







汉语拼音:chuí xián







  1. 因想吃而流口水。

    唐 柳宗元 《三戒·临江之麋》:“入门,群犬垂涎,扬尾皆来。”《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“﹝ 桂迁 ﹞见妻与二儿攒聚先啖,不觉垂涎。” 茅盾 《诗与散文》:“你喘息垂涎,象一条狗!”

  2. 比喻十分羡慕,极想得到。

    宋 苏轼 《<汉鼎铭>引》:“自 春秋 时 楚庄王 已问其轻重大小,而 战国 之际, 秦 与 齐 楚 皆欲之, 周 人惴惴焉,视三虎之垂涎而睨己也。”《红楼梦》第六四回:“﹝ 贾璉 ﹞每日与 二姐儿 三姐儿 相认已熟,不禁动了垂涎之意。”



  1. On hot days she would rise to the surface, glowing and tantalising, with a lily-leaf shading her like a parasol.

  2. This Beaujolais is very typical with banana aroma and such a greedy mouth. This is wine ready to match to any pig dishes.

  3. His principles forbade him to pay attention to a girl if he thought any man was present whom it might suit her to marry.

  4. Parents in the other families, giving up the right that people in other parts of China covet, decided to have only one child.

  5. What is more, those who look let you want food, how much food there is no toxic additives and the like?

  6. Sicily , an island of Italy, is home to beautiful beaches, outstanding food, and a bit of Italian history on every corner .

  7. So the next time you see a robin "head-cocking" you can be fairly sure it's listening and looking for those mouthwatering treats!

  8. Large government revenues from raw-material taxes makes rigging more likely by increasing incentives to get your hands on all that money.

  9. Maserati is ready to sell the Quattroporte Sport GT S to the salivating potential UK buyers.


  1. 让所有男孩垂涎

    Makin all dem boys drool

  2. 今日垂涎,明日流泪。

    Todays slaver will drain into tomorrows tear.

  3. 那气味使我垂涎。

    The smell made my mouth water.

  4. 他垂涎她的高薪。

    He is covetous of her high salary.

  5. 他对她垂涎三尺了。

    He was drooling over her.

  6. 他垂涎面前的食物。

    He dribbled over his food.

  7. 在这里您会垂涎三尺!

    Your mouth is drooled with greed!

  8. 垂涎一盘意大利面条。

    slavering over a plate of spaghetti

  9. 在这里您会垂涎三尺!

    Your mouth is drooled with greed!

  10. 让人垂涎的美味啊!

    How Delicious Would They Be?

  11. 让人垂涎的美味啊!

    How Delicious Would They Be!

  12. 大虾刀,漂亮。精品,垂涎。

    Big shrimp Dao, nice, choice, covetable.

  13. 臭豆腐得味道令你垂涎。

    The smell of chou dofu makes your mouth water.

  14. 臭豆腐的味道令你垂涎。

    The smell of chou dofu makes your mouth water.

  15. 不要垂涎你邻居的财物。

    Do not covet thy neighbour's goods.

  16. 来自厨房的令人垂涎的香味

    An appetizing smell from the kitchen

  17. 这样,我整天垂涎或整天不消化。

    Thus do I pine surfeit day by day.

  18. 我该垂涎邻家的女佣吗?

    Shall I covet my neighbour's maidservant?

  19. 而那个人是我垂涎过的

    And that man is the epitome of every single person.

  20. 不禁为它的大礼垂涎。

    It salivated its salute to physiology.

  21. 他垂涎于那份小小家产。

    He was slavering after that small fortune.

  22. 那么20幅食物图片准备垂涎三尺吧。

    So 20 food pictures get ready to drool.

  23. 蛋糕一切开, 孩子们就垂涎三尺了。

    The children lick their lips as the cake is cut.

  24. 桌上的食物看上去令人垂涎。

    The food on the table looks inviting.

  25. 他对这箱子财宝早已垂涎三尺了。

    He has coveted this treasure chest for a long time.

  26. 他对这箱子财宝早已垂涎三尺了。

    He has coveted this treasure chest for a long time.

  27. 厨房飘来的香味使我们垂涎三尺

    The wonderful aroma from the kitchen makes my mouth water.

  28. 厨房里飘来的香味使我垂涎。

    The smell from the kitchen made my mouth water.

  29. 这是你垂涎已久的美洲虎车。

    This Jaguar you so pinheadedly covet.

  30. 因为他们都垂涎于那两职位。

    Because they each coveted those positions.


  1. 问:垂涎拼音怎么拼?垂涎的读音是什么?垂涎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂涎的读音是chuíxián,垂涎翻译成英文是 to let saliva run from the mouth; covet; to w...

  2. 问:垂涎三尺拼音怎么拼?垂涎三尺的读音是什么?垂涎三尺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂涎三尺的读音是chuíxiánsānchǐ,垂涎三尺翻译成英文是 to have a watering mouth; to envy, to hunger fo...

  3. 问:垂涎欲滴拼音怎么拼?垂涎欲滴的读音是什么?垂涎欲滴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂涎欲滴的读音是chuíxiányùdī,垂涎欲滴翻译成英文是 to have a watering mouth; to envy, to hunger fo...



【基本解释】流口水。比喻贪婪或十分羡慕 含义 因想吃到而流下口水,比喻十分贪婪或羡慕。 1.因想吃而流口水。 唐 柳 宗 元《三 戒·临 江 之 麋》:“入门,群犬垂涎,扬尾皆来。”《 警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔 》:“﹝桂迁﹞见妻与二儿攒聚先啖,不觉垂涎。” 茅 盾《 诗与散文 》:“你喘息垂涎,像一条狗!”