


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……



汉语拼音:jiào wéi






  1. "This emphasises that the economy is weak and is likely to stay there for a while now, " said Zach Pandl, economist at Lehman Brothers.


  2. At present, the screwdriver, the wrench, the ruler and the die are hardware which is often used in machining factory.


  3. While gold supply is well understood, silver bulls and bears argue about just how much silver is out there.


  4. This thesis is based on times and reality, trying to research on the problems of harmonious concept of enterprise financing and related.


  5. It was that line height was the feasible parameter to detect and control print quality.


  6. The environment does seem to have changed to a more gold-positive one, on the back of S&P threatening to downgrade the U. S. credit rating.


  7. The stratiform cloud can be simulated with a one-dimensional model, duo to its uniform horizontal distribution of physical characters.


  8. As the modern office's automated everyday, designers are trying to use gentle and not so serious decorations to make it more kindness.


  9. Beijing may have judged that, at a time of job losses and potential social unrest, it was prudent to throw a bone to nationalist sentiment.


  1. 生活得较为舒适

    live in relative comfort

  2. 也是较为复杂的。

    than anything in Europe.

  3. 碱性法较为常用。

    The basic process is more popular.

  4. 使得环境较为潮湿。

    Causes the environment to be moist.

  5. 这本书较为便宜。

    This book is comparatively cheap.

  6. 这里夏天较为多雨。

    It tends to rain here a lot in summer.

  7. 当时的生活较为简单。

    Life was simpler then.

  8. 较为靠近前额组织的。

    anterior to a frontal structure.

  9. 这个问题较为不重要。

    This problem is not comparatively important.

  10. 茶陵工商业较为发达。

    Chaling more developed industry and commerce.

  11. 气压低,天气较为闷热。

    The air pressure is low, weather is more sultry.

  12. 但整体销售额较为喜人。

    But corporate sales have been brisk.

  13. 冰岛联合政府较为脆弱。

    The government coalition is fragile.

  14. 天气预报明天较为凉爽。

    Cool weather is forecast for tomorrow.

  15. 较为庄重, 多见於诗中

    Landbis more formal or poetic

  16. 其后较为清晰的影像中

    While in later clearer vision

  17. 她个性较为恶毒的一面

    the nastier side of her character

  18. 我较为同意他们的说法。

    I quite agree with what they say.

  19. 我较为同意他们得说法。

    I quite agree with what they say.

  20. 或者你的品牌较为低调?

    Or are you more of a down attribute?

  21. 她呼吸开始较为顺畅了。

    She was beginning to breathe more easily.

  22. 其次, 保外汇储备较为充足。

    Second, security is more adequate exchange reserves.

  23. 她过着较为贫困的生活。

    She is living in relative poverty.

  24. 麦当娜的妊娠期较为顺利。

    Madonna's pregnancy has been smooth.

  25. 麦当娜得妊娠期较为顺利。

    Madonna's pregnancy has been smooth.

  26. 但他出台的政策较为温和。

    Yet he was more moderate.

  27. 性情较为驯善,不太怕人。

    Temperament is good trainer, not Paren.

  28. 两种模拟结果较为吻合。

    The achievements of UBM simulation are coincident with the outcome of experimental simulation.

  29. 一种较为简单的机械装置

    a relatively unsophisticated mechanism

  30. 这肯定是较为简单的方法。

    This is by all odds the easier way.


  1. 问:较为拼音怎么拼?较为的读音是什么?较为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较为的读音是jiàowéi,较为翻译成英文是 comparatively; relatively

  2. 问:较为重要拼音怎么拼?较为重要的读音是什么?较为重要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较为重要的读音是,较为重要翻译成英文是 outbalance

  3. 问:较为富裕的拼音怎么拼?较为富裕的的读音是什么?较为富裕的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较为富裕的的读音是,较为富裕的翻译成英文是 better-to-do

  4. 问:较为富裕的人拼音怎么拼?较为富裕的人的读音是什么?较为富裕的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较为富裕的人的读音是,较为富裕的人翻译成英文是 better-to-do




【注音】:jiào wéi/wèi
