I see a depth of emotion on the face of that canine, the likes of which has never been captured on screen before!


  4. But as tough as he looks on screen, Jang Hyuk turned out to be a family man at heart.


  5. In 2006, Emma returned to the big screen in Aquamarine as a girl who found a mermaid in a swimming pool.


  6. His grandmother, Chin Tsi-Ang, was one of the first sword-wielding martial-arts actresses, and his grandfather was a director.


  7. Since the year 2000, there have been a lot of influential military teleplays shown, which formed a "Military TV fever" .


  8. Xiao Tian went to the TV to cover the screen, as if he is the most sorrowful program in the world. He said slowly: "The dog --- has run---"


  9. Gentile said the impact of screen time on school work can be mitigated by what he calls "protective factors. "


  1. 她首次登荧屏亮相。

    She made her television debut.

  2. 她首次登荧屏亮相。

    She made her television debut.

  3. 荧屏错别字心理分析

    Psychological Analysis of Wrongly Written or Mispronounced Characters on TV Screen

  4. 他们点击着东西,关注着荧屏。

    They're clicking on things and staring at screens.

  5. 用火炬点燃荧屏上的月亮。

    Torch lit by the moon on the screen.

  6. 该剧将于9月24日回归荧屏。

    It will return on September24.

  7. 不过,这种荧屏的使用寿命有限。

    However, the screens have a limited lifespan.

  8. 电视显像管和荧屏的半透明边框

    The translucent border framing a television picture tube and screen.

  9. 雷达荧屏上出现了敌人的飞机。

    There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.

  10. 一个不明飞行物出现在雷达荧屏上。

    An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen.

  11. 荧屏历史剧的存在形态及价值分野

    The Existing Forms and Value Distinction of History Play in TV Show

  12. 他因出色的荧屏表演而赢得称赞。

    He is credited for his excellent performance on the screen.

  13. 多功能豪华荧屏显示, 别致新颖的外观

    The luxurious of many functions holds to show, unique and novel external appearance

  14. 你还会看到荧屏上的视觉特效。

    And you're also going to notice a visual on the screen.

  15. 电影大卖之后,他走进了小荧屏。

    After making it big in the movies, he moved onto the small screen.

  16. 触摸式荧屏显示生产速度和故障原因。

    The rouchsxreen can show the product speed and breakdown reason.

  17. 摇摆你的手机,在荧屏上打苍蝇蚊子。

    Exercise and Swing your hand for kill fly.

  18. 强化媒体社会责任抵制荧屏低俗之风

    Enhance Social Responsibility of the Media and Combat Low and Vulgar Taste on the Screen

  19. 为录象机和荧屏无边帽停留调谐的!

    Stay tuned for video and screen caps!

  20. 幻像是在游戏中吗?它像甚么?有荧屏吗?

    Is Phantasm in the game? What's it like? Are there screens?

  21. 这个连续剧下周即可在荧屏上和观众见面。

    The serial will be on television next week.

  22. 面对又一轮荧屏混战, 央视也不甘示弱。

    Facing another round screen tangled warfare, CCTV also refuses to admit being inferior.

  23. 当然, 越骂越火, 依然是荧屏不变的真理。

    Certainly, more scolds the fire, is still the screen invariable truth.

  24. 粒子由于一个振动被筛撒使了荧屏倾向。

    The particles were sifted with a vibrating inclined screen.

  25. 二者择一地,触觉荧屏能用来选择一个正方形。

    Alternatively, the touch screen can be used to select a square.

  26. 赵雅芝和叶童共同具有极大得荧屏吸引力。

    Gigi and Cecilia shared terrific onscreen chemistry.

  27. 赵雅芝和叶童共同具有极大的荧屏吸引力。

    Gigi and Cecilia shared terrific onscreen chemistry.

  28. 所以, 最近经常在荧屏上看到她的代言广告。

    Therefore, saw frequently recently on the screen she another's behalf the advertisement.

  29. 所以,最近经常在荧屏上看到她得代言广告。

    Therefore, saw frequently recently on the screen she another's behalf the advertisement.

  30. 而且非常改变证明你想要在纸上看见对在荧屏上。

    And that greatly shifts which documents you'd like to see on paper versus on screen.


  1. 问:荧屏拼音怎么拼?荧屏的读音是什么?荧屏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荧屏的读音是yíngpíng,荧屏翻译成英文是 fluorescent screen; television

  2. 问:荧屏制造商协会拼音怎么拼?荧屏制造商协会的读音是什么?荧屏制造商协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荧屏制造商协会的读音是yíng píng zhì zào shāng xié huì,荧屏制造商协会翻译成英文是 Screen Manufacturers Association