







汉语拼音:què zhěn






  1. 准确的诊断。


  2. 准确诊断。

    《人民日报》1982.8.19:“三天前, 梁大娘 被家里人抬到医院门诊就诊,因病情复杂,一时不能确诊。”



  1. I remember asking her if she had already been to see a doctor, as if she had diagnosed the cancer herself (or with Paco's help).


  2. It is usually the result of an undiagnosed acute injury to the lateral ulnar collateral ligament.


  3. I used to love the sun as much as the next British traveller, but then, two years ago, I was diagnosed with skin cancer.


  4. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother's womb.


  5. Acute coronary syndrome is often diagnosed in an emergency room or hospital.


  6. Less than a week ago, I was forced to evacuate Kheiry due to a suspected (and now confirmed) case of pulmonary and cerebral edema.


  7. Jon Matthews, 60, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, in April 2006 and his doctor told him he would not be alive to see 2007.


  8. This is one of those cancers that once you're diagnosed with it, as you said, the odds are very much not in your favor.


  9. Tim was diagnosed with cancer in July 2007 after he was rushed to hospital with stomach pains just a week before Georgia's wedding.


  1. 行为来确诊。

    of observable behavior.

  2. 这种病症难以确诊。

    The case defies diagnosis.

  3. 如何鼻螨确诊为患?

    How is a nasal mite infestation diagnosed

  4. 来确诊头部肿瘤。

    To diagnose tumors inside the head.

  5. 医生确诊他精神失常。

    The doctor certified him insane.

  6. 目的未确诊的糖尿病。

    Objective Diabetes is underdiagnosed.

  7. 病因很多,难以确诊。

    Causes are many and a definitive diagnosis may be difficult.

  8. 大约一年前确诊的

    Well, I was diagnosed about a year ago.

  9. 还需一些时间才能确诊

    A long time to figure this out, All right?

  10. 一旦确诊, 她就无望了。

    Once the diagnosis was confirmed, it was all up with her.

  11. 确诊有赖于病原学检查。

    The diagnose was depended on the examine of pathogeny.

  12. 有7起爆发经实验室确诊。

    Of these outbreaks,7 were confirmed by laboratory test.

  13. 因此确诊为变异性心绞痛。

    The diagnosis of Prinzmetal's angina was made.

  14. 死亡病例均经尸检确诊。

    All cases of death diagnosed by autopsies.

  15. 早期近于确诊或隐匿性的

    early probable or latent

  16. 比如,我刚刚被确诊患有绝症

    Like I've just been diagnosed with a lifethreatening illness.

  17. 其中大约1500例病例和30例死亡病例确诊。

    In all, around 1500 cases and 30 deaths has have been confirmed.

  18. 这类似于发热确诊原因的情形

    It's what's called fever of undiagnosed origin.

  19. 结果经剖腹探查确诊8例,尸解确诊1例。

    Results There were 8 cases proved by laparotomy, and 1 case by autopsy.

  20. 所以确诊和治疗过程会很漫长

    So final diagnosis and treatment could be a lengthy process.

  21. 病情确诊断,治病好一半。

    A disease known is half cured.

  22. 八个月前确诊患老年痴呆症

    Alzheimer's diagnosed eight months ago.

  23. 结肠镜检查确诊盲肠钩虫病10例

    The colonoscopy in diagnosis of 10 cases of cecum ancylostomiasis

  24. 六岁时我就被确诊为色盲。

    I was diagnosed as being color blind when I was about 6.

  25. 六岁时我就被确诊为色盲。

    I was diagnosed as being color blind when I was about 6.

  26. 确诊一年以后,父亲已是骨瘦如柴。

    One year after his diagnosis, my dad was skeletal.

  27. 两年前他被确诊患了肺结核。

    Two years ago, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis.

  28. 经由死亡诊断证明书才确诊之个案。

    Cases first diagnosed by death certificate only.

  29. 一年以后, 他被确诊为精神失常。

    A year later he was certified insane.

  30. 一年以后,他被确诊为精神失常。

    A year later he was certified insane.


  1. 问:确诊拼音怎么拼?确诊的读音是什么?确诊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确诊的读音是quèzhěn,确诊翻译成英文是 diagnose




【注音】:què zhěn

