




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:gù rán







3.表示承认甲事实,也肯定乙 事实:建设社会主义,没有高度的民主~不行,没有高度的集中也不行。



  1. 本来就如此。

    《左传·定公元年》:“ 践土 固然。”《楚辞·离骚》:“鷙鸟之不羣兮,自前世而固然。” 明 方孝孺 《赠卢信道序》:“此岂特 朱子 为然哉,自 孔子 以来固然矣。”

  2. 指事物的自然形态。

    《庄子·养生主》:“依乎天理,批大郤,导大窾,因其固然。”《淮南子·览冥训》:“不彰其功,不扬其声,隐真人之道,以从天地之固然。” 高诱 注:“固,自然也。” 明 陆时雍 《诗镜·总论》:“柳碧桃红,梅清竹素,各有固然。”

  3. 当然,理应如此。

    宋 秦观 《李固论》:“此亦理之必至,事之固然,无足恠也。” 宋 洪迈 《容斋三笔·择福莫若重》:“夫孳孳为善,君子之所固然,何至於纵意为恶,而特以不丽於刑为得计哉?” 清 侯方域 《颜真卿论》:“ 玄宗 即位, 宋璟 不知其非也。浸假而至于 灵 武 之事,天下益以为固然矣。”

  4. 副词。犹诚然、虽然。表示承认某个事实,引起下文转折。

    《红楼梦》第七七回:“但那一包人参,固然是上好的,只是年代太陈。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·采薇》:“这两种传说,固然略有些不同,但打了胜仗,却似乎确实的。”

  5. 副词。犹诚然、虽然。表示承认甲事实,也不否认乙事实。

    清 李渔 《怜香伴·闻试》:“若説是你的浑家,固然不可,若竟説没有夫家,也难止他的妄念。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致萧军》:“‘自卑’固然不好,‘自负’也不好。”



  1. Although mankind's need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use.


  2. The bottom line. It's important to look neat, clean and professional. But, at least for women, try to speed up the process.


  3. Childhood is better, but, after all, life is only a starting point, naive, simple, and can only belong to the starting point of ignorance.


  4. While there are many different interpretation of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal.


  5. The unborn baby 's "right to life" , enshrined in the constitution, did not take precedence over Miss D's right to travel, it suggested.


  6. The old man is not rich, to be sure, but he is ready to help others.


  7. Though DS passes a signal of violence, a rashly abolition might passes sort of appeasement signal, or, compromise to heinous criminals.


  8. it was a long way, but I rode fast, for young men, as no doubt the Signora knows, are impatient.


  9. He got to the destination all right, but he was so very tired that he had to give up the idea of climbing the hills.


  1. 薪水固然重要。

    Salary is of course important.

  2. 爱国之心固然可嘉。

    Fondness for a coutry is all very lovely.

  3. 这个固然好, 那个更好。

    No doubt this is good, that is better.

  4. 固然没有人会赞助我。

    Naturally, nobody wanted to fund my research.

  5. 他固然年轻, 但他很称职。

    He is indeed young, but he is competent.

  6. 书籍的起源固然很重要

    The dawn of books is, of course, important.

  7. 他固然谨慎, 也同样热心。

    His prudence is parallel to his zeal.

  8. 出身固然重要,教养更且重要

    Birth is much, but breeding is more

  9. 聪明固然好, 但勤奋更好。

    It is good to be clever, but it is better to be industrious.

  10. 真话固然美好, 谎话亦然。

    Truth is beautiful without doubt, and so is lie.

  11. 说得好固然好, 做得好才更好。

    Say well is good but do well is better.

  12. 圆心脚固然总坐在中心。

    And though it in the centre sit.

  13. 干燥固然好有风就更好

    Get the kids and bring a sweater Dry is good and wind is better

  14. 原子固然小,电子却更校。

    Small as atoms are, electrons are still smaller.

  15. 蛇固然有毒, 但可以入药。

    Snake can be used as medicine in spite of its poison.

  16. 每种机制固然各有利弊。

    Each type of mechanism has inherent advantages and disadvantages.

  17. 固然同时它是非常不变的。

    It also very stable.

  18. 硬件固然重要, 软件却是关键。

    The hardware is important, but the software is crucial.

  19. 魅力固然重要, 努力工作也同样重要。

    Charisma is important, but so is hard work.

  20. 在我们的生命中,结果固然重要。

    In our lives, results do matter.

  21. 大卫长得漂亮,这固然很好

    Lord David war schoen, um so besser.

  22. 固然, 病情很少有发展到这种情况。

    This is a rare development, to be sure.

  23. 你们心灵固然愿意, 肉体却软弱了。

    The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

  24. 这固然不能让他们改了脾性。

    Which has no effect on their dispositions.

  25. 这样办固然可以,但就是需要时间。

    Admittedly, you can do this but it will take time.

  26. 这样办固然可以,但就是需要时间。

    Admittedly, you can do this but it will take time.

  27. 理想主义固然浪漫,但现实更为理智。

    Idealism is romantic, but reality is more sobering.

  28. 分析固然有价值, 但仅有分析就够了?

    Analysis is valuable, but is it enough

  29. 价格固然重要,但资金使用效果更重要。

    The value is admittedly fundamental, but capital use effect is mainer.

  30. 事业固然重要,但家庭也不可忽视。

    There's no doubt that work is important, but you can't neglect your family over it.


  1. 问:固然拼音怎么拼?固然的读音是什么?固然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:固然的读音是gùrán,固然翻译成英文是 admittedly; no doubt