




1. 钉 [dīng]2. 钉 [dìng]钉 [dīng]竹木、金属制成的呈条形的、可以打入他物的东西:~子。~锤。斩~截铁。紧跟着不放松:~梢(同“盯梢”)。督促,催问:~问。钉 [dìng]把钉或楔子打入他物,把东西固定或组合起来:~……



汉语拼音:tú dīng






  1. 帽大针短的钉子,用来把纸、布等钉在木板或墙壁上。



  1. Push Pin Studios was one of the twentieth century's most influential design groups.


  2. He affixed the postcard to the wall with a thumbtack, and then settled down and continued translating Richthofen's China.


  3. use the pins to attach your love note or message to the front of the piece of wood.


  4. The solution is to use the box as a candleholder and fix it to the wall with the pins.


  5. This minuscule water boatman might be smaller than a drawing pin, but it's also the loudest animal on the planet.


  6. Nothing says "evil genius with a scheme for world domination" like a wall map with light-up pushpins.


  7. Now many people begin trying to thumbtack the candle to the wall. Doesn't work.


  8. Every afternoon and evening, he made push-pins.


  9. Someone pulls the thumbtack out of the tire, which makes it hard for the owner to find where the hole is.


  1. 用图钉固定

    To affix with a thumbtack.

  2. 这些是图钉吗?

    Be these thumb tack?

  3. 疼,该死的图钉!

    Ow! Damn thumbtack!

  4. 黑白图钉设计模板

    Black and white pushpins design template

  5. 她坐在图钉上。

    She sat down on the business end of a drawing pin.

  6. 图钉形模糊函数

    thumbtack ambiguity function

  7. 墙上那个是图钉吗?

    Isis that a thumbtack on the wall?

  8. 墙上那个是图钉吗?

    Isis that a thumbtack on the wall?

  9. 车胎被图钉刺破。

    The tire was punctured by a sharp tack

  10. 汤姆扔给提姆3个图钉。

    Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks.

  11. 钉子的首部。图钉头就是图钉的头部。

    the head of the nail, a pinhead is the head of a pin.

  12. 选择所需的镖或图钉类型。

    Select dart or pushpin type required.

  13. 用图钉把地毯固定在地板上。

    Tack the carpet to the floorboards.

  14. 她用图钉把广告钉在门上。

    She used drawing pin to pin the poster to the door.

  15. 他用图钉把图片钉到墙上。

    He affixed the picture to the wall with a thumbtack.

  16. 单击图钉图标以保持开启状态

    Click push pin to keep open

  17. 撒些图钉在你得卧室地板上。

    Sprinkle thumbtacks on your bedroom floor.

  18. 撒些图钉在你的卧室地板上。

    Sprinkle thumbtacks on your bedroom floor.

  19. 你就像一颗没用的图钉。

    That a stud like you would not be chosen.

  20. 你可以用大拇指把图钉按进去。

    You can push the pin in with thumb.

  21. 我用大拇指将图钉按在木板上。

    I press the thumbtack into the board with thumb.

  22. 那是蒂姆一堆锡制的图钉。

    That is Tim's stack of tin thumbtacks.

  23. 针戏小孩玩的弹图钉游戏

    A game played by children with pins.

  24. 老师用图钉把通知摁在公告板上。

    The teacher thumbtacked the notice on the bulletin board.

  25. 老师用图钉把通知摁在公告板上。

    The teacher thumbtacked the notice on the bulletin board.

  26. 这个有图钉式样的皮帽流行性太强了。

    This studded leather hat is too trendy.

  27. 这个有图钉式样得皮帽流行性太强了。

    This studded leather hat is too trendy.

  28. 我有用大拇指将图钉钉在板上。

    I pressed the thumbtacks into the board with my thumb.

  29. 他用图钉把那张风景画钉在墙上。

    He thumbtacked the picture of landscape to the wall.

  30. 许多人尝试用图钉把蜡烛钉在墙上

    Now many people begin trying to thumbtack the candle to the wall.


  1. 问:图钉拼音怎么拼?图钉的读音是什么?图钉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:图钉的读音是túdīng,图钉翻译成英文是 thumb pin

  2. 问:图钉型模糊函数拼音怎么拼?图钉型模糊函数的读音是什么?图钉型模糊函数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:图钉型模糊函数的读音是tú dīng xíng mó hú hán shù,图钉型模糊函数翻译成英文是 Thumbtack Ambiguity Function



“图钉”是个多义词,它可以指图钉(生活用品), 图钉(一个基于地理位置的手机拍照分享社区应用)。