




1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……



汉语拼音:shēng yuè







  1. 音乐。

    《周礼·地官·鼓人》:“鼓人掌教六鼓四金之音声,以节声乐,以和军旅,以正田役。” 晋 潘岳 《西征赋》:“隐 王母 之非命,纵声乐以娱神。” 唐 李复言 《续玄怪录·麒麟客》:“歌鸞舞凤及诸声乐,皆所未闻。” 清 高士奇 《扈从西巡日录·康熙二十二年三月朔壬寅》:“妙妓杂乐,无不毕陈,云贺 药王 生日。幙帟徧野,声乐震天。”

  2. 今指歌唱。可以有音乐伴奏,亦可无音乐伴奏,皆以歌喉为主,与器乐不同。



  1. And one of the many things I had not known about Esme was that she was a conservatory student, and that her specialty was voice.

  2. He would say it was "the hardest thing I've ever done, " occasionally moving from chair to bed to complete a vocal piece.

  3. In recent years, there has once been a situation in which Chinese national vocal music art became small numerous and marginal.

  4. Singers in performing skills and vocal performance, from beginning to end, are permeated by complex psychological activities.

  5. "We've always been strong enough to hold our own when it comes to vocals, " said Webbe.

  6. One of his tracks from his POPERA E. P, boasts having the highest vocal note ever recorded in history. . .

  7. It topped the jazz charts and earned her a Grammy nomination for Best Jazz Vocal Performance, but she lost to Etta James.

  8. The song cycle Chansons de Bilitis was. among the composer's lieder, a magnum opus from his mature period.

  9. Excellent vocal performer can be a bridge and shorten the distance between the composer and the audience to a large extent.


  1. 声乐教学法

    pedagogy of singing.

  2. 高师声乐课

    music teaching

  3. 声乐与合唱

    Vocal Music and Chorus.

  4. 声乐表演艺术

    vocal Music.

  5. 高师声乐教学

    vocal music teaching

  6. 声乐演唱技术

    vocal performance technique.

  7. 高师声乐大课

    enlarged vocal music class in normal college

  8. 声乐曲选集

    Vocal Music Selection.

  9. 她在上声乐课。

    She's having singing lessons.

  10. 声乐旋律构成分析

    Analysis on Melodic Structural Formula in Vocal Art.

  11. 高师声乐教学之我见

    Vocal Music Teaching in High Normal Schools

  12. 声乐艺术与吐字技术

    Art of Vocal Music and Skill of Enunciation

  13. 我喜欢器乐甚于声乐。

    I like instrument better than vocal music.

  14. 高师声乐课探索

    Explorations in the Vocal Music Course at Normal Colleges

  15. 声乐理论的科学应用

    The Scientific Application of Bel canto Vocal Theory.

  16. 声乐不在禁止之列。

    Vocal music was not interdicted.

  17. 我喜欢器乐胜于声乐。

    I like instrumental music better than vocal music.

  18. 我上过5年的声乐课。

    I took five years of voice lessons.

  19. 将声乐音带与乐器音带混合

    mixed the vocal track and instrumental track.

  20. 专攻花腔声乐的女高音。

    a soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music.

  21. 声乐表演艺术的审美体现

    Make Aesthetic Embodiment of Vocality Performance Art

  22. 辩证法在声乐教学中的作用

    The Application of Dialecticism in the Singing Teaching

  23. 浅谈声乐艺术中的咬字、吐字

    On Distinct and Clear Pronunciation in the Art of Vocal Music.

  24. 声乐是一种综合艺术活动。

    Vocal music is a sort of comprebensive art activity.

  25. 声乐教学中歌词情境教学初探

    A Pilot Practice of Teaching the Text of a Song in Accordance with Its Situation in Vocal Music

  26. 舒曼声乐独唱, 钢琴独奏曲选

    Selected Songs for Solo Voice and Piano

  27. 唐代声乐分朋角胜习俗

    Tang Dynasty Custom of Biteam Competition in Play

  28. 声乐老师给学生演示如何视唱。

    The voice teacher showed the students how to solmizate.

  29. 然后,我得步行去上声乐课。

    Then, I have to walk to my singing class.

  30. 声乐教学中钢琴伴奏的技巧

    Technique of Piano Accompaniment in the Vocal Music Teaching in Teachers College


  1. 问:声乐拼音怎么拼?声乐的读音是什么?声乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声乐的读音是shēngyuè,声乐翻译成英文是 vocal music

  2. 问:声乐家拼音怎么拼?声乐家的读音是什么?声乐家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声乐家的读音是,声乐家翻译成英文是 vocalist


