







汉语拼音:guāi pì








  1. 反常;怪僻。

    《宋书·何偃传》:“ 偃 不自安,遂发心悸病,意虑乖僻,上表解职,告医不仕。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·惑经》:“夫子之修《春秋》,皆遵彼乖僻,习其讹谬,凡所编次,不加刊改者矣。”《红楼梦》第九十回:“ 林丫头 的乖僻,虽也是他的好处,我的心里不把 林丫头 配他,也是为这点子。” 巴金 《和读者谈<家>》:“她成了一个性情乖僻的老处女。”



  1. "The nations I would worry about, weird places run by odd dictators, they're just not capable of doing this stuff, " he said.


  2. They have acted corruptly toward him; to their shame they are no longer his children, but a warped and crooked generation.


  3. I dare say you think me eccentric, or supersensitive, or something absurd.


  4. I mean, sex and are religion, restless intellectual curiosity of , a really muscular intellect, really sinuous intellect.


  5. Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them.


  6. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.


  7. A couple of codgers got into a quarrel and arrived ago the local magistrate.


  8. He just likes to be the wacky, quirky, irreverent, 'I don't care about money, I don't care about business. '


  9. For the perverse man is an abomination to Jehovah, But His intimate counsel is with the upright.


  1. 乖僻的幽默感

    a wacky sense of humor.

  2. 乖僻自是,悔悟必多。

    Needless to say eccentric, repentance must be more.

  3. 有乖僻好恶的。赶时髦的

    Having peculiar likes and dislikes

  4. 行事乖僻得, 却藐视他。

    But one who is devious in conduct despises him.

  5. 行事乖僻的,却藐视他。

    But one who is devious in conduct despises him.

  6. 她是个乖僻狠心的女人。

    She was a sour, cruel woman.

  7. 喜悦作恶, 欢喜恶人的乖僻,

    Who rejoice in doing evil And delight in the perverseness of evil

  8. 欢喜作恶, 喜爱恶人得乖僻。

    Who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil

  9. 欢喜作恶, 喜爱恶人的乖僻。

    Who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil

  10. 喜欢作恶,喜爱恶人的乖僻。

    Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked.

  11. 学术上愚蠢和乖僻的典型。

    A monument to imbecility and perversity in scholarship.

  12. 困苦使他的性情变得乖僻。

    Hardship warped his disposition.

  13. 他是一位脾气乖僻的老先生。

    He was a bilious old gentleman.

  14. 知识使我们乖僻,我们的才智冰冷无情。

    Guaipi our knowledge, our intelligence merciless cold.

  15. 我无法理解他为什么一直行为乖僻。

    I can't figure out why he's been behaving so oddly.

  16. 乖僻人散播纷争传舌的离间密友。

    A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.

  17. 他的父母因他的行为越来越乖僻而担忧。

    His parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behaviour.

  18. 他有点乖僻,不过应该是个好孩子。

    He's a little squirrelly, but he seems like a good kid.

  19. 箴614心中乖僻, 常设恶谋, 布散纷争。

    Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife.

  20. 行为纯正得穷乏人, 胜过行事乖僻得富足人。

    Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.

  21. 行为纯正的穷乏人,胜过行事乖僻的富足人。

    Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse.

  22. 行动正直的, 敬畏耶和华。乖僻的, 却藐视他。

    He whose walk is upright fears the LORD , but he whose ways are devious despises him.

  23. 最近多森变得越加乖僻,越加难以相处了。

    Dorset, of late, had grown more than usually morose and incalculable.

  24. 我的确很难过,因为林惇有那样的乖僻的天性。

    I was sorry Linton had that distorted nature.

  25. 他是个好人,但是另一方面,他又是那样的乖僻。

    He is a good fellow, but then he is so erratic.

  26. 因为,乖僻人为耶和华所憎恶。正直人为他所亲密。

    For the Lord detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence.

  27. 行动正直得, 敬畏耶和华, 行事乖僻得, 却藐视他。

    Those who talk uprightly fear the Lord, but one who is devious in conduct despises him.

  28. 我的确很难过, 因为林敦有那样的乖僻的天性。

    I was sorry Linton had that distorted nature.

  29. 我的确很难过,因为林敦有那样的乖僻的天性。

    I was sorry Linton had that distorted nature.

  30. 箴142行动正直的, 敬畏耶和华行事乖僻的, 却藐视他。

    He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.


  1. 问:乖僻拼音怎么拼?乖僻的读音是什么?乖僻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乖僻的读音是guāipì,乖僻翻译成英文是 eccentric

  2. 问:乖僻的拼音怎么拼?乖僻的的读音是什么?乖僻的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乖僻的的读音是,乖僻的翻译成英文是 wrongheaded



基本信息 词目:乖僻

拼音:guāipì 英文:eccentric