










  1. Van Gogh all the outstanding, full of original works are in the last six years of his life complete.


  2. Theo died six months after Van Gogh shot himself in a wheat field at the age of 37 in Auvers, France, in July 1890.


  3. When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh believed that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.


  4. This is an enchanted valley me how can I did not expect to see here Andrew - Wise with Van Gogh's artistic conception of the images.


  5. He did not want this fresh ambition, Van Gogh added anxiously, to be taken as "a new act of madness" or an attempt at self-sacrifice.


  6. And I imagine it was a heck of a surprise when the striking postman knocked on her door and told her that Van Gogh lived here.


  7. and it so captivated him and he referred to it as "high poetry" of a "gentle, astonishing character" .


  8. Vincent van Gogh's fame may owe as much to a legendary act of self-harm, as it does to his self-portraits.


  9. But the detail of the relationship was beginning to disappear behind the myth of Van Gogh and his Sunflowers.


  1. 梵高患有迫害狂症。

    Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.

  2. 向日葵是梵高的代表作。

    Helianthus is Van Goghs masterpiece.

  3. 梵高的这些作品都价值连城。

    These paintings by Van Gogh are extremely valuable.

  4. 梵高的这些作品都价值连城。

    These paintings by Van Gogh are extremely valuable.

  5. 《向日葵》是梵高的代表作。

    Sunflowers is Van Gogh's masterpiece.

  6. 我最喜欢的画是梵高的星夜。

    My favorite painting is Starry Night by Van Gogh.

  7. 他曾给梵高写过一本传记。

    He once wrote a biography VAN GOGH.

  8. 尽管梵高的作品稀缺,但却无人问津。

    The van Gogh attracted no bids despite the scarcity of the artist's work.

  9. 星夜这幅画带有明显的梵高风格。

    Van Gogh's style is apparent in his painting The Starry Night.

  10. 《星夜》这幅画带有明显的梵高风格。

    Van Gogh's style is apparent in his painting The Starry Night.

  11. 梵高的画向日葵总引起我的想像。

    Van Gogh's Sunflower always grips my imagination.

  12. 高更的艺术风格是梵高前所未见的。

    Gauguin's style in art was like nothing Van Gogh had ever seen.

  13. 梵高得819封幸存书信 构成了本书得核心。

    His 817 surviving letters form the core.

  14. 梵高的819封幸存书信 构成了本书的核心。

    His 819 surviving letters form the core.

  15. 还好梵高有个足智多谋的弟媳乔安娜。

    but Vincent had a resourceful sisterinlaw Johanna Van Gogh.

  16. 梵高的画向日葵总能引起我的想象。

    Van Goghs Sunflower can always grip my imagination.

  17. 这种辛勤得练习, 使梵高精通了绘画技巧。

    It was this painstaking apprenticeship that gave Van Gogh mastery of painting.

  18. 这种辛勤的练习,使梵高精通了绘画技巧。

    It was this painstaking apprenticeship that gave Van Gogh mastery of painting.

  19. 这让梵高重新燃起成立南方画室的欲望。

    This rekindled in Van Gogh an old idea to establish a studio of the South.

  20. 因为大家都知道梵高在世时作品乏人问津。

    Because, of course, everybody knows he couldn't sell his work.

  21. 梵高在亚尔找到设立南方画室的理想地点。

    In Arles, Van Gogh found the perfect premises for this studio of the south.

  22. 我在互联网上找到了很多梵高的名画。

    I found a lot of famous paintings by Vincent Van Gough on the Internet.

  23. 梵高的其他重要作品都拍出了数千万的价格。

    Other significant works by Van Gogh have sold for tens of millions at auction.

  24. 梵高与高更那极不平静得友谊是一段传奇。

    Van Gogh and Gauguin's troubled friendship was legendary.

  25. 梵高与高更那极不平静的友谊是一段传奇。

    Van Gogh and Gauguin's troubled friendship was legendary.

  26. 梵高坚信强烈鲜黄的阳光能丰富他创作的色彩。

    Van Gogh was convinced that the strong yellow sun would fully awaken his palette.

  27. 梵高离开了雾气缭绕的巴黎,前往阳光普照的南法。

    Vincent himself turns and follows the sun, leaving misty Paris and going to the South of France.

  28. 梵高的画向日葵在拍卖中以最高价售出。

    Van Goghs painting Sunflower was sold with the highest price in the auction.

  29. 在梵高开始作画之前, 他也有很多次失败的经历。

    Van Gogh had failed in several careers before he began to paint.

  30. 这封信是梵高开枪自杀后, 在他的衣袋里发现的。

    The note was found in Vincents pocket after he shot himself.


  1. 问:梵高拼音怎么拼?梵高的读音是什么?梵高翻译成英文是什么?

    答:梵高的读音是Fàngāo,梵高翻译成英文是 文森特·梵·高 Vincent Van Gogh



“梵高”是个多义词,它可以指梵高(冯骥才《最后的梵高》), 梵高(图书《梵·高》)。