


1. 乾 [qián]2. 乾 [gān ㄍㄢˉ]乾 [qián]八卦之一,代表天:~坤(“坤”,代表地)。旧时称男性的:~造。~宅。乾 [gān ㄍㄢˉ]见“干”。……


八卦之一:乾(qián )~。~舆。称女性的:~造。~宅(旧时婚礼称女家)。~表。~车。~鞋。~角儿。……



汉语拼音:qián kūn







  1. 亦作“乾川”。

    1.《易》的乾卦和坤卦。《易·繫辞下》:“ 黄帝 尧 舜 垂衣裳而天下治,盖取诸《乾》《坤》。”《大戴礼记·保傅》:“《春秋》之元、《诗》之《关雎》、《礼》之《冠》《昏》、《易》之《乾》《巛》,皆慎始敬终云尔。” 明 何楷 《古周易订诂》卷一:“《周易》首《乾》《坤》。”

  2. 称天地。

    《易·说卦》:“乾为天……坤为地。” 汉 班固 《典引》:“经纬乾坤,出入三光。”《孔子家语·执辔》:“倮虫三百有六十而人为之长,此乾巛之美也。” 金 元好问 《自题中州集后》诗之三:“万古骚人呕肺肝,乾坤清气得来难。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·谕鬼》:“岂乾坤两大中,凶顽任尔。”

  3. 称日月。

    唐 杜甫 《登岳阳楼》诗:“ 吴 楚 东南坼,乾坤日夜浮。” 杨伦 笺注引 董斯张 曰:“考《水经注》: 洞庭 湖广圆五百里,日月若出没其中。”

  4. 国家;江山;天下。

    《敦煌曲子词·浣溪沙》:“竭节尽忠扶社稷,指山为誓保乾坤。” 宋 杨万里 《得亲老家问》诗之二:“乾坤裂未补,簪笏达何荣?” 元 马致远 《陈抟高卧》第一折:“治世圣人生,指日乾坤定。” 明 吴承恩 《寄渔石唐公》诗:“青山已信公真隐,肯为乾坤出野堂。”

  5. 指局势,大局。

    清 秋瑾 《黄海舟中日人索句并见日俄战争地图》诗:“拚将十万头颅血,须把乾坤力挽回。” 陈毅 《过贵阳》诗:“共庆长征人未老, 遵义 会议定乾坤。”

  6. 指帝、后。

    《后汉书·皇甫规传》:“ 梁太后 临朝, 规 举贤良方正。对策曰:‘……陛下体兼乾坤,聦哲纯茂。’” 王先谦 集解引 胡三省 曰:“以坤母临朝,以君天下,行乾之德,故曰体兼乾坤。”

  7. 玄虚;花招。

    《儒林外史》第二三回:“ 牛玉圃 道:‘你放的狗屁,你弄的好乾坤哩!’”《黄绣球》第十回:“ 黄通理 道:‘你怎样去了就将近一天?又同那尼姑们弄些什么乾坤出来?’ 黄绣球 拍掌大笑説:‘这个乾坤大着呢!神仙也猜不到的。’”



  1. When using the sky-land changing , I can enter ball into the basket regardless of any part of the ground I stand in.


  2. He said he is short of reforming.


  3. Even if the universe allows rotation, time ultimately still have to pour forward, not always.


  4. The world is so big! Attribute of all things, and mutually cherish to, but I can't searching the harbor for me to rely on it.


  5. The recession and, in particular, the financial crisis are at the heart of this reversal of fortunes.


  6. " I was visiting my mother , and she came home from the salon and said, 'I think I have something for you, '" he said .


  7. A lonely scholar in face of the world " was his sophisticated generalization of the relationship between the poet and the world. "


  8. The duo have a tacit agreement to it, would like to come alive to do couple, but the roles were reversed, whom heaven and earth upside down.


  9. A small group played qian kun quan, a game that Wang Ren Quan said he invented in 2002.


  1. 乾坤霸王蟹

    Fresh crab stew with arrowroot and chili flakes.

  2. 乾坤万里春。

    The Universe is of Ten Thousand Li Spr.

  3. 旋转乾坤之力

    power to change the world.

  4. 爱情能旋转乾坤。

    It is love that makes the world go round.

  5. 乾坤交泰, 大药

    interaction between yin and yang

  6. 吉夫斯扭转乾坤。

    Jeeves does the trick.

  7. 云迷世界,雾罩乾坤。

    Clouds over the world; Mist shrouds the cosmos.

  8. 怎样可以扭转乾坤呢?

    What could turn this around?

  9. 大连乾坤印花材料有限公司。

    Qiankun Calico Printing Material Co., Ltd.

  10. 可能是暗藏乾坤的拂尘杆。

    It may be horsetail whisk pole hidden heaven and earth.

  11. 结构改革会扭转乾坤吗?

    Would structural reform do the trick?

  12. 丈夫无大志, 何以佐乾坤?

    How can one contribute to the country without lofty aspirations ?

  13. 错转乾坤,时来运转电影海报

    Taking care of business Movie Poster

  14. 中华民族,是乾坤傲然的巨龙腾飞。

    The Chinese nation, is a heaven and earth dragon proudly off.

  15. 现在,扭转乾坤的时机到了。

    Now, a tipping point has arrived.

  16. 坐着等列奥回来扭转乾坤?

    Sit around, wait for Leo to come back and save the day?

  17. 突然间,他巧施高招扭转了乾坤。

    Suddenly, by a brilliant manoeuvre, he completely reversed the situation.

  18. 他可以扭转乾坤,他能够平息怒海。

    He can turn the tides and calm the angry sea.

  19. 世界又很小, 方寸之间尽显乾坤。

    The world is also very small, square inch between completely obviously universe.

  20. 切尔西与西汉姆联乾坤大挪移?

    Chelsea and West Ham in swop deal?

  21. 袖里乾坤大, 小酱油也能做成大品牌

    Making Famous Brand Out of Soy Sauce

  22. 最后一洞定乾坤的时候要死翘翘了

    Hole No. 18 Mickelsons tee shot hits fence and Woods must take a drop.

  23. 管理粗放到集约三招并举定乾坤

    Three Measures to Change the Extensive Management into Intensive Management

  24. 一旦通胀失去控制就很难扭转乾坤了。

    Once inflation gets out of control it will be harder to wring out of the system.

  25. 挑战,无他,仅是一次扭转乾坤的机会。

    A challenge is nothing but an opportunity turned upside down.

  26. 她到我们这里? ? 个月, 还正在学习行内乾坤。

    She's only been with us a month so she's still learning the tricks of the trade.

  27. 但是要将富豪的钱财乾坤大挪移过来, 谈何容易?

    But how easy will it be to get hold of their money?

  28. 钢丝为脊, 大杠为梁, 支撑着笑傲乾坤的张扬。

    Steel spokes as the ridge and big bar as the girder that support the unswerving aspiration.

  29. 经济衰退,特别是金融危机,是这次乾坤大扭转的核心。

    A reversal in financial markets is always possible right around any of these dates.

  30. 最后一点, 真正能扭转乾坤的是太空轨道加油站。

    The final missing piece, the real paradigmbuster, is this a gas station on orbit.


  1. 问:乾坤拼音怎么拼?乾坤的读音是什么?乾坤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乾坤的读音是qiánkūn,乾坤翻译成英文是 the universe



“乾坤”是个多义词,它可以指乾坤(南派小说堂会首位参与作者), 乾坤(手机网游), 乾坤(戴斯蒂诺时尚珠宝品牌系列作品), 乾坤(南京出版社出版图书), 乾坤(梦幻西游武器), 乾坤(汉语词汇)。