


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:jiào dà






  1. The cumulative effect of executing smaller instantaneous interactions is often the most efficient way to accomplish a larger goal.


  2. It is possible to take advantage of the current period as a more reasonable ink, paper the existence of a larger, more bits and pieces from.


  3. At present the management mode of the state-owned construction enterprises has great disparity from that of the modern enterprises.


  4. But children who are older can still have some problems and I'll talk a little bit about how that falls on a continuum in just a minute.


  5. The approach to this was through a succession of descending grassy hollows, full of young pitch pines, into a larger wood about the swamp.


  6. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and I reland, and hundreds of small ones.


  7. A solution of this salt is squirted into another salt solution made of large, positively charged organic ions bound to small negative ones.


  8. The decoloration rate of the dye with modified diatomite or compound diatomite was more efficient than natural diatomite.


  9. "The small size of the dedicated investor base make it a volatile asset class, but the fundamentals remain solid, " she argues.


  1. 力度较大的

    with stronger dynamics.

  2. 有的英文较大

    Take the word sonata, for example.

  3. 音程跳动较大。

    The musical interval jitterbug is bigger.

  4. 我要较大的。

    I want larger one.

  5. 在较大程度上

    to any great degree

  6. 肝脏较大,分叶。

    The liver is big and lobulated.

  7. 我们的胜算较大。

    The odds are in our favour.

  8. 我们得胜算较大。

    The odds are in our favour.

  9. 较大鼻石一例

    A case of big nasal stone.

  10. 年纪较大的布朗

    Brown major

  11. 研究生一般年龄较大。

    Generally speaking, the graduate students are older.

  12. 高的有较大高度的高的

    Having relatively great height tall.

  13. 非线性数据变化较大。

    Nonlinear data exhibit considerable variation.

  14. 干骺愈合年龄范围较大。

    The age scope ofepiphyses fusing is larger.

  15. 体型较大的北方海雀

    The great auk.

  16. 较大的女孩吓唬她。

    The older girl buffaloed her.

  17. 一家较大公司的分支

    an offshoot of a larger company

  18. 我喜欢体型较大的狗。

    My preference in dogs are big ones.

  19. 我喜欢体型较大的狗。

    My preference in dogs are big ones.

  20. 我喜欢体型较大得狗。

    My preference in dogs are big ones .

  21. 径流年际间变化较大。

    The runoff varies greatly for each year.

  22. 能承受较大得工作压力。

    Can work under high pressure.

  23. 能承受较大的工作压力。

    Can work under high pressure.

  24. 旱季干旱伤害果树较大。

    The drought periods under these conditions tend to be more injurious to the trees.

  25. 管内型腺瘤体积较大。

    The intracanalicular type of adenoma tends to grow larger.

  26. 输入型通胀压力仍较大。

    The input bloating pressure was still big.

  27. 使用较大和较有力的关节。

    Use the larger and stronger joints for heavy work, e. G.

  28. 他想要较大的一份。

    He wants a bigger share of the pie.

  29. 可通过较大的脉冲电流。

    Unrivalled Handling of Fast High Current Pulse.

  30. 由较大组织执行的过程。

    Processes carried out by the larger organization.


  1. 问:较大拼音怎么拼?较大的读音是什么?较大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大的读音是jiàodà,较大翻译成英文是 rather big; comparatively large

  2. 问:较大的拼音怎么拼?较大的的读音是什么?较大的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大的的读音是,较大的翻译成英文是 biggish

  3. 问:较大家庭拼音怎么拼?较大家庭的读音是什么?较大家庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大家庭的读音是jiào dà jiā tíng,较大家庭翻译成英文是 larger family

  4. 问:较大拓扑拼音怎么拼?较大拓扑的读音是什么?较大拓扑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大拓扑的读音是jiào dà tuò pū,较大拓扑翻译成英文是 larger topology

  5. 问:较大湿度拼音怎么拼?较大湿度的读音是什么?较大湿度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大湿度的读音是jiào dà shī dù,较大湿度翻译成英文是 high humidity

  6. 问:较大柱隔孢拼音怎么拼?较大柱隔孢的读音是什么?较大柱隔孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大柱隔孢的读音是jiàodàzhùgébāo,较大柱隔孢翻译成英文是 Ramularia major

  7. 问:较大菱形藻拼音怎么拼?较大菱形藻的读音是什么?较大菱形藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大菱形藻的读音是jiàodàlíngxíngzǎo,较大菱形藻翻译成英文是 Nitzschia majuscula

  8. 问:较大汇率幅度拼音怎么拼?较大汇率幅度的读音是什么?较大汇率幅度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大汇率幅度的读音是jiào dà huì lǜ fú dù,较大汇率幅度翻译成英文是 wider exchange rate margin

  9. 问:较大菱形藻直列变种拼音怎么拼?较大菱形藻直列变种的读音是什么?较大菱形藻直列变种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较大菱形藻直列变种的读音是jiàodàlíngxíngzǎo zhílièbiànzhǒng,较大菱形藻直列变种翻译成英文是 Nitzschia majuscula var.; lineata