


阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……





汉语拼音:nán gōng






  1. 男性工人。

    《墨子·辞过》:“当今之王……铸金以为钩,珠玉以为佩,女工作文采,男工作刻鏤,以为身服。”《儿女英雄传》第二九回:“ 何小姐 不由得先赞了一句道:‘好漂亮的针线!这断不是男工绣的,一定也是那位 桐卿先生 的手笔了!’”



  1. By the first half of the 19th century, there were more than 100 mills in Rhode Island that employed thousands of men, women, and children.


  2. All the men, and some of the women, when milking, dug their foreheads into the cows and gazed into the pail.


  3. The builder said his men would start work the next day.


  4. The company's hiring more men next week.


  5. The men thanked John Henry for his help.


  6. Several of the men in the room exchanged compliments with the girls at long range.


  7. The study was to assay the unscheduled DNA synthesis ( UDS ) of human lymphocytes in 21 male workers occupationally exposed to lead.


  8. Laundryman : Good morning, miss! May I help you?


  9. I am thinking this morning of the men in the mills and factories; of the men in the mines and on the railroads.


  1. 病室男工人

    ward servant.

  2. 在牛奶场工作的男工。

    a man who works in a diary.

  3. 牛奶场主。牛奶场男工。奶品商

    dairy man

  4. 已婚男工可以回家睡觉。

    Married men can sleep out.

  5. 男工们感谢亨利的帮助。

    The men thanked John Henry for his help.

  6. 工厂既雇佣女工也雇佣男工。

    Factries employ both male and female workers.

  7. 工厂既雇用男工, 也雇用女工。

    Factories employ both male and female workers.

  8. 苯乙烯对接触男工的遗传毒性

    Genotoxicity of exposure to styrene in male workers

  9. 这个农场主雇不到新的男工。

    The farmer can't get a new man.

  10. 汞对男工生殖功能影响的研究

    The effects of mercury exposure on reproductive function in male workers.

  11. 苯系混合物对男工精液质量的影响

    Effect of benzene, toluene, xylene on the semen quality of exposed workers

  12. 接触铅对男工尿睾丸酮含量的影响

    Effects of lead exposure on male urine testosterone

  13. 丙烯腈对男工脂质过氧化作用研究

    Effects on lipid peroxidation in male workers exposed to acrylonitrile

  14. 此外,男工的妻子也有权享受这些福利。

    Additionally wives of male workers are also entitled to these benefits.

  15. 工作台旁许多姑娘和一些男工正在干活。

    At the latter laboured quite a company of girls and some men.

  16. 同期,男工在平均58岁零2个月的年龄退休。

    In the same period, men retired at an average age of58 years and2 months.

  17. 建筑商说他的男工第二天就开始干活。

    The builder said his men would start work the next day.

  18. 二苯甲撑二异氰酸酯对男工性激素水平的影响

    Effects of exposure to diphenyl methane diisocyanate on serum sexual hormone in male workers

  19. 职业性接触乙草胺农药对男工精液质量的影响

    Effects of acetochlor exposure on the semen quality of occupational workers.

  20. 锻热车间生产性噪声对男工听力影响的调查

    Investigation of Hearing Impact of Male Workers in Calcine Workshop Induced by Occupational Noise Exposure

  21. 无机汞对男工内分泌和大鼠睾丸微量元素的影响

    Effect of Mercuric Chloride on Endocrines in Male Workers and on Trace Element in Rats

  22. 工厂既雇用男工, 也雇用女工。操作工业洗衣机的男工人。

    Factories employ many young workers. operates industrial washing machine.

  23. 丙烯腈对男工有潜在的生殖危害,可能导致不良生殖结局。

    ACN is potential harmful to reproduction, and may induce adverse reproductive outcome.

  24. 车间里这些又脏又累的活儿多是由男工来干的。

    The dirty and hard work in workshop is mainly done by male workers.

  25. 车间里这些又脏又累的活儿多是由男工来干的。

    The dirty and hard work in workshop is mainly done by male workers.

  26. 车间里这些又脏又累得活儿多是由男工来干得。

    The dirty and hard work in workshop is mainly done by male workers.

  27. 锰烟尘对男工血脂质过氧化和抗氧化酶的影响

    Effects of Manganese Fume and Dust on Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzymes in Blood of Exposed Male Workers


  1. 问:男工拼音怎么拼?男工的读音是什么?男工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:男工的读音是nángōng,男工翻译成英文是 A male worker.