







汉语拼音:jì yú







  1. 非分的希望或企图。

    《左传·桓公二年》:“庶人、工、商,各有分亲,皆有等衰。是以民服事其上,而下无覬覦。” 杜预 注:“下不冀望上位。”《三国志·魏志·武帝纪》:“宗庙乏祀,社稷无位;羣凶覬覦,分裂诸夏。”《旧唐书·崔元略传》:“时 刘栖楚 自为京兆尹,有覬覦相位之意。” 清 魏源 《庐山王文成公纪功碑歌》:“ 明 季中叶患尾大,爪牙覬覦强宗盟。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·中国地质略论》:“ 中国 者, 中国 人之 中国 ……可容外族之赞叹,不容外族之覬覦者也。”



  1. One may covet the position of President or King, but would not change places with them unless it meant the continuance of his own identity.


  2. International fluid capital may target China, due to its higher economy growth, higher interest rates and a likely appreciation of the yuan.


  3. Every man with royal blood wants the throne. His mother went crazy when she lost him and is locked up in the cold palace now.


  4. People have been or are chasing it. In order not to let the scroll in his hand and into mischief, for evil men, unknown monk.


  5. Now he was a goodlooking man, and his wife felt sure the "gentry" were coveting him.


  6. "If I see France looking at Brighton, " he laid his head upon one side, and beamed at Shelton, "what do I do? "


  7. It was also one of the most coveted gaming products in 2000 which went on to become one of the best-selling gaming mice of all time.


  8. Since he joined the company, he has had an eye to its financial interests and assets.


  9. So, the Ji Yu of the Japanese to "the eye of month absolute being" , just a small part of the whole world of Ji Yu, whole cosmoseses?


  1. 他觊觎王位。

    He pretended to the throne.

  2. 那青年觊觎王位。

    The young man pretended to the throne.

  3. 人们依然觊觎王位。

    Crowns and coronets are still the object of ambition.

  4. 我不觊觎不是我的东西。

    I do not covet goods not mine.

  5. 艾波比先生不觊觎权力。

    Mr. Appleby does not covet power.

  6. 那位年轻的王子觊觎王位。

    The young prince pretended to the throne.

  7. 他觊觎议长职位好几年了。

    He has coveted after the chairmanship for years.

  8. 使得电视台觊觎的一个前景。

    That has made Scola a coveted prospect.

  9. 我们不觊觎任何国家的任何东西。

    We do not covet anything from any nation.

  10. 德国人控制山东,觊觎西北各

    The Germans are in Shantung and eyed the Northwest provinces.

  11. 国相赵高,觊觎权利,日以继夜谋划皇位。

    the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to usurp the throne day and night.

  12. 全球所有国家都在觊觎尼日利亚的油田。

    There is interest in Nigerian acreage from all over the world.

  13. 周边国家中较强大一些的一直觊觎这个城镇。

    The stronger neighbouring countries always have coveted this town.

  14. 在办公室里由于对职位的觊觎让工作气氛剑拔弩张。

    She coveted his job so openly that their conversations between them were tense.

  15. 远处, 一只豺狗暗中注视, 觊觎狮子的残羹剩饭。

    A jackal watches from a distance, hoping for a few scraps when the lions are done.

  16. 她的财产已经多得足以引起那些贪得无厌的冒险者的觊觎。

    Her fortune is already more than sufficient to attract those unscrupulous adventurers.

  17. 然而,每个觊觎安理会席位的国家都遭遇了反对之声。

    But every aspirant for a security council seat faces opposition.

  18. 而且拉莫斯还得应付切尔西对丹尼尔。埃尔维斯得觊觎。

    In addition Ramos had to deal with the row over Daniel Alves's proposed transfer to Chelsea.

  19. 仅凭这一点,必然有觊觎其资产的战略投资者伺机一旁。

    That alone must have strategic investors eyeing its assets.

  20. 而且拉莫斯还得应付切尔西对丹尼尔。埃尔维斯的觊觎。

    In addition Ramos had to deal with the row over Daniel Alves's proposed transfer to Chelsea.

  21. 有了这根军事大棒,印加帝王开始觊觎别人的土地和资源。

    With this big stick, Inca kings began eyeing the lands and resources of others.


  1. 问:觊觎拼音怎么拼?觊觎的读音是什么?觊觎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:觊觎的读音是jìyú,觊觎翻译成英文是 covet



觊觎:渴望得到不应该得到的东西。 1.非分的希望或企图。 2.希望得到(不应该得到的东西)词性动词,贬义词。