


不幸的,不吉祥的:吉~。~信。庄稼收成不好:~年饥岁。恶:~暴。~恶。~顽。~相(xiàng )。~神恶煞。关于杀伤的:行(xíng )~。帮~。厉害,过甚:雨~风狂。……





汉语拼音:xiōng xiǎn









  1. 亦作“ 凶嶮 ”。狠毒奸险。

    《宋书·高道庆传》:“ 道庆 凶险暴横,求欲无已,有失其意,輒加捶拉,往往有死者。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·品藻》:“此乃凶险之顽人,强梁之悍妇,輒与贞烈为伍,有乖其实者焉。” 宋 苏辙 《再论渠阳边事札子》:“今者若用 彭孙 ,凶嶮多端,事有不可知者。”

  2. 危险可怕。


  3. 凶狠险恶。

    《北史·宇文化及传》:“ 化及 , 述 长子也。性兇险,不循法度,好乘肥挟弹,驰騖道中,由是 长安 谓之轻薄公子。” 宋 叶适 《中奉大夫曾公墓志铭》:“右史 陈子翀 归自 泉州 ,众畏其兇险。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·忽然想到十一》:“我敢于说, 中国 人中,仇视那真诚的青年的眼光,有的比 英国 或 日本 人还凶险。”

  4. 危险可怕。

    《水浒传》第四一回:“感谢众位豪杰,不避兇险,来虎穴龙潭,力救残生。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“迎头遇着一个家人,那家人见势头来得兇险,叫声:‘老爷不好了!’” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第四章:“不要说得过于凶险,也不要太平观念,只要有准备就好了。”



  1. They barely seem to realize that the danger hidden there, just like the ancient inaccessible palace .


  2. Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children, even like the lullaby while rocking her baby's cradle.


  3. A stroke is all dangerous of test, make me stronger, more humble, my hope have no broken wing.


  4. For a president about to enter what is already likely to be a perilously tight election year, this can't be a comforting thought.


  5. Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children , even like the lullaby while rocking her baby's candle.


  6. Now the enemy is closing in and its ugly secret weapon has begun to find the aim.


  7. There was no LAW, not even an unwritten LAW, against frequenting the Chestnut Tree Cafe, yet the place was somehow ill-omened.


  8. But if they are at the bottom of the scale, the outlook for the planet is likely to be much more ominous.


  9. Sinister edge . . . Henry Moore's Pink and Green Sleepers (1941), of figures sleeping in London's Underground during the blitz.


  1. 老人病情凶险。

    The old man's condition is critical.

  2. 看起来凶险异常

    And it's also very risky.

  3. 这条山路极其凶险。

    This mountain road is perilous.

  4. 避开凶险,趋向幸福

    Pursue good fortune and avoid disaster

  5. 人和神的凶险邪恶的敌人。

    The viciously satanic enemies of man and god.

  6. 说来说去, 这世界真凶险

    What a rough world it was anyhow.

  7. 一个不祥的, 可怕的, 凶险的地方。

    An evil and dreadful and sinister place.

  8. 他的头部受到凶险的一击。

    He got a nasty blow on the head.

  9. 她给凶险的激流卷走了。

    She was swept away by the treacherous currents.

  10. 总统保镖这项工作十分凶险。

    Being the Presidents bodyguard is a hazardous occupation.

  11. 段正淳明知情势极是凶险。

    Purus Duan knew full well that the situation was most perilous.

  12. 这一完全陌生而凶险的环境。

    This totally alien and threatening environment.

  13. 不少凶险的细节分歧依然摆在面前。

    FEW treacherous skirmishes still lie ahead.

  14. 胰腺癌是一种十分凶险的恶性肿瘤。

    Pancreatic cancer is one kind of devastating diseases.

  15. 欧盟的政策则使其变得更为凶险。

    EU policies have made it even more dangerous.

  16. 很凶险, 你就别想以后自己开业了。

    Atrocious. Off the private practice for you.

  17. 政府的其它政策使当时的海上凶险加剧。

    Other government policies also tended to aggravate existing sea hazards.

  18. 光亮已经消逝, 那凶险的迹象已荡然无存。

    The glare has gone and no touch of the sinister remains.

  19. 已知的情况说明当前这里的局势异常凶险。

    The known conditions show that the situation is extremely dangerous here.

  20. 已知的情况说明当前这里的局势异常凶险。

    The known conditions show that the situation is extremely dangerous here.

  21. 凶险波涛对这孩子们唱着舞意义的歌

    Meaningless ballads to the children

  22. 我们得悉边界另一侧的事态发展凶险不祥。

    We were told of threatening developments on the other side of the border.

  23. 一个凶险叵测的人影正在树丛后面逛荡。

    A rather sinister figure was walking about behind the bushes.

  24. 天色暗下来, 这里带上最阴森凶险的色彩。

    The place assumes the most dismal, sinister character when darkness came on.

  25. 绝域罗布泊, 依然充满荒凉恐怖, 凶险神秘。

    Lop Nur area must remain full of desolation terror, the mysterious grave.

  26. 一只悬挂在自己网上的大而凶险的母蜘蛛。

    A female hanging, large and menacing, on her web.

  27. 于是我会飞奔地离开以躲避他凶险的棍棒。

    And I would scamper away to escape his threatening stick.

  28. 龙的血盆大口分外显眼, 显然是一只凶险的野兽。

    But the thing to notice was the dragon's long forked tongue. A dangerous beast, this.

  29. 敌人现已逼近,其凶险的秘密武器已开始寻找目标。

    Now the enemy is closing in and its ugly secret weapon has begun to find the aim.

  30. 我们经历了危机与考验,而前方还会有诸多凶险。

    We have faced danger and trial, and there is more ahead.


  1. 问:凶险拼音怎么拼?凶险的读音是什么?凶险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶险的读音是xiōngxiǎn,凶险翻译成英文是 perilous; ruthless



亦作“ 凶嶮 ”。狠毒奸险。《宋书·高道庆传》:“ 道庆 凶险暴横,求欲无已,有失其意,辄加捶拉,往往有死者。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·品藻》:“此乃凶险之顽人,强梁之悍妇,辄与贞烈为伍,有乖其实者焉。” 宋 苏辙 《再论渠阳边事札子》:“今者若用 彭孙 ,凶嶮多端,事有不可知者。”