


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……





汉语拼音:wài fū






  1. 把药膏、药水等涂抹在患处称外敷。



  1. After he took the powder of the herb orally and applied it on the wound, blood was stop immediately.


  2. Conclusion Xiaoji powder is expected to be a new type of external application of traditional Chinese medicine in gastrointestinal motility.


  3. bone , fracture eat black rice or black rice food smashed topical, can speed up the cure , and adjuvant treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.


  4. Gels and injections are the commonest means of application; a single jab can last three months.


  5. abstract: Purpose: To discuss the effect of Glauber's salt Treated on the long-term bedridden patients with constipation in orthopedic.


  6. Manager therapy, acupuncture, and topical drugs, symptomatic treatment can be alleviated.


  7. Results Acupoint external application of antiphlogistic analgesic ointment with borneol had significant clinical effects.


  8. Cooperation intention is to use therapy of acupuncture, drugs to treat diseases of soft - tissue, like neck, shoulder, waist, knee-joint .


  9. Conclusion Using potato sections to protect arteriovenous internal fistula in maintain hemodialysis is simple and effective.


  1. 外敷法, 外敷药

    application compress

  2. 这药是用于外敷得。

    This medicine is to be applied externally.

  3. 外敷过久可能引起皮肤发炎。

    External application for too long can cause inflammation.

  4. 经理疗,针灸,外敷药物等对症处理就可缓解。

    Manager therapy, acupuncture, and topical drugs, symptomatic treatment can be alleviated.

  5. 外敷凉血散瘀软膏治疗下肢静脉性溃疡的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Venous Ulcer of Lower Limb Treated by External Application with the Ointment of Cooling the Blood and Dispersing the Stasis

  6. 穴位外敷消炎止痛膏加冰片在防治放射性食管炎中的作用

    Role of Acupoint External Application of Antiphlogistic Analgesic Ointment with Borneol on Prevention and Treatment of Radiation Esophagitis.

  7. 目得探讨第二产程外阴热敷对产妇分娩得影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of vulva hot packs on delivery during the second labor stage.

  8. 目的探讨第二产程外阴热敷对产妇分娩的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of vulva hot packs on delivery during the second labor stage.

  9. 盐酸青藤碱外敷贴散的体外释药研究

    Study on Drug Release of Sinomenine External Application Sticking Powder in vitro

  10. 中药内服外敷合菌苗注射治疗疖病224例

    Treatment of 224 Cases of Furuncle by Oral Chinese Medicine and Vaccine Inoculation

  11. 挤塑聚苯板外保温系统外墙敷贴面砖的质量控制

    Quality Control over External Wall Tiles of Extruded Polystyrene Insulation Panel System

  12. 乙醇加镇痛消炎软膏外敷治疗患儿输液外渗

    Observation of the Effect of Alcohol plus Acesodyne Antiphlogistic Ointment Used in Transfusion Exosmose in Children

  13. 四季青贴敷, 外洗的临床应用

    Clinical application of Chinese holly leaf by mounting and washing

  14. 用聚乙烯外防腐钢管的缠绕涂敷工艺

    Polyethylene Wrap Coating Procedure of Pipe Outside Coating

  15. 苏丹输油管道环氧粉末外涂敷工艺技术

    External Epoxy Powder Coating Process for Sudanese Oil Pipeline

  16. 外涂硝酸甘油加热敷在浅静脉穿刺困难患者中的应用

    Nitroglycerin Application in Combination with Hot Compress in Superficial Venous Puncture

  17. 局部封闭和紫色消肿膏外敷治疗肱骨外上髁炎疗效评价

    Evaluation of partial closure and purple trim to Plaster Humeral Epicondylitis

  18. 大黄,芒硝外敷治疗外阴血肿及手术后盆腔血肿的体会

    Experience in Treating Episiohematoma and Hematoma Pelvis After Operation by Spreading Pieplant and Mirabilite

  19. 马铃薯外敷与硫酸镁湿敷治疗甘露醇外渗的疗效比较

    Comparison on therapeutic effectiveness in curing mannitol venous effusion between external applying of potato slice and magnesium sulfate wet packing

  20. 聚维酮碘乳膏外敷治疗强刺激性药物外渗的效果观察

    Observation on effect of povidone iodine cream external applying to treat patients with strong irritative drugs exosmosis

  21. 外敷止骨痛

    external application of Zhigutong.

  22. 这药用是外敷用的。

    This medicine is for external application.

  23. 这种外敷药可以有效化瘀,效果不错。

    The medicine applied from outside can dispel gore effectively, and has good effects.

  24. 外治法包括热熨法、外敷法、淋洗法、膏药法。

    External treatment included hot medicated ironing, outside administration, shower, and plaster method.

  25. 设有可控的红外发热功能, 使其能产生热敷的效果。

    Equipped with controllable infrared heat function, which can generate heat effect.


  1. 问:外敷拼音怎么拼?外敷的读音是什么?外敷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外敷的读音是wàifū,外敷翻译成英文是 apply externally



wài fū ㄨㄞˋ ㄈㄨ 外敷 [apply cointment,etc.] 把药涂敷在体表病变处