


1. 趋 [qū]2. 趋 [cù]趋 [qū]快走:~走。~进。~前。~奉。~翔(快走像鸟展翅飞翔)。~炎附势(奔走于权贵,依附有权势的人)。~之若鹜(像野鸭子一样成群地争着去,含贬义)。归向,情势向着某方面发展:~向。~势。大势所~。鹅……





汉语拼音:qū yú



  1. He said this did not indicate a deteriorating situation but rather a reassessment of what has already occurred.


  2. According to the demands of modern theory of infection, study on the laboratory diagnosis tends to be rapid, simple, sensitive and economic.


  3. "Mainstream" model tends to fail in the long run without appropriate supporting structural changes.


  4. Then, he said, evaporation would slow down as the surface area shrank, and the water level would stabilize.


  5. Temperature, sunlight, rainfall, which is often a turning point in the year, tends to rise or increase.


  6. When they could not name one, but said their own aim was to enjoy life more, I realised that this was an economy that was reaching maturity.


  7. Farewell long already gradually moving out of guilt, I it had gradually become indifferent heart once again feel the warm heat.


  8. The new funds are likely at first to be conservative investors, mindful of how much existing funds have suffered during the crisis.


  9. As a fringe benefit for the DPJ, which tends to back Japan's trade unions, it also wins the party friends in business.


  1. 价格趋于稳定

    Prices leveled off.

  2. 局势趋于稳定。

    The situation is tending towards stability.

  3. 房价趋于上涨。

    The prices of houses are trending upwards.

  4. 趋于碰撞的黑洞

    Black holes on a collision course

  5. 趋于同样的结论。

    It tends to the same conclusion.

  6. 红色逐渐趋于橙色。

    Red grades into orange.

  7. 突出的趋于伸出的伸出的

    Tending to protrude protruding.

  8. 他的观点趋于偏激。

    His views tend towards the extreme.

  9. 这场危机趋于和解。

    The crisis trends toward a reconciliation.

  10. 他们的意见趋于一致。

    They are reaching unanimity.

  11. 大家的观点趋于一致。

    All our opinions are tending to unanimity.

  12. 选举竞争正趋于白热化。

    The election contest is heating up.

  13. 比例关系逐渐趋于协调。

    The ratio is becoming more balanced.

  14. 商业活动整体趋于萧条。

    Overall business activity is slipping.

  15. 同时,通货膨胀正趋于缓和。

    And inflation has come down.

  16. 其它数字趋于超过这个数字。

    Other estimates tend to exceed this figure.

  17. 时下服装设计趋于简洁。

    There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing.

  18. 她一家历来趋于肥胖。

    Her family have always leaned to overweight.

  19. 种群密度亦趋于均匀化。

    The population density is evened out.

  20. 起码是趋于真理的方向。

    to be at least in the direction of truth.

  21. 公司间的竞争趋于激烈。

    Rivalry among business firms grew more intense.

  22. 但是对于我们会趋于平静

    A bower quiet for us, and a sleep.

  23. 报界的鼓噪正趋于高潮。

    The clamour in the press was reaching a crescendo.

  24. 使灭绝,使消亡趋于灭绝或使灭绝的

    Tending to extinguish or make extinct.

  25. 我们的总销售额趋于稳定。

    Our total sales reached a plateau.

  26. 我们得总销售额趋于稳定。

    Our total sales reached a plateau.

  27. 而现在房产价格趋于温和。

    Now house prices may be softening too.

  28. 在繁荣时期常趋于保守。

    There is usually a trend to conservatism in prosperous eras.

  29. 平均主义的观念趋于淡化。

    The idea of equalitarianism is losing ground.

  30. 亚瑟的书趋于单调乏味。

    Arthur's books tend to poverty.


  1. 问:趋于拼音怎么拼?趋于的读音是什么?趋于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趋于的读音是qūyú,趋于翻译成英文是 Tend to.

  2. 问:趋于零拼音怎么拼?趋于零的读音是什么?趋于零翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趋于零的读音是qū yú líng,趋于零翻译成英文是 vanishingly

  3. 问:趋于上升的拼音怎么拼?趋于上升的的读音是什么?趋于上升的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趋于上升的的读音是,趋于上升的翻译成英文是 buoyant

  4. 问:趋于时尚的拼音怎么拼?趋于时尚的的读音是什么?趋于时尚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趋于时尚的的读音是,趋于时尚的翻译成英文是 faddish

  5. 问:趋于时尚者拼音怎么拼?趋于时尚者的读音是什么?趋于时尚者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趋于时尚者的读音是,趋于时尚者翻译成英文是 faddist