







汉语拼音:shèn qì






  1. 中医以为五脏各有气,肾气为先天之根本,关系人的生长发育和寿夭。

    《素问·上古天真论》:“女子七岁,肾气盛,齿更髮长。”《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“肾气有时閒浊,在太阴脉口而希,是水气也。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·序列上·四时用药例》:“长夏省甘增咸以养肾气。”



  1. Male's kidney energy is prosperous at the age of eight, when hair and permanent teeth grow.


  2. There are differences of activating and a stringing on tonifying the kidney-qi in deficiency of kidney-qi and instability of kidney-qi.


  3. Most people could only slightly in the kidney deficiency, far from kidney Yin deficiency and Yang.


  4. After being prescribed by Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan, the serum and hormone level of the mice was better than the corresponding group(P 05).


  5. Every month, while women bleed to inoculation, production, will shoulder the kidney damage.


  6. It is, golden deficient kidney enrages bolus or right put in bolus 's charge, daily early morning, evening sends with weak brine.


  7. Menses, children can damage by kidney, therefore, women should be aware of the waist to keep warm.


  8. At quintuple eight, with the kidney energy decline, hair comes off and teeth wither.


  9. AIM: To evaluate the effect and safety of Xiaoeryiniao Granule in the treatment of children with enuresis of kidney-qi deficiency.


  1. 金匮肾气汤

    Shenqi Tang

  2. 六昧地黄汤金匮肾气汤同治夜间盗汗辨析

    Zhu Tianming Discrimination between LIu Wei Dihuang Tang and JinKui Shen Qj Tang for Treating Night Sweat

  3. 病因由外感风热、阴虚火旺、脾肾气虚、气阴两虚所致。

    The cause of disease by the heat and Yin Huo, spleen qi deficiency, the deficiency caused.

  4. 痰饮伏肺兼肺肾气虚证,治以温肺化饮、平喘止咳。

    The second syndrome was the retention of phlegm in the lung and Qi deficiency of the lung and kidney.

  5. 宿痰内伏与先天票赋不足, 后天肾气亏虚密切相关。

    Lodge in the sputum fell and innate endowment is insufficient, the day after tomorrow kidney deficiency closely related.

  6. 肾气盛, 肾气实

    vigorous renal qi

  7. 补益肺肾,秘精益气。

    The key function is enriching lung and kidney, beneficing pneuma.

  8. 做人别气愤,气大伤肝肾。和睦交朋友,天涯有人问。

    Do angry life, Gas big liver and kidney injury. Harmony to make friends, End of the World was asked.

  9. 金匮肾气丸

    jinkui Shenqi Wan

  10. 加味肾气丸

    Jiawei Shenqi Wan.

  11. 金匮肾气片

    Jinkui shenqi pills

  12. 肾气虚损型牙周炎

    Periodontitis with deficiency of kidney Qi

  13. 五八肾气衰, 发堕齿槁。

    At quintuple eight, with the kidney energy decline, hair comes off and teeth wither.

  14. 三七肾气平均, 故真牙生而长极。

    The kidney energy is mild and even at the age of triple seven, so the wisdom teeth grow and hair becomes very long.

  15. 命门学说探讨与金匮肾气丸证临床研究

    Theoretical Study on the Life Gate Theory and Clinical Research on the Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan syndrome

  16. 阴中求阳理论及其主方肾气丸的研究探讨

    Discussing of Obtaining Yang from Yin Theory and Pills for Invigorating Kidney Qi

  17. 金匮肾气丸对糖尿病大鼠多元醇代谢的影响

    Affect of Jinqui Shenqi Wan for Polybasic Alcohol Metabolism in Rat With Diabetes

  18. 目的研究金匮肾气胶囊中山茱萸的最佳提取条件。

    Objective To study the optimum extraction condition for Fructus Corni in Jinkui Shenqi Granule.

  19. 肾气丸阴中求阳药效机理及化学成分的研究

    Studies on Pharmacodynamic Mechanism and Chemical Compositions of Shenqi Pill's Reinforcing Yang from Yin Compatibility

  20. 肾气丸阴中求阳药效机理及化学成分得研究

    Studies on Pharmacodynamic Mechanism and Chemical Compositions of Shenqi Pill's Reinforcing Yang from Yin Compatibility.

  21. 补益肾气法对自发性高血压大鼠动脉弹性影响的研究

    Study on the Effects of Artery Elasticity of Spontaneous Hypertension Rats with the Treatment of Tonifying the Kidney Qi

  22. 结论聚维酮碘软膏和金匮肾气丸治疗糖尿病足疗效显著。

    Conclusion Povidone Iodine Ointment and Jinkui Shenqi pills markedly effect on diabetes foot.

  23. 降气化痰,温肾纳气

    send down the aBnormally ascending qi and resolve phlegm, warm the kidney and improve inspiration

  24. 肝肾阴虚中多见高血压,气阴两虚中多有腰痛。

    In the deficiency of both Qi and Yin, there are backache more

  25. 益气补肾方治疗慢性肾小球肾炎气虚证的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of the Treatment of Chronic Nephritis of Qi Deficiency with Replenishing Qi and Reinforcing Kidney Formula

  26. 益气化瘀补肾方对大鼠气虚型颈椎病的作用机制研究

    Mechanism of Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe in Treating Cervical Spondylopathy of Qi Deficiency Pattern in Rats

  27. 益气化瘀补肾方对大鼠气虚型颈椎病得作用机制研究

    Mechanism of Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe in Treating Cervical Spondylopathy of Qi Deficiency Pattern in Rats

  28. 肾气盛,肾实

    sthenic nephropathy.

  29. 元气根于肾

    primordial QI rooting in the kidney.

  30. 补肾纳气, 纳气

    invigorating kidney for improving inspiration