


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:diào qiǎn







  1. 调派,差遣。

    《宋史·理宗纪四》:“詔选精鋭 招信 、 泗州 千人, 扬州 拱卫军千人, 安丰 、 濠州 各千百人,赴京听调遣。”《水浒传》第六三回:“早奏朝廷,调遣精兵,前来救应。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第二章:“因为最近他已被提升为大掌柜,又新调来两个鬼子听他调遣。”



  1. By means of conscripting labor, moving troops and recruiting famine refugee, the question of labor was settled.


  2. To advance(two military units) by engaging one with the enemy while moving the other to a position forward of the first unit.


  3. Yes -- if Darcy does not put it off again. But I am at his disposal. He arranges the business just as he pleases.


  4. And once you over-learn whatever it is you're studying, you'll always be prepared to employ the information or skill at a moment's notice.


  5. Richard Phillips was eventually rescued in an operation co-ordinated by the American navy, in which snipers killed his assailants.


  6. Ron knew them so well he never had trouble getting them to do what he wanted.


  7. She sat at a large desk, with any number of civil servants at the end of a telephone, there to do her every bidding.


  8. The Metropolitan Police confirmed that officers from five forces outside the capital had been deployed to help contain the aggression.


  9. Soldiers are often left in the dark as to where they will be deployed or what they will be expected to do.


  1. 他总是听从调遣。

    He always accepts the assignments.

  2. 我们听候你的调遣。

    We will follow your commands.

  3. 部队被调遣到各处。

    Troops were dispatched in all directions.

  4. 不过我得听他调遣。

    But I am at his disposal.

  5. 我会听从组织的调遣。

    I'll accept the organization's assignment.

  6. 经理应有权调遣下属。

    Managers should have authority to command their subordinates.

  7. 我在星期日前听你调遣。

    I am at your disposal until Sunday.

  8. 你去调遣紧急事件反应小组。

    You alert CIRG.

  9. 你今晚听我调遣,好的

    You're with me tonight. Yes.

  10. 调遣了三辆消防车去救火。

    Three fire engines were dispatched to combat the blaze.

  11. 他们说是调遣到埃格斯

    They said it was a redeployment to Eggers.

  12. 不过今天敌人的调遣比较单调。

    But today the enemys manoeuvring was more monotonous.

  13. 你现在听我调遣 直到我满意为止

    Your ass is mine until i say otherwise.

  14. 美军调遣部队袭击了一所房屋。

    US troops line up to storm a house.

  15. 政府已调遣若干陆军精锐战斗部队。

    The government has mobilized several of the army's top combat units.

  16. 我不甘心接受这些党阀的调遣。

    I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses.

  17. 调遣部得编辑是一些后勤专家。

    Assignment desk editors are logistics experts.

  18. 调遣部的编辑是一些后勤专家。

    Assignment desk editors are logistics experts.

  19. 军队已经做好准备,随时待命,接受调遣。

    The troops are standing by and ready to be deployed.

  20. 军队已经做好准备,随时待命,接受调遣。

    The troops are standing by and ready to be deployed.

  21. 在过去的三个星期中军队在作调遣。

    Troops have been mobilising for the past three weeks.

  22. 然后塞尔维亚的盟国俄罗斯,开始调遣军队。

    And then Russia, due to its alliance with the Serbs, mobilized its army.

  23. 没有国会的完全同意,他不应该调遣美国军队。

    He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.

  24. 我们仍然听从各方和所有欧安组织成员的调遣。

    We remain at the disposal of all the parties and all OSCE member States.

  25. 调遣,换防陆上部队或海上部队所作的战略或战术移动

    A strategic or tactical military or naval movement.

  26. 如果她打算主持舞会并需要帮助, 我将听其调遣。

    If she is going to preside over the dancing party and need some help, Ill be at her disposal.

  27. 有关部门还将调遣5000警力保护犹太学校和犹太教堂。

    The authorities also sent5,000 police officers to protect Jewish schools and synagogues.

  28. 调遣为了战略目的而对军队, 船只或飞机部署的变化

    A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.

  29. 罗马四面受敌,只得调遣军队来保卫帝国仅存的部分。

    Being attacked on all sides, Rome had to call back her armies to protect what was left of the empire.

  30. 菲茨西蒙斯调遣军队的一些校友8000名志愿人员到外地。

    Fitzsimmons dispatches an army of some8,000 alumni volunteers into the field.


  1. 问:调遣拼音怎么拼?调遣的读音是什么?调遣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调遣的读音是diàoqiǎn,调遣翻译成英文是 assign

  2. 问:调遣官拼音怎么拼?调遣官的读音是什么?调遣官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调遣官的读音是diào qiǎn guān,调遣官翻译成英文是 Maneuvering Officer



diào qiǎn 动词 同义词:派遣,调动,差遣


[dispatch;assign] 调动派遣 调遣兵马;听从调遣