




1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……







汉语拼音:wàng qí suǒ yǐ








  • 【解释】:指因过分兴奋或得意而忘了应有的举止。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言·勘皮靴单证二郎神》:“夫人倾身配奉,忘其所以。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. But some of those little attentions and encouragements which ladies can so easily give will fix him in spite of himself.


  1. 我准是疯了,那样地忘其所以。

    I must have been mad to forget myself like that.

  2. 我跟几个朋友在一起, 兴奋得忘其所以。

    I was with a couple of friends and we got carried away with all the excitement.

  3. 每次他打麻将赢钱得时候都会高兴得忘其所以。

    Whenever he wins money in mahjong, he is so happy that he forgets himself.

  4. 每次他打麻将赢钱的时候都会高兴得忘其所以。

    Whenever he wins money in mahjong, he is so happy that he forgets himself.

  5. 每次他打麻将赢钱的时候都会高兴得忘其所以。

    Whenever he wins money in mahjong, he is so happy that he forgets himself.

  6. 利之所在,忘其所恶广告负面影响新透视。

    Profits Lie While Ignoring Its Bad EffectsNew Assay On Ads Negative Effect.

  7. 其所以如此,杜卡基斯与布什都有责任。

    Dukakis and George Bush are responsible.

  8. 其所以有一种扣人心弦的强烈的情调是因为她住在那里。

    What gave it an air of breathless intensity was that Daisy lived there.

  9. 所以其特点与贸易自由化不可分割。

    So its characteristics and the trade liberalism indivisibility.

  10. 我工作很忙,忘记时间了,所以忘交作业了。

    I was busy with work and lost track of time and forgot to submit my assignment.

  11. 所以其教化思想中,有许多关于心性的论述。

    Therefore, there are many discussions on the mind in his thinking of edification.

  12. 肯特的爸爸说他儿子生病了, 所以忘了戴安全帽。

    Kent's father said his son was ill and forgot to wear it.

  13. 肯特得爸爸说他儿子生病了,所以忘了戴安全帽。

    Kent's father said his son was ill and forgot to wear it.

  14. 睡眠占去那么多时间,所以其作用似乎还是很重要。

    and because there is so much of it the function would seem to be important.

  15. 由于膜片本身周围边缘固定, 所以其防振性较好。

    As the diaphragm itself is fixed around the edges, so its vibration is better.

  16. 但这个前提是伪命题, 所以其推论的结果并不会发生。

    But this premise is the false proposition, therefore its deduction's result will not occur.

  17. 因为他把她生日忘了, 所以她罚他洗碗。

    She made him do the washingup as penance for forgetting her birthday.

  18. 万事万物都有其两面性, 所以, 勿庸置疑,

    There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that.

  19. 行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能

    Harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature and enhance his abilities

  20. 我打算把照相簿带来,可是忘了,所以我们去把它取来。

    I meant to bring the album along, but I forgot, so we went and fetched it.

  21. 她以其无私忘我赢得了我们的尊敬。

    She win our respect for her selflessness.

  22. 所以请忘了你们之前看到的一切。

    So please try and forget what you have read up until now.

  23. 所以请忘了你们之前看到得一切。

    So please try and forget what you have read up until now.

  24. 主队身材更高,所以比其对手更有优势。

    The home team an edge over its opponents because it was taller.

  25. 所以与其审察电影业不如教育好家长吧。

    So rather than censor the film industry, perhaps they should educate parents.

  26. 爱是如此开心所以竟然忘了问老者他的名字

    Love became very happy that she even forgot to ask the elder his name.

  27. 会议是严肃而认真的,所以将其定义为纯正的白色。

    The meeting is solemn and earnest, so I define it as the white for purity.

  28. 由于并不需要这个处理循环,所以将其从协作中去除。

    As this processing loop is not required, it is unhooked from the collaboration.

  29. 这是你的首要目的,所以不要忘了在信的末尾问上一句。

    This is your primary goal, so dont forget to ask for one at the end of your letter.

  30. 因其没有接收机, 所以无法收看一般电视节目。

    TV monitor has no tuner and is not capable of receiving offair or CATV signals without additional equipment.


  1. 问:忘其所以拼音怎么拼?忘其所以的读音是什么?忘其所以翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忘其所以的读音是wàngqísuǒyǐ,忘其所以翻译成英文是 To forget oneself, be beyond oneself.




【拼音】wàng qí suǒ yǐ






【英文】forget oneself