




用皮、布或线等做成的长条物:~子。皮~。领~。一衣~水。像带子的长条物:~钢。~鱼。声~。车轮胎:车~。外~。区域:地~。温~。佩戴,披挂:~孝。~剑。随身拿着:携~。~挈。~着钱。捎,连着,顺便做:连~。~职。~累(lěi )(连累)。话……



汉语拼音:rèn dài






  1. 白色带状的结缔组织。质坚韧,有弹性,能把骨骼连接在一起,并能固定肝、脾、肾等脏器的位置。



  1. 'It's like you're walking on stilts, ' he says. 'The ball of your foot is up a couple of inches off the ground in platform shoes.


  2. Three Meta-analyses about anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction did not come to a definite conclusion.


  3. RESULTS: The appearance of ABL was similar to that of the normal human ligament.


  4. An MRI and CT scan revealed no changes from previous studies, which had revealed tendinitis and a small ligament tear in the wrist.


  5. "Gary Neville has ligament damage and he'll be out for three weeks, I feel, " said the boss.


  6. Tests later found a ligament in her shoulder had been damaged, her lawyer has said. "Cause of injuries: Assault. "


  7. as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year.


  8. Clinically, the fracture of radial capitulum is often complicated with the injury of this ligament.


  9. Collagen is an essential and major component of muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels.


  1. 韧带断裂。

    I tore my ankle ligaments.

  2. 跟骰底韧带

    short plantar lig.

  3. 跗足底韧带

    Plantar tarsal ligaments.

  4. 跖足底韧带

    Plantar metatarsal ligaments.

  5. 躏跖背侧韧带

    sorsal tarsal ligament.

  6. 跖骨前韧带

    metatarsal ligament, anterior.

  7. 荐髂腹韧带

    ligamentum sacroiliacum ventrale.

  8. 会阴部韧带

    Ligament of perineum.

  9. 直肠侧韧带

    lateral ligament of rectum.

  10. 荐坐骨韧带

    ligamentum sacroischiadicum.

  11. 肱骨悬韧带

    suspensory ligament of humerus.

  12. 前胸锁韧带

    Anterior sternoclavicular ligament.

  13. 阑尾卵巢韧带

    appendiculoovarian ligament

  14. 耻骨梳韧带。

    Pecten pubis is called the pectineal ligament.

  15. 阔韧带静脉曲张

    Varices of broad ligament

  16. 镫骨环韧带

    stapedial ligament

  17. 韧带松解术

    Release of ligament

  18. 棘突间韧带

    Interspinous ligament.

  19. 棘突上韧带

    Supraspinous ligament.

  20. 坎波斯胝韧带

    Campos ligament.

  21. 眶隔赳韧带

    tarsoorbital ligaments.

  22. 经肝圆韧带

    Ligamentum teres hepatis.

  23. 镫骨状韧带

    annular ligament of stapes

  24. 后交义韧带

    Posterior cruciate ligament

  25. 锤骨前韧带

    anterior ligament of malleus

  26. 籽骨短韧带

    ligamenta sesamoides brevia.

  27. 项韧带骨化

    Nuchal ligament ossification

  28. 籽骨间韧带

    ligamentum intersesamoideum.

  29. 眼内颊韧带

    Medial check ligament of eye.

  30. 环小角韧带

    ligamentum cricocorniculatum.


  1. 问:韧带拼音怎么拼?韧带的读音是什么?韧带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带的读音是rèndài,韧带翻译成英文是 ligament; anadesma

  2. 问:韧带囊拼音怎么拼?韧带囊的读音是什么?韧带囊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带囊的读音是rèn dài náng,韧带囊翻译成英文是 ligament sac

  3. 问:韧带学拼音怎么拼?韧带学的读音是什么?韧带学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带学的读音是rèn dài xué,韧带学翻译成英文是 desmography

  4. 问:韧带槽拼音怎么拼?韧带槽的读音是什么?韧带槽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带槽的读音是rèn dài cáo,韧带槽翻译成英文是 ligament groove

  5. 问:韧带沟拼音怎么拼?韧带沟的读音是什么?韧带沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带沟的读音是rèn dài gōu,韧带沟翻译成英文是 ligamental groove, sulcus ligamenti

  6. 问:韧带炎拼音怎么拼?韧带炎的读音是什么?韧带炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带炎的读音是rèn dài yán,韧带炎翻译成英文是 desmitis

  7. 问:韧带病拼音怎么拼?韧带病的读音是什么?韧带病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带病的读音是rèn dài bìng,韧带病翻译成英文是 desmopathy

  8. 问:韧带痛拼音怎么拼?韧带痛的读音是什么?韧带痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带痛的读音是,韧带痛翻译成英文是 desmalgia

  9. 问:韧带瘤拼音怎么拼?韧带瘤的读音是什么?韧带瘤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带瘤的读音是rèn dài liú,韧带瘤翻译成英文是 syndesmoma

  10. 问:韧带的拼音怎么拼?韧带的的读音是什么?韧带的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带的的读音是,韧带的翻译成英文是 ligamentous

  11. 问:韧带窝拼音怎么拼?韧带窝的读音是什么?韧带窝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带窝的读音是rèn dài wō,韧带窝翻译成英文是 ligament pit

  12. 问:韧带线拼音怎么拼?韧带线的读音是什么?韧带线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带线的读音是rèn dài xiàn,韧带线翻译成英文是 trapezoid line

  13. 问:韧带脊拼音怎么拼?韧带脊的读音是什么?韧带脊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带脊的读音是rèn dài jǐ,韧带脊翻译成英文是 ligament ridge

  14. 问:韧带膜拼音怎么拼?韧带膜的读音是什么?韧带膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带膜的读音是rèn dài mó,韧带膜翻译成英文是 peridesmium

  15. 问:韧带论拼音怎么拼?韧带论的读音是什么?韧带论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带论的读音是rèn dài lùn,韧带论翻译成英文是 syndesmography

  16. 问:韧带面拼音怎么拼?韧带面的读音是什么?韧带面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带面的读音是rèn dài miàn,韧带面翻译成英文是 ligamental area

  17. 问:韧带伸展拼音怎么拼?韧带伸展的读音是什么?韧带伸展翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带伸展的读音是rèn dài shēn zhǎn,韧带伸展翻译成英文是 desmectasis

  18. 问:韧带内的拼音怎么拼?韧带内的的读音是什么?韧带内的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带内的的读音是rèn dài nèi de,韧带内的翻译成英文是 intraligamentous

  19. 问:韧带周的拼音怎么拼?韧带周的的读音是什么?韧带周的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带周的的读音是rèn dài zhōu de,韧带周的翻译成英文是 periligamentous

  20. 问:韧带外的拼音怎么拼?韧带外的的读音是什么?韧带外的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韧带外的的读音是rèn dài wài de,韧带外的翻译成英文是 extraligamentous



韧带属于致密结缔组织。主要可分为两类:弹性结缔组织和胶原纤维彼此交织成的不规则的致密结缔组织。弹性组织(elastic tissue)是以弹性纤维为主的致密结缔组织。粗大的弹性纤维或平行排列成束,如项韧带和黄韧带。韧带白色带状的结缔组织,质坚韧,有弹性,能把骨骼连接在一起,并能固定某些脏器如肝、脾、肾等的位置。韧带亦称铰合韧带(hinge ligament)。为软体动物斧足类的左右两个贝壳的连结物。一般将位于壳顶后方外面的韧带称外韧带。