


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


技能好,灵敏:~妙。~思。~劲。~干(gàn )。精~。轻~。乖~。心灵手~。~发奇中。美好:~笑(指美好的笑貌)。虚伪(特指语言):~言。~诈。~辩。~言令色。恰好:~合。~遇。恰~。……



汉语拼音:bù qiǎo











  1. 没有机巧。

    马王堆 汉 墓帛书《十大经·观》:“圣人不巧,时反是守。”《汉书·司马迁传》:“有法无法,因时为业;有度无度,因物兴舍。故曰:‘圣人不巧,时变是守。’” 颜师古 注:“无机巧之心,但顺时也。”

  2. 谓不聪明。


  3. 谓不灵敏。

  4. 碰巧。

    王西彦 《人的世界·第三家邻居》:“不巧这封信给 严一峰 先生发现了,就和妹妹大大地争吵了一场。”



  1. As luck would have it, the first piece of steel pulled up from the bottom seemed to put an end to the mystery.


  2. But just sit down and a fly is on the old man flying around, the old man felt very tired, want to drive off the fly, laid his hand.


  3. A new motherboard at least 6 million RMB, and equipped with the latest company happens to be out of stock.


  4. Sorry to be late. I was caught up in a traffic jam. Am I the last guest to arrive?


  5. Unfortunately, on top of all that, I am also probably one of the world's most eminent experts on how not to become a translator.


  6. A month ago, she had already came in front of the Information and Communication pavilion, she was unlucky that the pavilion had closed.


  7. Unfortunately, he has no sculpting tool with him.


  8. Thank you for your kind invitation, but I already had an appointment that afternoon.


  9. Today, I bumped into my ex-boyfriend I still love, and his new girlfriend, who he cheated on me with.


  1. 不巧火车晚点了。

    As luck would have it, the train was late.

  2. 很不巧, 你出差了。

    Unfortunately, you were out on business.

  3. 很不巧,你出差了。

    Unfortunately, you were out on business.

  4. 所以我说时机很不巧。

    Well,I said the timing was bad.

  5. 所以我说时机很不巧。

    Well, I said the timing was bad.

  6. 不巧,我身上没有带钱。

    Unfortunately, I had little money with me.

  7. 不巧的是,当天,妮娜发烧了!

    Unfortunately, that same day, Nina was running a fever!

  8. 您来的不巧,他刚出去。

    Vous tombez mal, il vient de sortir.

  9. 不巧的是这仍然不可行。

    Well, unfortunately that still is not possible.

  10. 不巧,星期天是办不到了。

    Sunday is unfortunately out of the question.

  11. 但不巧的是,他未能出席。

    Unfortunately, in the event, he was not able to attend.

  12. 我到那儿,不巧他刚走。

    As luck would have it, he had just left when I arrived.

  13. 可是不巧,他现在不在办公室。

    Alderman and he's out of the office right now.

  14. 不巧的是,我们没有这个功能。

    Unfortunately, we don't have this feature available.

  15. 不巧,我有事,对不起,我得走了!

    Unluckily, I have something to do, I got to leave, sorry!

  16. 不巧的是,那是一堆死兔子。

    Unluckily, it was a heap of dead rabbits.

  17. 不巧的是,他现在不在城里。

    Unfortunately, uh, circumstances require that he be out of town.

  18. 不巧的是对缩略图解决办法。

    Unfortunately, there is no workaround for the thumbnail.

  19. 不巧,那天我得去看我的朋友。

    Unfortunately, I'll have to see my friend that day.

  20. 年轻人,很不巧你的态度非常恶劣。

    You happen to be developing a very bad attitude, young man.

  21. 不巧的是,这其实是地下交易的结果。

    Unfortunately, it appears to be the result of some underhanded dealings.

  22. 哦。真不巧。不要紧。您什么时候回来?

    Oh, that's too bad. Well, never mind. When will you be back ?

  23. 你也看到新闻了? ? ?? , 不巧我在家。

    You also read the news Yes, unfortunately I am at home.

  24. 不巧得很,他来访时我正好外出。

    As luck would have it, I was out when he called.

  25. 不巧的是, 天下雨, 比赛被取消了。

    Unluckily, it rained, so the match was cancelled.

  26. 不巧的是我国当时没几个医生。

    and we had very, very few doctors.

  27. 今天真不巧,刮风了,天也阴了。

    It's unfortunate that the wind is blowing and it is cloudy today.

  28. 他不巧错拿了我的包,而我错拿了你的包。

    He took my bag in error, while I took yours by mistake.

  29. 真不巧,我不需要救世主,明白吗?

    Well, guess what? I didn't need to be rescued. Got that?

  30. 真不巧 人们现在可没那么好骗了

    Fortunately, people right now cannot be deceived.


  1. 问:不巧拼音怎么拼?不巧的读音是什么?不巧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不巧的读音是bùqiǎo,不巧翻译成英文是 unfortunate

  2. 问:不巧的拼音怎么拼?不巧的的读音是什么?不巧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不巧的的读音是,不巧的翻译成英文是 untimeliness

