







汉语拼音:yòng fàn







  1. 吃饭。

    《红楼梦》第七五回:“丫头们来请用饭。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第一章:“原来山坡上坐着二三百 美国 兵正在仓仓忙忙地用饭。”



  1. 4 Therefore I encourage you to take some food, for this is for your salvation; for not a hair from the head of any one of you shall perish.


  2. Even today no greater help can be given to many in our churches, than to be invited to someone's home for a meal.


  3. Yes, but she has to pay for her bed. Does she want to have meals here too? We don't think it is necessary. Your Condition isn't so serious.


  4. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.


  5. And MRS. Crupp consented to achieve this feat, on condition that I dined from home for a fortnight afterwards.


  6. "Eat, Kanchi. " said Mitthu, rattling the rice ladle over the pot, annoyed at her own fright.


  7. These dining facilities are usually open only during specified meal hours each day.


  8. Niangs said with smile a few polite remarkses, then everybody appreciated 12 silvers, let green cloud take next take a meal.


  9. Asked Mitthu as she ladled some rice onto a plate for Kanchi.


  1. 用饭或通心粉来增加剩下

    Used rice or pasta to extend leftover casseroles

  2. 这个饭厅可供五百人同时用饭。

    This dining hall can accommodate five hundred people at a time.

  3. 我以期待的心情等待用饭的时间到来。

    I look forward to mealtime with anticipation.

  4. 请给我们找一张两人用饭得桌子。

    A table for two, please.

  5. 请给我们找一张两人用饭的桌子。

    A table for two, please.

  6. 他们便坐下来,同一个远房表亲一起用饭。

    They sat down to meat with a distant cousin of the house.

  7. 这些供就餐的地方通常每天只在规定用饭时间营业。

    These dining facilities are usually open only during specified meal hours each day.

  8. 这些供就餐得地方通常每天只在规定用饭时间营业。

    These dining facilities are usually open only during specified meal hours each day.

  9. 席间,谦卑恭顺的老夫妇面带笑容,殷勤备至地服侍天神用饭。

    The old couple humbly waited on the immortals with cordial looks and eager goodwill.

  10. 我妈妈有一个烧饭用得煤气炉。

    My mother has a gas stove for cooking.

  11. 九个月,六千英里,睡觉用帐篷,烧饭用炉子。

    Nine months and 6,000 miles of pedalling, sleeping in a tent and cooking on a primus stove.

  12. 美国人吃饭用刀,叉,匙和盘子,并且用盘子喝汤。

    Americans use knife, spoons, fork and plates. They soup in a plate.

  13. 然后, 我们驱车去归元寺。假如到午餐时间, 您就在那里用便饭。

    And then, we will drive to the Gui Yuan Temple. If its time for lunch, youd better have a snack there.

  14. 用勺子吃饭

    to eat with a spoon.

  15. 现在普遍用煤气烧饭,取暖。

    Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.

  16. 叉子出现前,用手抓饭吃。

    Finger is made before fork.

  17. 现在普遍用煤气烧饭和取暖。

    Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.

  18. 护士用推车把饭送来了。

    The nurse wheeled the dinner up.

  19. 我过去用电烧饭, 但现已换成用煤气了。

    I used to cook on electricity, but I've switched to gas.

  20. 农家常年用木柴烧饭, 为老腊肉的制作提供了极好的条件。

    The circumstance is excellent for the making of the preserved ham.

  21. 越南最典型的糯米饭是用木鳖果汁搅拌而成。

    The glutinous rice with the most typical Vietnam is become with agitate of wooden turtle fruit juice.

  22. 用鼻子打开了饭橱。

    I opened the cupboards with my nose.

  23. 他用手抓肉饭吃,这样更可口。

    They eat pilaf with their hands. It is tastier.

  24. 一直到你入土, 你都得用汗水来换取饭食。

    You shall gain your bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground.

  25. 你可以用这个微波炉热饭, 只要里面没有鱼就可以。

    You can heat your lunch in this microwave as long as there is no fish.

  26. 你是知道的,你以前上班的时候 我总是用好菜好饭迎接你的。

    You know, when you were working, I always had food waiting for you.

  27. 用6个热度烧饭

    to cook at regulo 6

  28. 赤脚大学里的饭都是用这个炊具做的。

    All the meals at the college are cooked on it.

  29. 我们用汤代替了一顿饭。

    We just had soup instead of a full meal.

  30. 人们用废农作物就可以烧饭

    People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products.