


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……









汉语拼音:dé yì wàng xíng







  1. Being so conceited, he pointed his head at the sky and forgot all modesty, so that he also, showed his most private parts for all to see!


  2. The impulsive Lavinia asked herself whether the modification of the young man's original project had been conceived in a happy spirit.


  3. She was not quite sure that she did not feel proud enough, after the visitor's remarks, to say a good deal.


  4. She did not punch the air. For three minutes she stood calmly, unblinking, a faint smile on her face, giving a traditional wai greeting.


  5. She was actually beside herself at times with the glory, as well as the delight of all this.


  6. As he became pompous , he thought of himself as the king of forest.


  7. I struggled against the ungenerous exultation that in such a supreme moment of existence will rise in the best-mannered sportsman' s breast.


  8. He failed in his examination, but he was intoxicated with that, and his intoxication was beyond my understanding.


  9. "Darling Denisov, " squealed Natasha, and, beside herself with delight she darted up to him, hugging and kissing him.


  1. 得意忘形,得意洋洋

    bloat get dizzy with success.

  2. 得意忘形地吹嘘

    boast elatedly

  3. 你不能得意忘形

    You can't get complacent about this.

  4. 得意忘形的要遭殃

    He who swells in prosperity will sick in adversity

  5. 他会得意忘形,如醉如痴。

    He would be wild, extravagant.

  6. 不要太得意忘形了!

    Don't get lost in too much excitement!

  7. 我高兴得得意忘形了。

    I was beside myself for joy.

  8. 得意忘形地大发冗长议论

    lose oneself in verbiage

  9. 十分明显,他又得意忘形了。

    He was obviously in a state of exaltation.

  10. 老头子这下子可得意忘形了。

    That pleased the old man till he couldn't rest.

  11. 卡罗尔你也太得意忘形了。

    Carol Lets not get hysterical now.

  12. 但不幸的是,他有点得意忘形了。

    Unfortunately, he bought into his own hype.

  13. 巨大成功使她得意忘形到惊人的地步。

    The great success has bloated her ego to an alarming degree.

  14. 犯人在受审时的得意忘形激怒了陪审团。

    The criminal's complacency during the trial angered the jury.

  15. 当他被选为俱乐部主席时, 他得意忘形了。

    Being elected a chairman of the club he turned his head.

  16. 胜利者得意忘形的微笑使某些人感到烦恼。

    The winners complacent smile annoyed some people.

  17. 我能感觉到自己有点得意忘形了,对吧

    I can see I'mI'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?

  18. 他得意忘形得寸进尺,结果被毫不客气地回绝了

    He had... forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed.

  19. 酒醉得人变得意忘形而说出奇怪得故事。

    The drunken men were getting carried away and telling strange stories.

  20. 酒醉的人变得意忘形而说出奇怪的故事。

    The drunken men were getting carried away and telling strange stories.

  21. 史密斯在比赛中获胜时, 他简直得意忘形了。

    Smith was swept off his feet when he won the contest.

  22. 他又不是那种你稍微夸奖他会就得意忘形的人。

    He's not the man who are arrogant when you admire him a bit.

  23. 像早餐吃到沼泽地胖苍蝇的蛤蟆那样得意忘形的表情

    the smug look of a toad Breakfasting on fat marsh flies

  24. 你不要得意忘形,因为你生得太美美有时就是祸根!

    You should not be beside yourself because you are too beautiful and beauty is sometimes just a bane.

  25. 她在得意忘形的时候,就没有觉察到年龄给人的障碍。

    The handicap of age she did not, in her enthusiasm, perceive.

  26. 得意忘形的时候,别忘了上帝的手里还握着另一半。

    In your time of getting carried away, do remember God's hands hold your other half.

  27. 他考试失败了,然而他却得意忘形,这是我难以理解的。

    He failed in his examination, but he was intoxicated with that, and his intoxication was beyond my understanding.

  28. 但如今,作为一个毒贩子他差不多已经变得得意忘形了。

    Now hes almost beamish as a wary fixer.

  29. 杰克当选为我们的工会主席,这事使他得意忘形起来。

    Jack's election to the presidency of our union has turned his head.

  30. 这孩子太容易得意忘形了, 给他个梯子就登鼻子上脸。

    I don't know where the child has got such a handful of mulberry fruits.


  1. 问:得意忘形拼音怎么拼?得意忘形的读音是什么?得意忘形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得意忘形的读音是déyìwàngxíng,得意忘形翻译成英文是 to grow dizzy with success; to have one's head...



得意忘形,指因心意得到满足而高兴得失去常态。《晋书·阮籍传》:“嗜酒能啸,善弹琴。当其得意,忽忘形骸。”谓因高兴而物我两忘。后以“得意忘形”形容高兴得失去常态,忘乎所以。 元 鲜于必仁 《折桂令·画》曲:“手挂掌坳,得意忘形,眼兴迢遥。”宋 欧阳修 《试笔·李邕书》:“余虽因 邕 书得笔法,然为字绝不相类,岂得其意而忘其形者邪?”贬义