







汉语拼音:niǔ kòu






  1. "Why, here's my button! " he cried. And he tried to pick it up. But, like all the other buttons on the mattress, it was tied down tight.


  2. It's an ugly sweater with red plastic buttons and a collar and sleeves all stretched out like you could use it for a jump rope.


  3. Lisa sat down with Corduroy on her lap and began to sew a button on his overalls.


  4. Coins, buttons, jewellery, zips - the list is endless. So many things have it in. It does make shopping a bit of a nightmare.


  5. "I didn't know I'd lost a button, " he said to himself. "Tonight I'll go and see if I can find it. "


  6. Fidgeting with her clothes. She might even unfasten a button or two of her blouse.


  7. It has come in handy for me many times when I am trying to get out the door and found a pocket ripped or a button loose.


  8. This was one of several models of buttonhole cameras widely used in the Soviet Union, Europe and North America.


  9. Buried in the soil, in a place I didn't expect many had ever visited, I found a series of old military buttons and a flintlock musket.


  1. 那些纽扣很大。

    Those buttons are ever so big!

  2. 请把纽扣钉上。

    Please sew the button on.

  3. 那颗纽扣掉了。

    Well that fastener came off.

  4. 解开衬衫的纽扣

    to unbutton a shirt

  5. 在盒中挑选纽扣

    to sift in the box for a button

  6. 什么是痴情的纽扣?

    What was the spoony button?

  7. 前面有纽扣的上衣

    jackets with buttons down the front

  8. 死者衬衣的纽扣上。

    A button on the victim's shirt.

  9. 死者衬衣的纽扣上。

    A button on the victim's shirt.

  10. 用纽扣装饰衬衣领子

    to button a shirt collar

  11. 这是你的纽扣吗?

    Is this your button?

  12. 你的纽扣松开了。

    Your button has come undone.

  13. 这些纽扣与样品不符。

    These buttons do not assort with the samples.

  14. 你能钉这些纽扣吗?

    Can you sew on these buttons?

  15. 我上衣的纽扣松了。

    The buttons on my coat are loose.

  16. 他没扣他外衣的纽扣。

    He didn't even button his coat.

  17. 一件没有纽扣的衬衣

    a shirt without buttons

  18. 他解开了衬衣纽扣。

    He unfastened the buttons of his shirt.

  19. 我会打补丁,缝纽扣。

    I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.

  20. 未打磨的纽扣光泽暗淡。

    Unpolished buttons glinted dully.

  21. 后插袋, 用纽扣扣牢

    Back welt pocket with button clousure

  22. 他解开夹克衫的纽扣。

    He unsnapped his jacket.

  23. 锂离子电池,镍氢电池,镍镉电池,纽扣电池。

    Lithium hydronium cell, nicel hydrogen cell, nicel cadmium cell, fastener cell.

  24. 你上衣掉了一粒纽扣。

    A button has come off your coat.

  25. 我告诉你, 我有一颗纽扣。

    I told you, I had a button.

  26. 她用棉线把纽扣缝上。

    She sewed the buttons on with cotton.

  27. 我上衣的纽扣解开了。

    The buttons on my coat came unfastened.

  28. 我的衬衫需要一枚纽扣。

    My shirt needs a button.

  29. 他的衬衫掉了3枚纽扣。

    Three buttons were missing from his shirt.

  30. 他开始解裤子上的纽扣。

    He started to unbutton his pants.


  1. 问:纽扣拼音怎么拼?纽扣的读音是什么?纽扣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纽扣的读音是niǔkòu,纽扣翻译成英文是 button

  2. 问:纽扣状缝合拼音怎么拼?纽扣状缝合的读音是什么?纽扣状缝合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纽扣状缝合的读音是niǔkòuzhuàng fénghé,纽扣状缝合翻译成英文是 blanket suture

  3. 问:纽扣状菌落拼音怎么拼?纽扣状菌落的读音是什么?纽扣状菌落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纽扣状菌落的读音是niǔ kòu zhuàng jūn luò,纽扣状菌落翻译成英文是 umbonate colony



“纽扣”是个多义词,它可以指纽扣(长沙晚报报业集团杂志), 纽扣(服装配件、饰物), 纽扣(动画人物)。