


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 煞 [shā]2. 煞 [shà]煞 [shā]同“杀”。同“刹”。煞 [shà]极,很:~费苦心。急~。迷信的人指凶神:~气。凶~。凶神恶~。……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……


1. 景 [jǐng]2. 景 [yǐng]景 [jǐng]环境的风光:~色。~致。~物。~观。~气(a.景色;b.指经济繁荣现象,统指兴旺)。~深。情况,状况:~象。~况。年~。佩服,敬慕:~仰。~慕。高,大:~行(xíng )。姓。景 ……



汉语拼音:dà shā fēng jǐng








  • 【解释】:损伤美好的景致。比喻败坏兴致。
  • 【出自】:唐·李商隐《杂纂》把“花间喝道”、“月下把火”等列为“杀风景”的事情。
  • 【示例】:安公子高高兴兴的一个酒场,再不想作了这等一个~。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义,用于与好事相对照


  1. Cruelly she said it would be no fun if I accompanied her.


  2. The announcement was in a sense of anticlimax, since it implicitly recognized the failure of their plan.


  3. If they do, it will be very difficult for France and the game could be killed as a spectacle.


  4. Tangled into a ball will only damage the eyelashes look, it makes men feel too unpleasant.


  5. Or perhaps there is always someone richer, spoiling the party with their more impressive wealth?


  6. That was no reason why the evening should be spoilt.


  7. The latter are well represented in parliament, and have gained the reputation of killjoys among more liberal Kuwaitis.


  8. The NBA is mulling the prospect of stitching advertising logos onto jerseys.


  9. We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour , which was rather a fly in the ointment.


  1. 那棚屋大煞风景。

    That shack is a blot on the landscape.

  2. 旁边的高层建筑大煞风景。

    The highrise nearby has spoiled the scene.

  3. 他的事情迟早会大煞风景。

    Everything turned out lousy for him sooner or later.

  4. 那新工厂的烟囱大煞风景。

    That new factory chimney is a blot on the landscape.

  5. 提议中的电站将会大煞风景。

    The proposed power station will be a horrendous blot on the landscape.

  6. 那道新围墙使花园大煞风景。

    That new fence has spoilt the garden.

  7. 那么现在的说明照理会大煞风景。

    It might have seemed that this revelation would have marked a drop.

  8. 这醉汉不仅大煞风景, 而且妨碍交通。

    The drunkard was not only a blot on the landscape but a block in the traffic.

  9. 狮子林里得水泥船真是大煞风景。

    That cement boat in Lion Grove is a blot on the landscape.

  10. 狮子林里的水泥船真是大煞风景。

    That cement boat in Lion Grove is a blot on the landscape.

  11. 这倒不是今晚何以大煞风景得原因。

    That was no reason why the evening should be spoilt.

  12. 旅游景点遍地垃圾,总会让人觉得大煞风景。

    A tourist spot covered with trash is a real eyesore.

  13. 旅游景点遍地垃圾,总会让人觉得大煞风景。

    A tourist spot covered with trash is a real eyesore.

  14. 但再看看山上树枝上挂着的塑料袋真是大煞风景。

    But when we saw the plastic bags top of the trees, we felt rather disappointed.

  15. 她狠心地说, 如果我在一旁陪着她, 那将大煞风景。

    Cruelly she said it would be no fun if I accompanied her.

  16. 她残酷地说,如果由我在一旁陪着她那将大煞风景。

    Cruelly she said it would be no fun if I accompanied her.

  17. 当我们正在举行野餐的时候,忽然大雨倾盆,未免大煞风景。

    We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour, which was rather a fly in the ointment.

  18. 我们双方的眼中钉,那个大煞 风景的家伙

    The thorn in both our sides. The fly in our ointment.

  19. 狗屎真煞风景。

    Dog waste is a Blight.

  20. 露骨,煞风景,下流。

    conspicuously and tastelessly indecent.

  21. 别来煞风景了,行吗?

    Can we please not have another ugly scene?

  22. 别来煞风景了,行吗?

    Can we please not have another ugly scene?

  23. 正餐与甜点不免有些煞风景。

    Dinner and dessert might spoil the magic.

  24. 你肯定会让整个谈话煞风景的!

    Trust you to lower the tone of the whole conversation!

  25. 大风景,好食物和好玩的人!

    Great scenery, good food and fun people!

  26. 我们不会那么煞风景, 偏要说不信。

    We would not spoil the fun by saying we didn't believe in him.

  27. 可是, 病的软如海绵让人数煞风景!

    However, the disease, such as soft sponge so that the number of Sha Fengjing!

  28. 他很虚心的跟在后头,不愿意煞风景。

    He walked very modestly behind them. He was not willing to spoil sport.

  29. 投票那天反倒平平淡淡,未免有点煞风景。

    Polling day was uneventful, a bit of an anticlimax.

  30. 在这愉快的时刻, 你不要说煞风景的话。

    At such a happy moment, please stop saying unpleasant things.


  1. 问:大煞风景拼音怎么拼?大煞风景的读音是什么?大煞风景翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大煞风景的读音是dàshāfēngjǐng,大煞风景翻译成英文是 To ruin something beautiful; to disappoint....



大煞风景dà shā fēng jǐng损伤美好的景致。比喻败坏兴致。唐·李商隐《杂纂》把“花间喝道”、“月下把火”等列为“杀风景”的事情。