







汉语拼音:huò wèn






  1. 文体的一种。用问答体以说明论点。多用于书名。

    宋 朱熹 《<中庸章句>序》:“且记所尝论辩取舍之意,别为《或问》,以附其后。”《四库全书总目·四书一·四书或问》:“《四书或问》三十九卷, 宋 朱子 撰。 朱子 既作《四书章句集注》,復以诸家之説纷错不一,因设为问答,明所以去取之意,以成此书。”



  1. Do not show impatience if you feel the interviewer is repeating things or asking questions that have no relevance to the matter in hand.


  2. Hanna listened and tried several times to say or ask something, and was becoming increasingly alarmed.


  3. Later, check your guess by looking up the words and expressions in a dictionary, or by asking a native English speaker.


  4. Now I waited to see if she would say or ask anything.


  5. "Don't act too confident, though. And don't joke around too much. And don't be overly friendly or ask too many questions. But be yourself. "


  6. Teaching means you find yourself listening from spaciousness, when somebody speaks or asks a question, or tells you about their problems.


  7. The above examples are common examples of the paper, the less commonly may love for answers or ask the competent business.


  8. Move into the audience, ask a question. Shorten your sentences, use dynamic, action-oriented words.


  9. question closely. or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side.


  1. 开始开始讲话或问问题

    To start to talk or ask questions.

  2. 或问过露齿得狼犬为何开心而笑?

    Or asked the grinning Shepherd why he grinned ?

  3. 或问过露齿的狼犬为何开心而笑?

    Or asked the grinning Shepherd why he grinned ?

  4. 近距离地问或问一个已经被对方问过的证人。

    Question closely. or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side.

  5. 如果您见到师父,最想向她表达什么或问什么?

    If you met master personally, what would you like to tell her or ask her?

  6. 不要开太多的玩笑,也不要过度友好或问太多问题。

    And don't joke around too much. And don't be overly friendly or ask too many questions.

  7. 有意地忽视或置之不问或不理

    to disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned

  8. 忽略有意地忽视或置之不问或不理。

    To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.

  9. 或有人问,死人怎样复活。

    But some man will say, How are the dead raised up?

  10. 律师对证人进行了50分钟的盘问或反诘问。

    Counsel cross examine the witness for fifty minute.

  11. 萨瑟恩夫人兴致勃勃地听着,间或插话问一些相关的问题。

    Mrs. Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions.

  12. 我不想向他们或她兴师问罪。

    I didn't want to touch them or her.

  13. 专家指出病人在用药之前应该跟医生或药剂师问清楚。

    Experts say patients should talk with their doctors and farmer sets before taking new medicines.

  14. 我觉得这是一个我们总喜欢与朋友或家人开玩笑问的问题。

    I feel like this is a question we always like to ask jokingly with friends or family.

  15. 你可以自己翻翻,上课时问我或加在评论里。

    Learning the rules helps her to intuit when to throw them away.

  16. 去问阿历克斯或汤姆, 他们俩都会帮你的。

    Ask Alex or Tom, either of them will help you.

  17. 去问阿历克斯或汤姆,他们俩都会帮你的。

    Ask Alex or Tom, either of them will help you.

  18. 仿照热身上面对话, 学生同位或小组内随便问答。

    Ask and answer some questions in pairs or in groups.

  19. 仰慕者或疯子,看你问谁。

    Either an admirer or a psychopath, depending on who you ask.

  20. 如果是问一个朋友或同事,这种问法是完全可以的。

    It's fine if you are talking to a friend or colleague.

  21. 英国人或美国人不会问别人年龄的。

    English or American people do not ask about the ages of others.

  22. 问佩戴眼镜或隐形眼镜,或进行激光手术选那一种最好?

    SC Is it best to wear glasses, contact lenses or to get laser eye surgery.

  23. 这是否破坏或烦扰你当乞丐问你得钱吗

    Does it upset or annoy you when a beggar asks you for money

  24. 这是否破坏或烦扰你当乞丐问你的钱吗

    Does it upset or annoy you when a beggar asks you for money.

  25. 如果你关注你的健康状况或有疑问,总是问你的医生。

    Always check with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your heath condition.

  26. 我常常被朋友或在访问中被问到我们是如何保持这麽窈窕。

    I have been asked so frequently by friends or during interviews on how we stay so slim.

  27. 你必须问你的父亲或母亲。

    You must ask one or other of your parents.

  28. 问一下服务人员或柜台小姐好了。

    Let's ask the receptionist or clerk.

  29. 索问或查阅选民的身分证。

    seek to check or check any electors identity card.

  30. 我想他问的是椭圆形或圆形的刀镡。

    I think he wants to know it whether ellipse or circular.