


1. 吱 [zhī]2. 吱 [zī]吱 [zhī]象声词,形容某些声音。吱 [zī]〔~声〕方言,做声,如“我反复问了几次,他就是不~~”。……


1. 吱 [zhī]2. 吱 [zī]吱 [zhī]象声词,形容某些声音。吱 [zī]〔~声〕方言,做声,如“我反复问了几次,他就是不~~”。……





汉语拼音:zhī zhī shēng







吱声 [zī shēng]
  1. 发细小的声音。

    草明 《乘风破浪》二:“尽管 夏万春 在会上说来说去,半天没有一个党员炉长吱声。” 高玉宝 《高玉宝》第十二章:“ 玉宝 不知怎么回事,也不敢吱声。”



  1. the time spent playing with the squeak, and the number of other functions the child discovered.

  2. A man in shorts and Crocs kept an eye on his daughter, whose sneakers squeaked furiously on the lobby's marble floor.

  3. Soon the whales "answer" with an exquisite array of sounds from gurgles made by blowing bubbles through their blowholes to little squeaks.

  4. I heard the familiar squeak of my husband's brakes as he pulled into the drive.

  5. The chair gave a groan when fat woman sat down.

  6. The chair gave a groan when the heavy woman sat down.

  7. Along streets resonant with the clip-clop of horses' hoofs and the squeak of bicycles, life moves at a pace from decades past.

  8. In a crowded global marketplace, even the best-engineered wheels need to squeak.

  9. I thought all the mice were killed from the rat poison, but last night I thought I heard a squeak.


  1. 汽车得刹车发出吱吱声。

    The brakes of the car squealed.

  2. 汽车的刹车发出吱吱声。

    The brakes of the car squealed.

  3. 负重的弹簧发出吱吱声。

    the creak of the floorboards gave him away.

  4. 我有个吱吱声的轮子!

    I got a squeaky wheel!

  5. 墙角处有老鼠的吱吱声。

    The mouse squeaked in the corner.

  6. 粉笔在黑板上发出吱吱声。

    The chalk jarred against the blackboard.

  7. 发出吱吱声的是哪个合叶?

    Which hinge is the squeaker ?

  8. 发出吱吱声的是哪个合叶?

    Which hinge is the squeaker?

  9. 一个车轮发出讨厌的吱吱声。

    One wheel makes a horrible squeaking noise.

  10. 是那些胶底运动鞋发出吱吱声。

    Those sneakers are squeakers.

  11. 是那些胶底运动鞋发出吱吱声。

    Those sneakers are squeakers.

  12. 当我擤鼻子时,耳朵里有吱吱声。

    When I blow my nose, my ears squeak.

  13. 木梁的吱吱声成了井水的伴音。

    Squeak coming from wood beams becomes semitone of well water.

  14. 鲸鱼用吱吱声和卡答声来传情达意。

    Whales have a language of squeaks and clicks.

  15. 表示一种小鸟得叫声, 或者老鼠得吱吱声。

    The Japanese sound effect for a chirp or peep, made by small birds or rodents.

  16. 表示一种小鸟的叫声,或者老鼠的吱吱声。

    The Japanese sound effect for a chirp or peep, made by small birds or rodents.

  17. 当胖女人坐在椅子上时, 椅子发出吱吱声。

    The chair gave a groan when fat woman sat down.

  18. 当那个胖女人坐下时, 椅子发出吱吱声。

    The chair a groan when the heavy woman sat down.

  19. 操作杆进一步弯曲,线轴发出刺耳的吱吱声。

    The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted.

  20. 对于第三组,她则假装吱吱声是偶然发生的。

    With a third group, she activated the squeak as if by accident.

  21. 我的脚轮流踩在厚厚的雪地上,发出单调的吱吱声。

    My feet took turns kicking at the thick snow, making a dull squeaking sound.

  22. 我得脚轮流踩在厚厚得雪地上,发出单调得吱吱声。

    My feet took turns kicking at the thick snow, making a dull squeaking sound.

  23. 看不见我时, 惊慌的吱吱声轻轻地叫个不停。

    When it lost sight of me, its tiny panicked peeps would fill the air.

  24. 对于第三组孩子,她展示发出吱吱声好像意外发出一样。

    With a third group, she activated the squeak as if by accident.

  25. 伴随这因生锈而发出的吱吱声,两扇钢门打开了。

    With a rusty squeak, a pair of steel doors slid open.

  26. 伴随这因生锈而发出的吱吱声,两扇钢门打开了。

    With a rusty squeak, a pair of steel doors slid open.

  27. 从出生开始,海豚就会发出瓜瓜声,哨音,咔嗒声和吱吱声。

    Starting from birth, dolphins squawk, whistle, click, and squeak.

  28. 他们不过听到几个俄国人靴子在雪地上的吱吱声。

    Every time they hear a few Russian felt boots swishing in the snow.

  29. 面对第三组时, 她装出偶然让玩具发出吱吱声的样子。

    With a third group, she activated the squeak as if by accident.

  30. 当糖果一倾倒完一特大袋,那里有一阵很明显的吱吱声

    Once when Goody emptied an extra big bagful, there was a decided squeak.


  1. 问:吱吱声拼音怎么拼?吱吱声的读音是什么?吱吱声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吱吱声的读音是,吱吱声翻译成英文是 squeak



吱吱声 zhīzhīshēng 〖frizzle〗∶烹饪时发出的咝咝响声 在楼下,我能够听到油煎腌猪肉时发出的吱吱声 〖cheep〗∶微弱而尖细的叫声(如小鸟或小鼠的)