







汉语拼音:tuó fēng







  1. 亦作“ 驼峯 ”。亦作“駞峰”。骆驼背上的肉峰。古代作为珍馐之一。

    唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·酒食》:“将军 曲良翰 ,能为驴騣驼峯炙。” 宋 周密 《癸辛杂识续集上·驼峰》:“驼峰之雋,列於八珍。” 清 朱彝尊 《题颜司勋光敏写照》诗:“訡羹削驼峰,貰酿搅牛潼。”

  2. 驼形的山峰。

    宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷十:“ 蔡太师 父 準 葬 临平山 ,为駞形,术家谓駞负重则行,故作塔於駞峰;而其墓以 钱塘江 为水,越之 秦望山 为案,可谓雄矣。”

  3. 指铁路调车用的土坡。车辆可以凭本身的重力自动溜到各股铁道上去。



  1. If you're already programming in a language that uses camel case, however, this is pretty easy to get used to.


  2. The alarms of catching up in car retarder are often sent by controller system in the rolling process of Xinfeng marshalling yard.


  3. Another strategy for eliminating unmelts is to use what is commonly referred to as a "humped" temperature profile.


  4. When water and food become scarce on the deserts where camels roam, the fatty humps serve as stored food and are used for nourishment.


  5. Camel characteristics: Camels are the only animals with humps .


  6. The size of a camel's hump helps determine a camel's health, food sources, and overall well-being.


  7. A camel's hump is a large deposit of fat. A camel's body uses up the fat when plant food is not available (4) during long desert treks.


  8. This animal is called the Arabian camel, a long-legged beast with one large hump on its back.


  9. These humps, or reserves of fat, are the reason why camels can go for days without water and food.


  1. 驼峰溜放线

    hump lead

  2. 驼峰轨道衡

    hump scale

  3. 驼峰回头线

    hump and kickback

  4. 驼峰推送线

    hump track

  5. 驼峰转车散机

    hump point machine

  6. 驼峰溜放部分

    hump distribution zone

  7. 驼峰调车控制

    hump marshalling control

  8. 驼峰里有什么?

    What's in a camel's hump?

  9. 驼峰造父变星

    hump cepheid

  10. 驼峰初速能高

    humping velocity head

  11. 驼峰段车辆段模型。

    The operating model of a gravity hump.

  12. 骆驼为什么有驼峰?

    Why do camels have humps?

  13. 驼峰调车场尾部

    Tail throat of a hump yard

  14. 没酒精的驼峰啤酒

    Dry hump ale.

  15. 葱爆驼峰肉

    Stir fry camel hump with shallot

  16. 您爱喝醉过驼峰。

    Get you love drunk off this hump.

  17. 驼峰尾部存车清单

    bowl inventory

  18. 欢迎来到昆明驼峰客栈!

    Welcome to The Hump Hostel in Kunming!

  19. 驼峰溜放线钢轨引接线

    track lead

  20. 全驼峰客栈的照片

    All Photos of The Hump

  21. 我是谁?我有两个驼峰。

    Who am I? I have two humps.

  22. 试论小能力驼峰的现代化

    Discussion on Modernization for Small Capacity Hump

  23. 自动化驼峰作业预想控制法

    Preconception Control Method for Safety in Automatic Hump

  24. 梁架由驼峰及斜柱构成。

    Liang Jia hump by the oblique and constitute a column.

  25. 背上你得驼峰,骆驼,该你上了。

    Move your hump, camel. you're on.

  26. 最后对现代化驼峰进行了概述。

    Carried on to the modernization hump finally to say all.

  27. 有些种类的骆驼有两个驼峰。

    Some species of camel have two humps.

  28. 驼峰式的造型象驼峰的或象弓形曲线的

    Shaped like a hump or an arching curve.

  29. 骆驼背上有个很大的驼峰。

    A camel has a big hump on its back.

  30. 很多人认为驼峰是储水的

    Most people think that the humps store water.


  1. 问:驼峰拼音怎么拼?驼峰的读音是什么?驼峰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰的读音是tuófēng,驼峰翻译成英文是 hump of a camel; hump

  2. 问:驼峰藤拼音怎么拼?驼峰藤的读音是什么?驼峰藤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰藤的读音是tuófēngténg,驼峰藤翻译成英文是 Merrillanthus hainanensis

  3. 问:驼峰效应拼音怎么拼?驼峰效应的读音是什么?驼峰效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰效应的读音是tuó fēng xiào yìng,驼峰效应翻译成英文是 hump effect

  4. 问:驼峰曲线拼音怎么拼?驼峰曲线的读音是什么?驼峰曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰曲线的读音是tuó fēng qǔ xiàn,驼峰曲线翻译成英文是 dromedary curve

  5. 问:驼峰藤属拼音怎么拼?驼峰藤属的读音是什么?驼峰藤属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰藤属的读音是tuófēngténgshǔ,驼峰藤属翻译成英文是 Merrillanthus

  6. 问:驼峰螺属拼音怎么拼?驼峰螺属的读音是什么?驼峰螺属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰螺属的读音是tuófēngluó shǔ,驼峰螺属翻译成英文是 Gibbula

  7. 问:驼峰凋车场拼音怎么拼?驼峰凋车场的读音是什么?驼峰凋车场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰凋车场的读音是tuó fēng diāo chē chǎng,驼峰凋车场翻译成英文是 summit yard

  8. 问:驼峰波纹藻拼音怎么拼?驼峰波纹藻的读音是什么?驼峰波纹藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰波纹藻的读音是tuófēngbōwénzǎo,驼峰波纹藻翻译成英文是 Cymatosira gibberula

  9. 问:驼峰螺亚科拼音怎么拼?驼峰螺亚科的读音是什么?驼峰螺亚科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰螺亚科的读音是tuófēngluó yàkē,驼峰螺亚科翻译成英文是 Gibbulinae

  10. 问:驼峰调车场拼音怎么拼?驼峰调车场的读音是什么?驼峰调车场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰调车场的读音是tuó fēng diào chē chǎng,驼峰调车场翻译成英文是 summit yard

  11. 问:驼峰式大小写拼音怎么拼?驼峰式大小写的读音是什么?驼峰式大小写翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰式大小写的读音是,驼峰式大小写翻译成英文是 CamelCase

  12. 问:驼峰形锤式破碎机拼音怎么拼?驼峰形锤式破碎机的读音是什么?驼峰形锤式破碎机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰形锤式破碎机的读音是tuó fēng xíng chuí shì pò suì jī,驼峰形锤式破碎机翻译成英文是 camel-back-type crusher

  13. 问:驼峰棒杆藻伸长变种拼音怎么拼?驼峰棒杆藻伸长变种的读音是什么?驼峰棒杆藻伸长变种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰棒杆藻伸长变种的读音是tuófēngbànggǎnzǎo shēnchángbiànzhǒng,驼峰棒杆藻伸长变种翻译成英文是 Rhopalodia gibberula var.; protracta

  14. 问:驼峰棒杆藻范氏变种拼音怎么拼?驼峰棒杆藻范氏变种的读音是什么?驼峰棒杆藻范氏变种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驼峰棒杆藻范氏变种的读音是tuófēngbànggǎnzǎo fànshìbiànzhǒng,驼峰棒杆藻范氏变种翻译成英文是 Rhopalodia gibberula var.; vanheurckii


