


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……


价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……



汉语拼音:zhèng zhí







  1. 适逢。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《讽赋》:“臣尝出行,僕饥马疲,正值主人门开。” 唐 王昌龄 《从军行》之二:“去为 龙城 战,正值胡兵袭。”《儒林外史》第二四回:“ 牛奶奶 上了轿,一直喊到县前去,正值 向知县 出门,就喊了冤。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·我的种痘》:“正值我在讲书的时间内,校医前来种痘了。”



  1. It will do so at a time when hopes for, and expectations of, the United Nations have never been greater.


  2. Focusing on low-level network programming, this book is just as applicable today as it was when .


  3. Because her children have been the age when they seem to quarrel all day long.


  4. The sun was setting, the road getting harder to follow, and he seemed ready to turn back.


  5. The cold war coincided with the invention of computers, and "cracking Russian" was one of the first tasks these machines were set.


  6. The Cannon halted rush-hour traffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around.


  7. Here is Times Square, the two streams that came together to make a wetland in Times Square, as it was at the end of the American Revolution.


  8. Ironically, her award comes at a time of growing tensions in the German-American alliance.


  9. She said: "I wanted to preserve the memory of my youth, when my body is at its physical peak. "


  1. 正值21岁高龄。

    at the ripe old age of 21

  2. 他正值壮年。

    He is at the meridian of life.

  3. 正值大雪纷飞。

    It is snowing in great flakes.

  4. 当时正值战争。

    There was a war on at the time.

  5. 台站校正值

    station correction.

  6. 她正值豆蔻年华。

    She was in her early teens.

  7. 运动正值高潮中。

    The campaign was in full swing.

  8. 九九重阳, 正值秋高气爽。

    On Chongyang Festival, the sky is high and the air is clear.

  9. 当时正值文化大革命时期。

    It was the Cultural Revolution.

  10. 九九重阳,正值秋高气爽。

    On Chongyang Festival, the sky is high and the air is clear.

  11. 他正值才华横溢时期。

    Her genius was in full bloom.

  12. 正值年轻得十八岁。

    At the green age of 18.

  13. 正值年轻的十八岁。

    At the green age of 18.

  14. 该季正值最盛时节。

    The season was at its height.

  15. 此时正值全球经济放缓。

    This amid a global slowdown.

  16. 在南方,正值芋头丰收之际。

    In the south, the taro harvest is ready.

  17. 我访问伦敦时,正值圣诞节。

    It just happened to be Christmas when I visited London.

  18. 我上次拜访, 正值她外出。

    She happened to be out when I called.

  19. 她和她的同学都正值妙龄。

    She is my sin and her classmates are in flower ages.

  20. 他目前正值事业的顶峰时期。

    He is now at the summit of his career.

  21. 他目前正值事业的顶峰时期。

    He is now at the summit of his career.

  22. 正值春季,纽约车展来临了。

    It's springtime and the New York Auto Show has come to town.

  23. 现在正值冷战局势最紧张时期

    We've landed at the height of the Cold War.

  24. 国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。

    The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.

  25. 我们去香港旅游, 正值香港购物节。

    When we traveled in Hong Kong, it happened to be shopping season.

  26. 我们去香港旅游,正值香港购物节。

    When we traveled in Hong Kong, it happened to be shopping season.

  27. 因为正值夏天,我穿的是短裤

    It was summer time. I had shorts on.

  28. 他正值少年,意气挥斥,才华横溢。

    He was just in his youth; high-spirited, vigorous and full of literary talent.

  29. 更悲惨的是他们正值青春年华。

    It is all the more tragic in that they were young.

  30. 当时正值华尔街令人迷醉的时候。

    It was a heady time on Wall Street.


  1. 问:正值拼音怎么拼?正值的读音是什么?正值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正值的读音是zhèngzhí,正值翻译成英文是 To be at the right time for; to happen to mee...


正值(拼音zhèng zhí),正到什么时候。