


尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……





汉语拼音:jìng lǎo yuàn






  1. 由国家或集体举办的收养孤独老人的机构。也叫养老院。

    赵树理 《套不住的手》:“大队成立起敬老院,经过评议,请 陈秉正 老人退休入院。” 柯灵 《红领巾的歌·不信国庆你来看》:“怎么演来怎么不像,敬老院里去请导演。”



  1. We got to homes for the elderly, began to place some chores for the elderly.


  2. I am the time spent on such a hurry, we are reluctant to part of the afternoon to leave the homes for the elderly.


  3. The Young Pioneers visit the home for the elder once a week .


  4. We may have to put her in a nursing home to get the proper care she needs.


  5. Some of the residents are subsidised by the government, which seems happy to let private initiative flourish.


  6. In fight period once had been nurse, the spy and the spy work, postwar in New York Establishment Home for the elderly.


  7. At a nursing center in Shunping County of Baoding City, Hu offered New Year greetings to senior citizens, orphans and staff of the center.


  8. All this means, says Mr Du, that many more older folk will be living in institutions.


  9. Whenever I visit her in the nursing home, she is sitting at the table in the common dining room, her head in her hands, rocking.


  1. 陶然颐园敬老院

    Tao Ran Yi Yuan Geracomium

  2. 建国门街道敬老院

    Jian Guo Men Subdistrict Home For The Aged

  3. 中华福寿全敬老院

    China Fu Shou Quan Geracomium

  4. 我反对把老人送到敬老院去。

    I object to old people being sent to the nursing home.

  5. 我希望敬老院的人会很欣赏你。

    I hope the people at the nursing home appreciate you.

  6. 她如愿进入敬老院并当上了出纳。

    She hoped to enter homes for the elderly and when a cashier.

  7. 一时间整个敬老院里欢声笑语、其乐融融。

    For a time the entire nursing home where laughter, enjoyable.

  8. 我们赶快把她抬到教堂开的敬老院。

    We had to shovel her into the good shepherd home.

  9. 日前,记者来到石龙村五保家园敬老院。

    A few days ago, reporters came to the skink home village homes for the elderly.

  10. 敬老院中高血压患者健康需求的调查分析

    Survey on health needs of patients with hypertension in home of respect for the aged

  11. 第一次去敬老院看望奶奶,埃莉诺直想哭。

    The first time they visited Grandma in the nursing home, Eleanor wanted to cry.

  12. 他住在一个专为退休牧师建立的敬老院里

    he lives in a home for retired clergy.

  13. 曾音就建议他去认敬老院的钱太婆为娘。

    Ceng Yin advised him to recognize the home money woman as mother.

  14. 睡美人睡过头了, 王子只好在敬老院等她醒来。

    Beauty is over sleep so that prince has no choice but waiting in Nursing Home.

  15. 伊金霍洛旗新庙镇敬老院煤矿开采地质环境研究

    A Study on Mining Geological Environment of Gerocomium Coalmine in Xinmiao Town, Ejin Horo Banner

  16. 如今, 当人们随着年龄的增长, 我们会送他们去敬老院。

    Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes.

  17. 敬老院负责人代表全体老人对局团委的慰问表示感谢。

    Person in charge on behalf of all elderly nursing home Youth League game of the sympathy expressed his thanks.

  18. 你的家人可以不用去敬老院, 因为她们可以跟我们住在一起。

    And your folks don't have to go to a retirement home because they can come live with us.

  19. 你能讲讲康复中心或敬老院与医院有什么不同的地方吗?

    Can you tell me what the difference is between nursing home and hospital?

  20. 丁爱林, 一位80岁的老人, 住在逸仙敬老院已有两年的时间。

    Ding Ailin, an 80yearold lady has lived in Yixian for two years.

  21. 他坚持去敬老院照顾那些无儿无女的老人,大家都说他是活雷锋。

    He perseveres in taking care of elderly people without any children. We all regard him as a living Lei Feng.


  1. 问:敬老院拼音怎么拼?敬老院的读音是什么?敬老院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敬老院的读音是jìnglǎoyuàn,敬老院翻译成英文是 home of respect for the aged; geracomium


