


不安全:~险。~殆。~言(a.故意说吓人的话;b.直言)。~难(nàn )。~如累(lěi )卵。损害:~害。~及。高的,陡的:~石。~樯。使人惊奇的:~言耸听。端正的,正直的:正襟~坐。“邦有道,~言~行”。指人临死:病~。垂~。星名,二……









汉语拼音:wēi qíng shí rì



  1. 网络
  2. Misery;THE MISERY;My All

  1. 在九月十日

    On the tenth of September.

  2. 会议於六月十日结束。

    The conference was closed on June 10.

  3. 今天是九月十日。

    Today is the first of September.

  4. 十日后, 箭伤愈合。

    Ten days later, Guan's wound got healed.

  5. 十日后,箭伤愈合。

    Ten days later, Guan's wound got healed.

  6. 会议于六月十日结束。

    The conference was closed on June 10.

  7. 十月十日是国定假日。

    October tenth is a national holiday.

  8. 议会休会到二月十日。

    The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February.

  9. 今天是2009年十月十日星期一。

    Its Monday, October the10th,2009.

  10. 我们收到了您十日得来函。

    We are in receipt of your letter of the 10 th.

  11. 我们收到了您十日的来函。

    We are in receipt of your letter of the 10 th.

  12. 十日谈中的喜剧精神与悲剧精神

    Comic and Tragic Spirit in The Decameron.

  13. 王先生于十月十日按进抵达北京。

    Mr. Wang arrived in Beijing October tenth on schedule

  14. 四月十日那一周我会在杭州。

    I will be in the Hangzhou area the week of April 10.

  15. 十日谈的理论基础和道德原则浅析

    On the Rationale and Moral Principle in Decameron

  16. 该出价有效期至我们的时间十月十日。

    The offer holds good till October l0th our time.

  17. 邀请已收到,票已订,十月十日抵达北京。

    Invitation receive ticket booked arrive Beijing October tenth.

  18. 该报盘有效期至我地时间十月十日。

    The offer holds good till October l 0 th our time.

  19. 谢谢您九月十日寄给我们得样品。

    Thank you for the samples, which you sent to us on Sep. 8.

  20. 谢谢您九月十日寄给我们的样品。

    Thank you for the samples, which you sent to us on Sep.10.

  21. 她是一九六五年十月十日出生的。

    She was born on October 10, 1965.

  22. 该报盘以贵公司十日内复到有效。

    The offer is subject to your reply reaching here within ten days.

  23. 在二月十日, 发生了一件损失重大的事件。

    A more costly incident took place on February tenth.

  24. 十月十日这天, 我们会将国旗悬挂在窗户旁。

    On the tenth of october, we hang the national flag by our window.

  25. 十日来电,务请认真考虑,否则事情会越发严重。

    Your 10 th special consideration earnestly request,as otherwise serious development fear.

  26. 十月十日中华民国国庆日。本周上机课暂停一次。

    Oct 8 Birthday of R. O. C. No class today.

  27. 第九年十月初十日,耶和华的话又临到我说

    Again in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, the word of the LORD came unto me, saying

  28. 公牛队和魔术队一月十日比赛的票还有吗?

    Do you still have tickets for the bulls and the magic on January tenth?

  29. 从意大利基督教会的世俗化趋向读解十日谈。

    The Decamerom deciphered in the light of the seculzarizing tendency of the Italian Christian church.

  30. 您那有四张四月十日晚上那场剧包厢的戏票 吗

    Do you have four box seats available for the evening of April 10 for the play


  1. 问:危情十日拼音怎么拼?危情十日的读音是什么?危情十日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:危情十日的读音是Wēiqíng Shírì,危情十日翻译成英文是 Misery




中文名 危情十日 外文名 Misery 其它译名 苦难、米塞莉、战栗游戏 出品时间 1990年 制片地区 美国 导 演 罗伯·莱纳 编 剧 威廉姆·高德曼、斯蒂芬·金 制片人 Steve Nicolaides 类 型 剧情,惊悚,悬疑 主 演 詹姆斯·卡恩,凯茜·贝茨,理查德·法恩斯沃斯,弗兰西斯·斯特恩哈根,劳伦·白考尔,罗伯·莱纳 片 长 107分钟 上映时间 1990年11月30日 对白语言 英语 色 彩 彩色 imdb编码 tt0100157