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1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……
汉语拼音:zhòng yán
见“ 重檐 ”。
亦作“ 重簷 ”。两层屋檐。
《礼记·明堂位》:“復庙重檐。” 郑玄 注:“重檐,重承壁材也。” 孔颖达 疏引 皇侃 曰:“谓就外檐下壁復安板檐,以辟风雨之洒壁。” 南朝 梁 王僧孺 《初夜文》:“拂高轩而徐薄,名香郁馥;出重檐而轻转,金表含映。” 唐 骆宾王 《四月八日题七级》诗:“复栋侵黄道,重簷架紫烟。” 明 何景明 《待曙楼赋》:“纳曲甍之轻暾,散重簷之清旭。” 清 纳兰性德 《渌水亭杂识》卷一:“寺有大悲殿,重檐架之中。”
Existing gatehouse door Shangdangzhong yan xie shan architecture for the Ming Dynasty old.
现存的上党门门楼为重檐歇山式建筑,为明代旧物。Park northeast of the two-story semi-Zhongyan pavilions , gardens in Suzhou by only see.
园东北部的二层半重檐楼阁,为苏州园林所仅见。The style is four columns, three gates, three brims, five water dypasses in this wooden-like stone archway.
该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐五滴水仿木青石雕花牌坊。To protect the giant Buddha, a seven-story pavilion was built into the mountain as a covering.
为了保护佛像,依山又造出一座七层十三重檐的阁楼,将大佛覆盖于其中。Huxin Pavilion is a three-story, double-eave ancient structure.
湖心亭是一座三层重檐楼阁式的古亭。Pavilion 16. 1 meters high, Tong Yan preserved, Seiko Qiao structure, widely, millions.
The triple eaves of the roof.
Hall veranda nine double eaves and ridge structure.
中为方阁, 攒尖顶, 重檐飞展。
For the Court, Zanjian Ding, Zhong YanChin.
塔坐西向东, 砖石结构, 重檐七级楼阁式。
The tower, facing the east, is of masonry structure and pavilionstyle with 7 eaves.
该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐, 三开间牌楼坊。
There are four column, three gates, three brims, three openings in the archway.
这个长廊是八角双重檐, 代表着四季得每一个季节。
The corridor is interspersed with a quartet of doubleeave octagonal pavilions symbolizing each of the four seasons.
The corridor is interspersed with a quartet of doubleeave octagonal pavilions symbolizing each of the four seasons.
The style is four columns, three gates, three brims, five water dypasses in this woodenlike stone archway.