




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:tāo bāo








  1. na.
  2. pick pockets

  1. 他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。

    He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight.

  2. 糟糕!我在人群里被人掏了包。

    Shit! I had my pocket picked in the throng.

  3. 我得从包里掏点东西。

    I have to get something out of my bag.

  4. 我得从包里掏点东西。

    I have to get something out of my bag.

  5. 从包里掏出一块三明治

    to dig a sandwich from the bag

  6. 杰姆从大衣口袋里掏出一包东西,把它仍在桌上。

    Jim drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table.

  7. 你到底要在包里掏什么呀?

    What do you have to get out of your bag?

  8. 我从这个包里掏出一个分子

    And I was pulling a molecule out of this bag.

  9. 他把手伸进包里掏出一块面包。

    He dug into the bag and pulled out a loaf of bread.

  10. 他给我买了包烟, 从包里掏了出来。

    He bought me a pack of cigarettes, from the bag and pulls out.

  11. 他手伸进马车,从包里掏出了手枪。

    He reached into his wagon and drew a pistol from his baggage.

  12. 他手伸进马车,从包里掏出了手枪。

    He reached into his wagon and drew a pistol from his baggage.

  13. 歹徒突然从包中掏出一把亮锃锃的匕首。

    The gangster suddenly fished out a dazzling dagger from the bag.

  14. 歹徒突然从包中掏出一把亮锃锃的匕首。

    The gangster suddenly fished out a dazzling dagger from the bag.

  15. 陶子打开她的包, 掏出皮夹, 拿出一张信用卡。

    Tao Zi opens her purse takes out a wallet and removes a credit card.

  16. 陶子打开她得包,掏出皮夹,拿出一张信用卡。

    Tao Zi opens her purse takes out a wallet and removes a credit card.

  17. 接着又从小包里掏出一张联盟政府的钞票来。

    From it, he drew a Confederate bill.

  18. 接着又从小包里掏出一张联盟政府得钞票来。

    From it, he drew a Confederate bill.

  19. 他赶忙从包里掏出一瓶刺激性的喷雾剂,

    The junior editor quickly pulled a can of irritant spray from his bag

  20. 山峰美丽,但是我已经没有力气从包里掏照相机了。

    They were beautiful but I no longer had enough energy to forage through my bags for the camera.

  21. 吉姆从大衣口袋里掏出一个小包, 扔在桌上。

    Jim drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table.

  22. 她把手伸到包里掏钢笔。

    She reached into her bag for a pen.

  23. 老人像变戏法似的从衣袋里掏出一包银币。

    The old man conjured up a bag of silver coins from his pocket.

  24. 我让车子轻轻溜进了加油站, 关发动机, 掏钱包。

    I coast into the gas station, kill the engine, grope for my wallet.

  25. 老人像变戏法似得从衣袋里掏出一包银币。

    The old man conjured up a bag of silver coins from his pocket.

  26. 定定神,用还在哆嗦的手掏出钱包付车费。

    Collecting my wits, I fumbled for the fare in my purse.

  27. 邓玉娇站起来从随身斜跨的包中掏出一把水果刀藏于背后。

    Dengyujiao stood up and took out a fruit knife from the bag on her shoulder and hid it back.

  28. 我是自己掏的腰包。

    I paid out of my own pocket.

  29. 我是自己掏得腰包。

    I paid out of my own pocket .

  30. 还要我自掏腰包

    and get me to pay for it.