如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 待 [dài]2. 待 [dāi]待 [dài]等,等候:~到。~旦。拭目以~。以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对~。招~。~遇。~人接物。将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正~出门,有人来了。待 [dāi]停留,逗留,迟延……
汉语拼音:kuī dài
张天翼 《包氏父子》四:“姑太太还亏待了他么?他要使性子嘛。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“中原的天子,哪一点亏待了我们?” 巴金 《团圆》:“他教我放心,他说他们夫妇把我女儿当作自己的孩子,决不亏待她。”
Don't care how much salary he gives you when you work for boss, he won't treat you unfairly.
你给老板做事不要太在乎他给你多少钱,他不会亏待你的。In the assignment of various sorts of work, none of them felt as if they were being picked on.
在分配各项工作时,他们中间没有人觉得自己受到亏待。I wonder that the very pride of this Mr. Darcy has not made him just to you!
我真不明白,这位达西先生既然这样有自尊心,怎么又这样亏待你!You tie the mandate, the Secretary will not ill-treat you, do not forget your brother also benefit.
你配合我把任务完成,局长不会亏待你,做哥哥的也忘不了你的好处。The children may feel hard done by but, then again, they may not.
孩子们可能会觉得受到了亏待,但过后可能就不会了。if her good - humour flagged at moments it was not because she thought herself ill - used , but because she suddenly felt sorry for ralph.
有时她也会感到有些沮丧,那不是因为她觉得自己受了亏待,只是因为她突然替拉尔夫感到难过。Many a one, for the sake of finery on the back, has gone with a hungry belly, and half-starved their families.
许多人为了身上的华服不惜亏待肚皮,而且让家人过着三餐不继的日子。Its suppliers were unable or unwilling to step up the pace because Boeing had mistreated them so often.
其供货商不能也不愿加快供货速度,因为波音过去常常亏待他们。Those of us who have never consulted a plastic surgeon, much less attended a coming out party, are probably doing ourselves a disservice.