




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……







汉语拼音:yī jiàn rú gù








  • 【解释】:故:老朋友。初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。
  • 【出自】:《左传·襄公二十九年》:“见子产,如旧相识。”宋·张洎《贾氏谭录》:“李邺侯(泌)为相日,吴人顾况西游长安,邺侯一见如故。”
  • 【示例】:他们俩~,谈得很投机。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义


  1. I didn't for a moment think he had the same feelings, but we talked as though we had been friends for years.


  2. You and I feel like old friends at first sight and destined to be very good cooperative partners long time ago.


  3. If the gamble pays off, if the guests show up in a festive mood and hit it off with one another, you have a fabulous time.


  4. Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we "click" . Sometimes it's as if we've known each other for a long time.


  5. She hit it off with Edward and soon the two of them set out on a cross-country adventure.


  6. You and I were like old friends from the start, and that doesn't happen to many men.


  7. The first meeting, we Yijianrugu with a person, home, we think, this man seems to like me.


  8. We hit it right off the moment we met and got married three months later.


  9. Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight, is said to be the only truth.


  1. 我们一见如故。

    We got on like a house on fire.

  2. 他们一见如故。

    After their first encounter, they became good friends

  3. 我与新邻居一见如故。

    I took a liking to our new neighbour as soon as we met.

  4. 两人一见如故, 相见恨晚。

    The two felt like old friends at the first meeting and regretted not knowing each other before.

  5. 我们在假日相识, 一见如故。

    We met on holiday and just clicked immediately.

  6. 我们一见如故, 成了好朋友。

    We hit it off and became good friends.

  7. 我们在聚会上相识, 一见如故。

    We met at a party and clicked immediately.

  8. 他们两个一见如故, 彻夜长谈。

    They felt like old friends at their first meeting and talked all night.

  9. 他们两个一见如故,彻夜长谈。

    They felt like old friends at their first meeting and talked all night.

  10. 初次见面的时候, 我们一见如故。

    At the first encounter we talked with each other like old friends.

  11. 我敢肯定,你们两个会一见如故。

    I'm sure you two will get on like a house on fire.

  12. 我敢肯定,你们两个会一见如故。

    I'm sure you two will get on like a house on fire.

  13. 我和亨利, 彼此几乎是一见如故。

    Henry and I liked each other pretty well right away.

  14. 莉兹和我第一次会面就一见如故。

    Liz and I really clicked with each other the first time we met.

  15. 虽然是初次把晤,我们却一见如故。

    We were like long-lost friends on our first meeting.

  16. 虽然只是一面之缘, 但他们一见如故。

    Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship.

  17. 我哥哥和我的男友两人一见如故。

    My brother and my boyfriend hit it off right from the start.

  18. 初次见面的时候,我们跟某人一见如故。

    At the first encounter we talk with each other like old friends.

  19. 尽管他们年龄相差很大,但却一见如故。

    Despite the great age gap asserted itself.

  20. 他们虽然只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。

    Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship.

  21. 我和你一见如故,这是人生最难得的事。

    You and I are like old friends from the start, and that doesn't happen to many men.

  22. 他们随即一见如故,两人的很多爱好都相同。

    They clicked immediately. They loved the same things.

  23. 也许我们有缘, 相逢某一天, 一见如故无庸讳言。

    Perhaps we have the fortune, to meet one day. There's no need for any reticence.

  24. 我在晚会上遇见了一个女孩, 我们一见如故。

    I met a girl at the party, and we hit it off straight away.

  25. 菲尔丁对这种一见如故的样子并不觉得奇怪。

    Fielding was not surprised at the rapidity of their intimacy.

  26. 菲尔丁对这种一见如故得样子并不觉得奇怪。

    Fielding was not surprised at the rapidity of their intimacy.

  27. 他们经人介绍认识才几分钟,便一见如故地聊个没完。

    Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends.

  28. 我和你一见如故, 好像注定要成为很好的合作伙伴一样。

    You and I feel like old friends at first sight and destined to be very good cooperative partners long time ago.


  1. 问:一见如故拼音怎么拼?一见如故的读音是什么?一见如故翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一见如故的读音是yíjiànrúgù,一见如故翻译成英文是 hit it off at once



“一见如故”是个多义词,它可以指一见如故(徐一鸣演唱歌曲), 一见如故(汉语成语), 一见如故(陶钰玉演唱歌曲)。