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1. 折 [zhē]2. 折 [zhé]3. 折 [shé]折 [zhē]翻转,倒腾:~腾。~跟头。~个儿。折 [zhé]断,弄断:~断。~桂(喻科举及第)。~戟沉沙(形容惨重的失败)。幼年死亡:夭~。弯转,屈曲:曲~。转~。周~。~中(对……
汉语拼音:zhé huí
清 向荣 《上海宝山等县失守由许乃钊带兵驻剿折》:“初五日有匪徒直入 上海 县署戕官之事,遂返棹折回 新闸 地方。” 阿英 《流离》一:“我们幸而变了计划,不然,至少要中途折回的。”《<艾青诗选>自序》:“我从 上海 到 武汉 ,从 武汉 到 山西 临汾 ,从 临汾 到 西安 ,又折回到 武汉 。”
When I did try to gain just a touch of freedom by retracing a few steps, I felt like a sperm trying to swim the other way.
当我试图折回几步,享受一点点自由时,感觉就像一个精子试图调头游那么艰难。While on a phone call, I had to stop myself from heading out the front door and continuing my chat as I walked to the corner store.
在接电话的时候,我不得不在大门口折回,转到屋子的一角继续聊天。It was still too early to go to bed. I began to quicken my pace, heading back toward the Boulevard Raspail.
这会儿去睡觉仍太早,我加快脚步折回拉斯帕伊林荫大道去。It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands.
现在要消灭这次运兵船队为时已晚。因为它已折回,并且分头向星罗棋布的岛屿散开了。do not use, we recommend that the lights turn back the body in situ, to better maintain a permanent compact The bending angle.
不使用时,建议将灯身折回原位,以便更长久保持紧致的折弯角度。The Prince Regent himself attempted to move to another of his official residences, but was forced to turn back.
摄政王自己尽管曾尝试着到他的另一处官邸去,也被破迫折回。Avoid having to retrace your steps to perform a redundant task you could have done more productively at an earlier time.
避免再折回去做一项多余的你本可以在早些时候更有成效地完成的任务。Driver: Well, maybe if I turn left here, I can go back down the next street.
呃,也许如果我在这里左转,我就可以沿着下一条街道折回了。Between the aspiration and the dream, he was duty-bound not to turn back to choose the dream.