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1. 恶 [è]2. 恶 [wù]3. 恶 [ě]4. 恶 [wū]恶 [è]不好:~感。~果。~劣。~名。丑~。凶狠:~霸。~棍。险~。凶~。犯罪的事,极坏的行为:~贯满盈。恶 [wù]讨厌,憎恨,与“好(hào )”相对:可~。厌~。好……
汉语拼音:xiǎn è
《史记·张仪列传》:“ 韩 地险恶山居,五穀所生,非菽而麦,民之食大抵菽饭藿羹。一岁不收,民不饜糟糠。”
唐 韩愈 《泷吏》诗:“险恶不可状,船石相舂撞。” 明 刘基 《公无渡河》诗:“世路如何险恶实多,平地倏忽滔天风波。” 郁达夫 《感伤的行旅》:“﹝我们﹞谈到了社会上的险恶的人心。”
The markings appeared to have been made by a tractor pulling some sort of plough which created furrows 10m wide in the difficult terrain.
雕刻中的条纹看上去像是由拖拉机牵引着某种犁在险恶地形上犁出的10米宽的沟。I was expecting someone a little more sinister and a little darker, to be obsessed with a case like this.
我期望一个更险恶以及更阴暗一点的人来沉迷于像这样的一起案件。When a fellow teacher is arrested as a CIA spy by the sinister Palestinian security forces, Yussef ignores advice to leave.
他的同事却被险恶的巴勒斯坦安全部队当作中情局间谍逮捕起来,这时别人劝他离开加沙为妙,但他却毅然决定留下来。And he described another man, perhaps the most dangerous of them all-an old man with a young voice who could hood his eyes like a hawk.
他还绘声绘色地说起另外一个人,这个人可能最为险恶——一个说话声音像年轻人,像猫头鹰似地眯着眼睛的老人。It allows maximum flow from the air supply valve; it makes people easy to breath by appropriate air supply in dangerous working condition.
供气阀流量大,呼气阻力小,且可大流量调节,使作业人员在任何险恶环境下,工作轻松自如。Again he lowered his head and gazed into the fascinating and yet treacherous depths of that magnetic, bluish, purple pool.
他又低下头来,盯住这蓝中带紫的池塘里迷人而险恶的湖底。When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls.
当你们接近他,他闻起来像大海的味道,他穿着老的帆布衣,险恶天气的外套,以及他的围裙。Therefore, the way her own stepmother portrayed as a sinister, nervous, like the abuse of her sister's character.
所以,她用自己的方式将后母描绘成一个险恶、神经质、喜欢虐待妹妹的人物。From the moment when it came into existence, the left-wing literature is facing a dangerous social and cultural environment.