




1. 骨 [gǔ]2. 骨 [gū]骨 [gǔ]人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织:~头。~骼(全身骨头的总称)。~节。~肉(a.指最亲近的有血统关系的人,亦称“骨血”;b.喻紧密相连,不可分割的关系)。~干(gàn)。像骨的东西……



汉语拼音:è gǔ






  1. 俗称腮帮骨。

    巴金 《黑土·卢骚与罗伯斯庇尔》:“一下就把那根绑着他受伤的顎骨的绷带拉掉。他的嘴大大地张开,一些牙齿落了下来。”



  1. She cradled him in her arms and he licked her jawbone , then cuddled into the hollow of her neck.


  2. It has no external microphone and captures vibrations in the user's jawbone converting them to crisp and clear sound.


  3. And Hosain Rahman, the CEO of Aliph Jawbone , you know, really understands that you need a different structure .


  4. Inverted triangle face - for a short necklace, earrings Zeyi hanging type, the bottom width is preferred, can be soft and jaw lines.


  5. The Banks Islanders held him prisoner, and he was dying of necrosis of the jawbone, caused by an arrow wound in the fight on the beach.


  6. Ameloblastoma of the jaw is not a rare tumor, but a huge ameloblastoma is relatively uncommon.


  7. Discovering the jawbone (from the bear's left mandible) was an accomplishment in itself.


  8. However, osteonecrosis of the jaw emerges as a major concern associated with long-term bisphosphonate use.


  9. He was wearing braces because of changes in his jaw and teeth. His hands were huge.


  1. 颚骨里面痛。

    There is a pain deep in the jawbone.

  2. 后天颚骨变形

    acquired jaw deformity

  3. 颚骨,尤指下颚骨

    a bone of the jaw,especially the bone of the lower jaw

  4. 颚骨颚骨,尤指下颚骨

    A bone of the jaw, especially the bone of the lower jaw.

  5. 有三个棱的下颚骨

    triquetrous mandibles.

  6. 也许是下颚骨的一部分。

    Maybe part of the mandible.

  7. 而且他得面孔光润, 颚骨下陷。

    And then his face was smooth, with a receding jaw.

  8. 而且他的面孔光润, 颚骨下陷。

    And then his face was smooth, with a receding jaw.

  9. 强壮齿龈和颚骨, 减少疾病传染。

    Strong gum and jaw bone, to reduce the spread of the disease.

  10. 而且在他的颚骨里发现这个。

    And I found this wedged in his cheekbone.

  11. 颚骨组成硬颚的两块骨头之一

    Either of the two bones that make up the hard palate.

  12. 下颚骨有多处损伤可能有脑震荡

    with multiple lacerations on lower mandible and possible concussion.

  13. 但我们如何创造 颚骨,真的很特别。

    But how we work on Jawbone is really unique.

  14. 鼻窦上颚骨里通向鼻腔的窦道之一

    Either of the sinuses in the bones of the upper jaw,opening into the nasal cavity.

  15. 中颜面骨与下颚骨是构成颜面主要的部份。

    Maxilla and mandible are the major parts of the maxillofacial structure.

  16. 但原谅的人员发生了什么告诉不递颚骨的人员。

    But a person who forgives what has happened is called the one who does not hand up jawbones.

  17. 颚骨的属于或有关于组成硬颚的两块骨头之一的。

    Of or relating to either of two bones that make up the hard palate.

  18. 上颌长度从最前面点到颚骨后缘的前颌骨长度。

    Upper jaw length The length from the anteriormost point of the premaxilla to the posterior edge of the maxilla.

  19. 颚骨耳机 是你们知道的项目,它使用人性化的科技。

    So Jawbone is a project that you're familiar with, and it has a humanistic technology.

  20. 鳃裂宽的,在颚骨的后部末端之下向前延伸到。

    Gill opening wide, extending forward to below hind end of maxilla.

  21. 头骨碎片以实物的方式展出,而颚骨则只展出了照片。

    The skull fragment was displayed, but only photographs of Hitler's jawbone were on view.

  22. 摘要造釉细胞瘤是口腔颚面部常见的颚骨良性肿瘤。

    Ameloblastoma is a common benign tumor occurring in the jaws.

  23. 下颌角点下颚两侧的突出点,在这此下颚骨向上弯曲

    The outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward.

  24. 在这个新生儿我们可见在犁骨与侧颚骨间为骨性连接。

    In this newborn baby there is bony connection between the omer and the lateral palatine bone.


  1. 问:颚骨拼音怎么拼?颚骨的读音是什么?颚骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颚骨的读音是,颚骨翻译成英文是 jawbone