


1. 些 [xiē]2. 些 [suò]些 [xiē]表示不定的数量:一~。某~。~微。~许。用在形容词后表示比较的程度:病轻~了。些 [suò]《楚词》中的句末助词。……


小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……



汉语拼音:xiē wēi








  1. 少许,一点儿。

    明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·事部一》:“寧竭货财以媚权贵,不肯捨些微以济贫乏,此天下之通惑也!”《儒林外史》第四一回:“此刻 少卿 兄莫若先赏差人些微银子,叫他仍旧到 王府塘 去。” 鲁迅 《伪自由书·保留》:“想于 中国 有些微的裨益者,真不知有若干次数了。”

  2. 略微,稍微。

    《红楼梦》第五八回:“些微谈了一谈,便催 宝玉 去歇息调养。”《官场现形记》第四回:“如果些微润色点,我旁边人就替他硬做主。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》开篇十二:“ 翠花 照例是些微一欠身儿,嫣然一笑,叫了声‘婶子’。”



  1. often felt as if she were slightly lost, floating through a miasma of self-doubt.


  2. And immediately he began to feel the old clumsiness he always suffered around women to whom he was even faintly attracted.


  3. And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?


  4. She was slightly tipsy . . . must be from the whiskey on her hand. She continued.


  5. Job 26: 14 Lo, these are parts of his ways, but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?


  6. Some chilly are heard at the beginning of my flavour, a bit inhospitality uses if to want to maintain a distance with other of purpose.


  7. River, the sky into the same color, there is no small dust, and only a solitary bright hanging on the air.


  8. In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life, and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods.


  9. The idea of a "network bank" with a light presence in many countries is not, in itself, foolish.


  1. 气温些微的下降

    an appreciable drop in temperature

  2. 些微的霜/ 有点儿感冒

    a touch of frost/ flu

  3. 天上飘着些微云,

    The sky is scattered with thin clouds

  4. 他得了些微的表皮感染。

    He has got some superficial infection.

  5. 些微的失误、错误、变化、改进

    A slight slip, error, change, improvement

  6. 我们必须做些微的调整。

    We have to make marginal adjustments.

  7. 她的嗓音里有些微颤动。

    There was a slight tremor in her voice.

  8. 他的演说带有些微的讽刺。

    His speech had some relish of irony.

  9. 他的话里的些微恶意。

    A soupcon of malice in his remark.

  10. 空气中有些微的春天气息。

    A hint of spring was in the air.

  11. 然而, 这将会些微地减少枘穴。

    However, this will reduce the gain slightly.

  12. 咽喉些微地在那看平静。

    The Swallow looked slightly pacified at that.

  13. 这种反弹也许带有些微的泡沫。

    This rebound may come with little fizz.

  14. 我犯了些微错误,老板都会痛骂我。

    My boss would jump on me for the slightest mistake.

  15. 一阵秋风吹来,感到些微的凉意。

    The autumn wind sprang up, and there was a slight chill in the air.

  16. 我们以些微之差赢了对手。

    We won by a hair's breadth.

  17. 身边的蕨类植物中有些微的沙沙声。

    Something small rustles away through the ferns near him.

  18. 些微地替换前臂以便手掌脸内心的。

    Rotate forearm slightly so that palm faces inward.

  19. 丑陋的精确自然继续些微暧昧比较迟的。

    Caliban's exact nature continues to be slightly ambiguous later.

  20. 这块贫瘠的土地只能生产些微的粮食。

    The barren land could produce little food.

  21. 靠近边缘的几乎到或些微地在边缘之内。

    Submarginal Nearly to or slightly inside of margin.

  22. 身边得蕨类植物中有些微得沙沙声。

    Something small rustles away through the ferns near him.

  23. 天上飘着些微云,地上吹着些微风。

    Slight cloud floating in heaven, Slight wind blowing on the ground.

  24. 有些雀鸟来到后作出了些微的改变。

    Some have changed only a little since they arrived.

  25. 这个次那里不是钥匙, 而且门些微地开着。

    This time there was no key and the door was slightly open.

  26. 发灰的黄褐色, 有点浅灰或些微的红褐

    a grayish yellow brown to light grayish or moderate reddish brown

  27. 始终心有些微不甘,但又能怎么样呢。

    Still feel slightly unresigned, but what else can I do?

  28. 他在他旁边些微地分心如他的母亲改变。

    He seemed slightly distracted as his mother shifted beside him.

  29. 他的每一个颜色不是黑,白就是些微的灰。

    Every color to him was either black, white, or a shade of grey.

  30. 他的每一个颜色不是黑,白就是些微的灰。

    Every color to him was either black, white, or a shade of grey.


  1. 问:些微拼音怎么拼?些微的读音是什么?些微翻译成英文是什么?

    答:些微的读音是xiēwēi,些微翻译成英文是 slightly; a little



些微 1。耽美小说作家 所作耽美小说有:《炎凤啸世》(完结) 《卿当何以悦苍流》(连载中) 两部都是很好看的耽美小说,作者的笔下的人物不仅美且富有想象。两部小说都是很值得一看的 2.xiē wēi ①副词。略微:些微有点头痛。 ②一点儿:些微薄礼。 些 xiē 表示不定的数量:一些。某些。些微。些许。用在形容词后表示比较的程度:病轻些了。 微 wēi 小,细小:细微。轻微。微小。微型。微观。微雕。微积分。微电脑。微量元素。谨小慎微。