







汉语拼音:měi nián







  1. Acturally, there is a festival during a year, it's nice, to be a fool in that day is a happiness thing at least, I just think.


  2. Fertilizer sales have continued to grow by more than 10 percent a year.


  3. The Audit Committee convenes meetings at least twice a year.


  4. In government programs, waste is rewarded as budgets are often determined by how much money a department is able to consume in a year.


  5. Under the system Buffett put in place when he announced his massive donation, the number of shares he hands over declines by 5% a year.


  6. How much is his annal income and what will be the amount you will receive annually?


  7. How much money do members of the UN give each year to help victims of war and natural disaster ?


  8. Fund managers meet executive directors twice a year for an hour and expect to understand what is going on.


  9. The work there was seasonal, and there was a great deal of hardship among the employees when they were laid off each winter.


  1. 每年平均每

    Much does the average person donate to charity per year.

  2. 每年的会费

    Yearly subscription.

  3. 每年12到15次。

    10 to 15 launches per year.

  4. 每年更新期

    yearly renewable term.

  5. 每年整修费

    annual improvement factor.

  6. 每人每年25公斤。

    It's 23 kilograms per person per year.

  7. 每年偿还贷款

    Operating loans paid in full every year.

  8. 目录每年更新。

    The catalogue is updated every year.

  9. 两万亿每年。

    Two trillion a year.

  10. 每年三千亿

    298 billion dollars a year.

  11. 每年报税表格

    annual returns.

  12. 每年的6月5日。

    That's on June 3 every year.

  13. 每年的一年一次的

    an annual event annul t.

  14. 固定资产每年清查

    annual inventory of fixed assets

  15. 每年端午节过后。

    every year after the Chinese dragon boat festival.

  16. 每年可动用收入

    annual disposable income

  17. 蛇每年都脱皮。

    The skin is all taken off in snake every year.

  18. 这些树每年结实。

    These trees fruit annually.

  19. 每年年底结帐。

    The account is settled at the end of every year.

  20. 我们每年休假30天。

    Our annual leave is thirty days.

  21. 有些蛇每年蜕皮。

    Some snakes shed their skin each year.

  22. 保险费每年150美元。

    The premium is 148 dollars per year.

  23. 她每年得到加薪。

    She receives a salary increment each year.

  24. 蝉每年春天蜕皮。

    A cicada sloughs off its old skin every spring.

  25. 输出每年超过输入。

    Exports yearly exceed imports.

  26. 我们每年长大一点。

    Year by year we grow a little older.

  27. 每年洁牙一次。

    Have your teeth whitened yearly.

  28. 鹿每年都蜕角。

    Deer shed their antlers each year.

  29. 公债每年抽签偿还。

    The bonds are redeemable by annual drawings.

  30. 她每年都拿第一。

    She wins every year.


  1. 问:每年七月拼音怎么拼?每年七月的读音是什么?每年七月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年七月的读音是Měinián qīyuè,每年七月翻译成英文是 each/ every July

  2. 问:每年拼音怎么拼?每年的读音是什么?每年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年的读音是měinián,每年翻译成英文是 every year; annual; annually

  3. 问:每年的拼音怎么拼?每年的的读音是什么?每年的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年的的读音是,每年的翻译成英文是 yearly

  4. 问:每年两次拼音怎么拼?每年两次的读音是什么?每年两次翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年两次的读音是,每年两次翻译成英文是 biyearly

  5. 问:每年常会拼音怎么拼?每年常会的读音是什么?每年常会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年常会的读音是měi nián cháng huì,每年常会翻译成英文是 regular annual session

  6. 问:每年两次的拼音怎么拼?每年两次的的读音是什么?每年两次的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年两次的的读音是,每年两次的翻译成英文是 biannual

  7. 问:每年卖回权拼音怎么拼?每年卖回权的读音是什么?每年卖回权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年卖回权的读音是měinián màihuíquán,每年卖回权翻译成英文是 annual put

  8. 问:每年平均数拼音怎么拼?每年平均数的读音是什么?每年平均数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年平均数的读音是měi nián píng jūn shù,每年平均数翻译成英文是 yearly average

  9. 问:每年更新期拼音怎么拼?每年更新期的读音是什么?每年更新期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年更新期的读音是měi nián gēng xīn qī,每年更新期翻译成英文是 yearly renewable term

  10. 问:每年续保制拼音怎么拼?每年续保制的读音是什么?每年续保制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年续保制的读音是měi nián xù bǎo zhì,每年续保制翻译成英文是 yearly renewable term

  11. 问:每年续保期拼音怎么拼?每年续保期的读音是什么?每年续保期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年续保期的读音是měi nián xù bǎo qī,每年续保期翻译成英文是 yearly renewable term

  12. 问:每年落叶的拼音怎么拼?每年落叶的的读音是什么?每年落叶的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年落叶的的读音是,每年落叶的翻译成英文是 deciduous

  13. 问:每年续保条件拼音怎么拼?每年续保条件的读音是什么?每年续保条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年续保条件的读音是měi nián xù bǎo tiáo jiàn,每年续保条件翻译成英文是 yearly renewable term

  14. 问:每年作业总时间拼音怎么拼?每年作业总时间的读音是什么?每年作业总时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年作业总时间的读音是měi nián zuò yè zǒng shí jiān,每年作业总时间翻译成英文是 Total Annual Operating Time

  15. 问:每年一度的冲积层拼音怎么拼?每年一度的冲积层的读音是什么?每年一度的冲积层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年一度的冲积层的读音是mĕiniányīdùdechōngjīcéng,每年一度的冲积层翻译成英文是 varve

  16. 问:每年会计年度终了拼音怎么拼?每年会计年度终了的读音是什么?每年会计年度终了翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年会计年度终了的读音是měi nián kuài jì nián dù zhōng liǎo,每年会计年度终了翻译成英文是 end of each fiscal year

  17. 问:每年训练设备储备拼音怎么拼?每年训练设备储备的读音是什么?每年训练设备储备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年训练设备储备的读音是měi nián xùn liàn shè bèi chǔ bèi,每年训练设备储备翻译成英文是 Annual Training Equipment Pools

  18. 问:每年财政年度终了拼音怎么拼?每年财政年度终了的读音是什么?每年财政年度终了翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每年财政年度终了的读音是měi nián cái zhèng nián dù zhōng liǎo,每年财政年度终了翻译成英文是 end of each fiscal year