




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:chéng rán








  1. 确实如此。

    唐 柳宗元 《非国语下·韩宣子忧贫》:“ 叔向 言贫之可以安,则诚然;其 言欒 书之德,则悖而不信。”《金史·后妃传上·海陵嫡母徒单氏》:“ 海陵 侍太后于宫中,外极恭顺……见者以为至孝,太后亦以为诚然。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·忽然想到(四)》:“先前,听到二十四史不过是‘相斫书’,是‘独夫的家谱’一类的话,便以为诚然。后来自己看起来,明白了:何尝如此。”

  2. 果真;实在。

    明 冯惟敏 《不伏老》第一折:“[末略念科]诚然老作家!诚然老作家!好笔仗!大学问,深意味。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“﹝ 满贵 ﹞道:‘你一向出外不归,只道是流落他乡,岂知却能挣扎,得第做官回来!诚然是与宗族争气的。’” 叶圣陶 《潘先生在难中》:“他的运气诚然不坏,赶到车站一看,并没有火车不开的通告。”

  3. 固然(引起下文转折)。

    《老残游记》第三回:“又一人道:‘ 佐臣 酷虐是诚然酷虐,然 曹州府 的民情也实在可恨。’” 郭沫若 《浪漫主义》:“ 鲁迅 诚然是一位现实主义的伟大作家,但未尝没有浓厚的浪漫主义的成分,甚至于可以说是一半对一半吧。” 冯雪峰 《雪峰寓言·狼和他的尾巴》:“一条尾巴对于一个狼诚然不重要,可是一个狼而没有一条尾巴,那人家又要讲闲话了,说我穷得连一条尾巴都养不起!”



  1. Admittedly, this month there appears to be a surprise element to what happens that makes it hard to have planned for.


  2. Although the Smoot-Hawley tariff did not cause the Great Depression, it contributed to its severity by provoking widespread retaliation.


  3. He's a great deal of fun, to be sure, but he's also one of the loneliest men in the galaxy.


  4. A symbol, indeed, assumes two planes, two worlds of ideas and sensations, and a dictionary of correspondences between them.


  5. Certainly, it has failed to live up to once common expectations that it could be the next Taiwan or South Korea.


  6. Certainly, credit was extended to unworthy borrowers, but the baby is now being thrown out with the bath water.


  7. While I can't even begin to imagine the trauma that Pena endured, I hope that running gave him a little bit of daily solace.


  8. To be certain, the contraband rice trade is at this point simply an anecdote, however widely bandied about in the grain market.


  9. Personally though, I'm a fan of what Millar did with the superhero genre in the comics, and I'd really like to see more of that.


  1. 诚然它有它的技巧。

    It has its technique.

  2. 诚然它有它得技巧。

    It has its technique.

  3. 诚然,我在谈论你。

    To be honest,I was talking about you.

  4. 诚然,专家必不可少

    Expertise has for sure had its moments.

  5. 这孩子诚然懂礼貌。

    This child really does know how to be polite.

  6. 这孩子诚然懂礼貌。

    This child really does know how to be polite.

  7. 诚然是有天赋,聪明,有决心

    Talented and smart and determined.

  8. 诚然, 他不是爱因斯坦。

    to be sure, he is no Einstein.

  9. 诚然, 这个进程还没有完成。

    It is true that this process has not been completed.

  10. 诚然, 孩子身上没有生理缺陷。

    Certainly there was no physical defect.

  11. 诚然,我们的国家未能量入为出。

    Yes, our countries have been living beyond our means.

  12. 诚然那些星星, 她们都在消逝

    Coz all of the stars, are fading away

  13. 诚然, 这是一种能促进足球。

    Admittedly, it is a way to promote soccer.

  14. 诚然经济萧条已经逐步在减弱。

    Admittedly, the recession has been a bit of a dampener.

  15. 诚然,苏格拉底想安慰我们。

    Socrates tried to soothe us, true enough.

  16. 诚然,这是个有些俗套的问题。

    Yes, that's a tacky question.

  17. 诚然,这不是她最好看的相貌。

    Granted, it's not her best look.

  18. 诚然,这不是她最好看的相貌。

    Granted, it's not her best look.

  19. 诚然,这不是她最好看的相貌。

    Granted, it's not her best look.

  20. 诚然,亚洲人有些事情做对了。

    Indeed, Asians have some things right.

  21. 诚然, 最终成本可能高出估值。

    True, costs are likely to end up higher.

  22. 诚然,这种联系可能站不住脚。

    To be sure, the connection could be spurious.

  23. 诚然,解放奴隶确实需要花一些钱。

    Liberation, however, costs some money.

  24. 诚然,并非的动物试验都是残酷的。

    Admittedly, not all animal experimentations are cruel.

  25. 诚然, 现代的基督徒们不那么粗暴了。

    It is true that the modern Christians are less robust.

  26. 这诚然是一种负面效果的背书。

    A kind of negative endorsement, true.

  27. 诚然,这样做对过去的丑闻于事无补。

    True, this will not help with past scandals.

  28. 诚然我们要自由, 但是我们必须服从法律。

    Indeed we want freedom, but we must obey laws.

  29. 她喜爱她的小狗,那小狗也诚然可爱。

    She loves her puppy, and the puppy really is adorable.

  30. 诚然, 它或许是如此, 但并不经常如此。

    I it may be so, but it is not so always.


  1. 问:诚然拼音怎么拼?诚然的读音是什么?诚然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诚然的读音是chéngrán,诚然翻译成英文是 truly; admittedly



诚然,副词,多用于古文中。 同名人物诚然,男,中国作家协会会员,黑龙江省大兴安岭地区作家协会副主席。长期投入小说、散文、评论、剧本创作。