




技能好,灵敏:~妙。~思。~劲。~干(gàn )。精~。轻~。乖~。心灵手~。~发奇中。美好:~笑(指美好的笑貌)。虚伪(特指语言):~言。~诈。~辩。~言令色。恰好:~合。~遇。恰~。……



汉语拼音:gāng qiǎo








  1. 恰巧;正巧。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》三:“这次出去求学,也刚巧借着了钱。” 茅盾 《送考》:“刚巧这位带着吃奶的婴儿的少妇左近有空位子, 陈太太 走去坐了。”



  1. A lady wanted to catch a mouse in her house but she couldn't find any cheese so she cut out a picture of some and put it in a mousetrap.


  2. It so happens that I met him on the train just yesterday.


  3. Through thousands of years, with the boundless ness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.


  4. This is all fine and good if your friends all happen to be upstanding, intelligent, amazing people.


  5. During this melee, an old woman threw a tile down from her roof, and it happened to hit Pyrrhus on the neck.


  6. Maybe just be thick clouds of sand, maybe you happen to see into the eye, I feel so warm, but still you.


  7. I happened to be out when he came to see me last week.


  8. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies.


  9. ' When a person wearing purple clothes have an audience with him, Qihuangong says: ' get back a little, I hate the smell of purple clothes.


  1. 刚巧做某事

    to happen to do something

  2. 刚巧我今天有空。

    It happens that I am free today.

  3. 昨天我刚巧碰到她。

    Yesterday I met her by chance.

  4. 哦,太好了,汤姆刚巧进来了。

    Oh good, Tom's just come in.

  5. 你是不是刚巧要去机场?

    Are you by any chance going to the airport?

  6. 这块毛料刚巧是十码长。

    His woollen cloth measures ten yards exactly.

  7. 上班路上,我刚巧碰到了他。

    It so happened that I met him on my way to work.

  8. 我刚巧经过,从窗外看见你。

    I was walking outside and I saw you in the window.

  9. 刚巧, 我昨天在火车上碰见他。

    It happens that I met him on the train just yesterday.

  10. 刚巧他邀请我们参加他家的舞会。

    Just think, he's invited us to his ball.

  11. 我们谈论他时他刚巧从旁边经过。

    He came by just as we were talking about him.

  12. 雨, 色彩, 对比度刚巧凑合地在一起。

    The rain, colors, and contrast just brought it all together.

  13. 我听说考试刚巧及格, 高兴得不得了。

    I was on cloud nine after I learned that I had just passed the examination.

  14. 刚巧,有艘汽艇经过,拯救尚未逃生者。

    Happened, the vessel motorboat to save not escape.

  15. 听着, 或许这个飞人只是刚巧经过而已。

    Listen, maybe this guy that flies is just sort of passing through.

  16. 对于白羊座,刚巧在你的我的第1宫。

    For Aries, it happens in your first house of me.

  17. 我浑身都湿透了。刚巧赶上那场大雨。

    I'm soaked! I just got caught in that heavy shower.

  18. 哥伦布刚巧在天亮前踏上美洲海岸。

    Columbus set foot on the shores of America just before daybreak.

  19. 有一天我们刚巧向同一家店订三明治。

    And one day we both ordered sandwiches from the same place.

  20. 很幸运,爆炸发生的时候屋里刚巧没人。

    As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.

  21. 刚巧在飞虫撞到她脸上时, 她大哭起来。

    Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry.

  22. 任何人都可赢, 除非刚巧有第二次机会。

    Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry.

  23. 意外发生时刚巧有一股强风突然吹向模板。

    At the time of accident, a strong wind suddenly blew towards the formwork.

  24. 你是不是刚巧是罗斯福先生的远亲或者世交?

    Are you by any chance a distant relative or an old family friend of Mr. Roosevelt?

  25. 它可能会掉在任何地方,但它刚巧选择了谢丽尔的车。

    It could have landed anywhere, but it chose to hit Cheryl's car.

  26. 刚巧就在那个时候, 我们和工厂里的工会发生了尖锐的冲突。

    It happened that just at this time we were having some bitter fights with the union at our plant.

  27. 但是, 它应被刚巧在咖啡桌的高度, 并随时准备向刷一个干净。

    It should, however, be at exactly coffee table height and always be ready to swipe one clean.


  1. 问:刚巧拼音怎么拼?刚巧的读音是什么?刚巧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刚巧的读音是gāngqiǎo,刚巧翻译成英文是 Accidentally; by chance.



[happen to;it so happened that] 正好碰上,正巧(他刚巧也要去那儿,你们就一块吧)