







汉语拼音:yòng shàn







  1. 吃饭。

    《孽海花》第二回:“二人用膳已毕,洗脸漱口,茶房回説,马车已在门口伺候。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》六二:“我们在这种旅馆里每次用膳,照例都先在账房间领到‘餐券’,到餐室里坐下以后,交给侍者,那侍者便照券送菜。”



  1. How much money do you spend on your lunch?


  2. It's as easy as ABC to know how much you spent for example on business meal or how much you paid in cash during some date range.


  3. Instead, Because of this kind of behavior is often considered as canteen meals to the praise or eat sweet.


  4. on the bed Do not overeat, do not eat at night, feeling sleepy again when going to bed.


  5. He ordered that whenever he ate, all dogs, those of the palace and those of the city, were to be fed as well.


  6. In the field, parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company.


  7. If yes, how much money do you spend on the meal per person?


  8. If you have someone to your home then you have to be a hostess as opposed to being able to just relax and have dinner.


  9. A temporary or mobile eating place, especially one set up in an emergency.


  1. 在友人家中用膳。

    Having meals at a friend's home.

  2. 十个小黑人外出用膳。

    Ten little nigger boys went out to dine.

  3. 用膳时要用公筷及公匙。

    Use serving chopsticks and spoons at meal times.

  4. 下班后和我一起用膳好吗?

    Will you eat your mutton with me after work?

  5. 这张用膳单不是我的。

    Sorry, this food bill is not mine.

  6. 他告诉我们如何做用膳服务工作。

    He told us how to wait at table properly.

  7. 你会在该餐厅花多少钱用膳?

    How much money do you spend on your lunch.

  8. 在这个营地, 只有军官集中用膳。

    In this camp, only the officers mess together.

  9. 你的工作是每天招待用膳。

    Your task is to wait at table each day.

  10. 我要找一个人, 一起用膳好吗?

    I have to meet a person, want to get dinner?

  11. 你会用多少钱在该食肆用膳?

    How much do you spend on that restaurant for a LUNCH.

  12. 你想现在用膳吗 或你现在已准备好用膳吗?

    Would you like to eat now or Are you ready to eat now?

  13. 那位教授有时在学生餐厅用膳。

    The professor sometimes dines at the student canteen.

  14. 聚餐在军队的集体用膳食堂吃饭。

    To take a meal in a military mess.

  15. 你在一星期到该餐厅用膳多少次?

    How many time do you go to the restaurant in a week?

  16. 用膳的人们闻出一点小茴香的淡淡的香味。

    The diners perceived a faint aroma of dill.

  17. 用膳得人们闻出一点小茴香得淡淡得香味。

    The diners perceived a faint aroma of dill.

  18. 希瑟,你要在用膳时嚼香口胶吗?

    Heather, are you gonna chew gum while you're eating?

  19. 我难得在外吃饭,也极少在饭店用膳。

    I go to a restaurant once in a blue moon.

  20. 据说皇帝用膳都需要好几个人来伺候。

    It is said that when the emperor is having his meal, he has several attendants.

  21. 女主人请我进去,并请我与她一起用膳。

    The hostess showed me in and invited me to dine with her.

  22. 经常一块用膳的一群人, 通常指士兵或水手

    a group of people, usually soldiers or sailors, who regularly eat meals together

  23. 所有富农都在约丹大爷开的酒店用膳。

    All the aristocracy of the plow ate at Maitre Jourdians

  24. 招待用膳是一个有技巧的工作,需要精心训练。

    Waiting at table is a skilled job, requiring careful training.

  25. 富豪机场酒店餐厅用膳折扣优惠,详情请按此处。

    Dining Discount Offered By Regal Airport Hotel.Please click here for details.

  26. 雷克夫人必须教新的女佣人如何服侍用膳。

    Mrs.Lake had to teach her new maid to wait at table properly.

  27. 你和你的仆人与我一同用膳, 我们继续探讨这个问题。

    You and your servant there shall dine with me, and we shall further discuss.

  28. 他对食物有无法控制的喜好,用膳时喝很多水。

    He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.

  29. 联谊会各会员得以记账方式于书院教职员餐厅用膳。

    Association members are entitled to open accounts at the staff dining room.

  30. 上床前不要吃得过饱,勿夜间用膳,有睡意时再上床。

    on the bed Do not overeat, do not eat at night, feeling sleepy again when going to bed.


  1. 问:用膳拼音怎么拼?用膳的读音是什么?用膳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:用膳的读音是yòngshàn,用膳翻译成英文是 To have dinner.

