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汉语拼音:sù zào
任继愈 《中国佛教史》第三章第三节:“ 中国 从 先秦 以来就有发达的造型艺术,而随着佛教的传播和佛像的输入,也开始塑造佛像。”
秦牧 《艺海拾贝·核心》:“塑造人物是表达这种中心思想的非常重要的手段,但并不是唯一的手段。” 艾芜 《谈短篇小说》:“同一社会中,也因时代的不同,塑造的典型人物也应当有所不同。”
It's an active process, and just as you would if you put on tinted glasses, you can guess how the editors' leaning shapes your perception.
这是一个积极活动的过程,就像你,如果你戴上了有色眼镜时,就可能想象到编辑是怎样对你观点倾向进行塑造的。Sometimes, also, they seem to have been setting themselves up as king of the Jews, and that would make them a Messiah.
有时候,他们把自己塑造成犹太之王,让他们成为弥赛亚。So accept who he is, instead of trying to mold him into your vision of what you think he should be.
所以接受他是谁,而不是想方设法把他塑造成你认为的他应该是怎样的样子。Mr Obama will therefore spend the next year trying to frame the election as a choice instead between him and his Republican opponent.
因此奥巴马将会在明年试图把大选塑造成一个选他还是选他的共和党对手的问题。If there has no structure, a song will lose its value of singing and its main idea and musical image created in a song must be damaged.
如果没有结构,就失去了它的歌唱价值,它所表达的主题思想、它所塑造的音乐形象必然受损。I thought it was odd at the time, I will admit, as though Samsung couldn't decide if it wanted the Q1 to be a business or consumer device.
我承认,当时我想这真是一个怪物。三星也无法确定它想要把Q1塑造成一个商业或是消费设备。He has moulded the business over decades since he took over a small Australian newspaper group from his father in 1953.
自1953年从父亲手中接过一家小型澳大利亚报纸集团以来,他花了数十年时间来塑造这家企业。Q. And in terms of a lasting impact on your creativity, how did your years in New York shape you as an artist?
在纽约的日子一直对你的创作有影响,那段时间是怎样把你塑造成一个艺术家的?His image in North Korea was one of a hero in the typical manner of the dictator's cult of personality.